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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Start by saying well done Jim Spence,you went right up in my estimations after tonight.

You're spot on hellbhoy.

You really have to laugh at how the Rangers fans are getting brainwashed,Green was the only man that actually put a proper bid on the table.He may not be what everyone wants,and have strange ways of doing things at times...but the long and the short of it is he has done everything he said he would.Proposed a cva,if that failed would buy the club and bring them back as a newco.

Now all of a sudden after Greens only just aquired the club up comes Wonder Walter,with his merry band of big bucks backers.They seemed to be hell of coincidental in their timing that the club had officially just been liquidated,and McCoist is being rumoured to be walking before Green pushes him.

Have to say it all smells a bit funny,Walter has a chat with coisty to get him on board anyone?...then the pressure of making sure the fans don't buy any season tickets,therefore putting more pressure on Green to sell him the club.Well Walter,if you think that Rangers should be run by Rangers minded people,where were you the last 4 months...no where..that's where.You and your consortium didn't want to have the death of Rangers hanging over your heads,so let Green do all the dirty work for you,then hound him out the door.

You forget some things mind you,you have shown your hand to him.Green is sitting with all the aces.He said he wants back multiple what he paid for it,so you're looking at around £15-£20m for it...ok,so you put more pressure on him to sell as he has no income coming in.That is when Mr Green plays his final BIG ACE......the one where he reminds you he owns Ibrox,Murray park and the carparks.He then sells them out from under you to businesses out with football for the money he is looking for.Yes,he will do this just to spite you for all the backstabbing bullshit and pressure you are putting on him.

I hear many say that Ibrox can't be sold for anything other than football......oh yes it can,according to the little tax lady tonight,he can sell everything to whom ever he wants,and when queried about building being listed and such she said that getting planning permission can be obtained,as situations are there to be able to turn these around.

So there you go Rangers fans....you should remember a little saying of not biting the hand that feeds you.Green has been there for you,while Walter and co haven't.If they loved Rangers that much they would have saved your club without it going into liquidation,as some of the backers have more than enough to be able to do this quite comfortably.Sadly they didn't,but now want to be seen as the saviours.

They basically are wanting to cheat their way back into the SPL the way they cheated you out of it.Only this time with no debt,and a 2 fingered wave to every other club in Scotland.

It is time to wake up to them,and make sure you know what your getting yourselves back into.

Good post, have a Hughie for that.

The only other thing to mention about yesterday's events is how Jabba got hie Retard "exclusive" on Sally walking away, allegedly being "pushed out the door" by Green. Pathetic skullduggery. Jabba was on the radio yesterday and this topic came up, the interviewer asked him how he got the story and Traynor's reply was that you only get these type of stories" by cultivating contacts over periods of years". My arse.

The Cardigan got Traynor to plant the story to get the knuckledraggers primed and foaming at the mouth over McCoist, then Watty comes along on his white charger to save the day.

And if the Cardigan / McColl / Park bid wins the day, who will be the favoured Succulent to do the spinning and propaganda ?

Yup, Jim Traynor.................again.

Makes me boak. No wonder this country is fvcked.

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Why would he pay tax when he lives in Monaco?

Does Romanov pay tax on his wealth in this country?

There is a residency qualification. Think it has to average less than 90 days in the UK each year. Then you are not paying tax as a UK resident.

So how much is Romanov here?

As for Whyte?

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Absolutely belting TV last night - 2 games of football and 2 programmes on the car crash that is Rangers. Dream schedule surely.

BBC much better than STV but then what's new

Good guys: Jim Spence, Tom English, Mark Daly

Wanks: That Rangers blogger, Gordon Smith, Michael Kelly, That Rangers Historian, That Herald Journalist

Straight bat: Douglas Fraser, The financial woman and the other talking head types on BBC who were wallpaper

Decent analysis of the individuals involved in both programmes. But you've missed out who you'd shag from those lists.

I'd place in that category: The financial woman and

Jim Spence

Obviously biggrin.gif

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After the last 24 hours, its time they were erased from Scottish football/society permanently. The bully tactics of Cardigan and company just show what kind of arrogant scumbags they all are.

They are not better than any of us, they are not and never were the people. Die forever please.

SFA and SPL - If you allow this pantomime to continue on your heads be it. YOU will kill Scottish football.

They simply do not deserve sympathy. Their sheer arrogance and lack of humility has killed them. Even their semi-reasonable fans cant resist making whataboutery comments. Time they were gone forever. Its getting ridiculous now.

Edited by ReasonableGeezer
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Is anyone else starting to warm to Charles Green now after yesterday? biggrin.gif

At least Green admits he's only in it to make money. He's been upfront about that. Not sure he knows what he's actually bought though. Maybe the liquidators can still sell off the buildings from under his nose? After all, there’s a lot of very unhappy people who are owed a lot of dosh. And does he have a team or even an SFL licence? And are FIFA still miffed about the court case? A mess.

Whatever, I'd be much happier to hear 'Ilkley Moor' (and see a bit of Morris dancing) at Ibrox than to hear some inane chanting aboot a sash smile.gif

Edited by Danish Pastry
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Michael Kelly is also an utter c**t of a man. Only bothered about keeping his bigotfest Old Firm game and wanting Celtic to be handed the titles Rangers won unfairly so that his arse cheek can say they have won more than the recently deceased arse cheek. He represents the worst of Celtic and how the f**k he got on TV god only knows.

I think he was the worst of all of them, even worse than the Rangers' men.

"We want their titles!" followed by "Who the hell would want to watch football in Peterhead or Brechin???"

Every time he opened his mouth, diaorrhea poured out. Totally repugnant.

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There is a residency qualification. Think it has to average less than 90 days in the UK each year. Then you are not paying tax as a UK resident.

So how much is Romanov here?

As for Whyte?

He wont be taking a salary from Hearts anyway, so there wouldnt be any tax to pay.

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Because Sky are not interested in the SPL without the OF. The SPL would have to look to the BBC or God forgive STV to come up with a deal. I am not sure you would get anything near 50% of the Sky)

So what would they fill the schedules with? What exactly do they use to fill in prime (if a bit early) telly time that will work out cheaper for them? Seriously, League of Wales or Irish League? Perhaps they`ll switch to the continent and get teams to accomodate them by kicking off early on a Saturday/Sunday morning. ignore of course existing TV contracts in those countries. Perhaps they could show something other than football..........netball, peever, lacrosse etc. Imagine the build up and the sdvertising of schedules.

That`s forgetting of course two things;

The main advertisers during Any football match are betting sites. They are`nt interested in anything other than football and they don`t seem overly concerned what football match is covered. First goalscorer in St Mirren v Killy pays the same as first scorer in Celtic v Newco.

Why should they even consider alienating a section of their viewers to save pennies. On a number of levels it would be stupid for them to shut out the national league of a country in which they have a huge footprint even if the product is`nt exactly what they would wish for.

They are businessmen and will play hardball but will happily come up with anything up to 75% of the existing offer and walk away laughing

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Even I shouted at the telly when that fekwit compared Aberdeen to RFC(deid) around sporting integrity and non-relegation. Aberdeen's benefit was entirely within the rules (even if Falkirk fans will say it was a fiddle, it was a fiddle within the rules) When was that? I'm only vaguely aware of it as I think I must have been working out of the country at that point.

I also don't remember the possibility of Aberdeen being relegated down to the Third Division or being chucked out the league to play Highland League (if they're lucky without any licence) as a consequence of set SPL rules, but aye, it's the same sort of situation rolleyes.gif

Additionally on the STV thing, do you really expect a good balanced debate when the majority of panelists are 'Rangers Men'? It's basically a diluted version of Rangers Media or Follow Follow, just not as comical.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Leggo is back on form today: http://leggoland2.bl...ow-sure-to.html

And I have got a wee word of advice for Charles Alexander Green, date of birth, 23, May, 1953. Be very careful your past does not start catching up with you now that the gloves are really off in this fight for the heart and soul of Rangers.

Does his midwife hold a grudge or something? :blink:

Loving you more every second Chuck.

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Got to love Wally and his Rangers die hards coming in at after the death and will make a mint, but not a murray mint, although nothing will be said against ol Dave, apparently everyone’s hand was illegally in the till the last few decades

Smith’s just joining in the free cash frenzy after fukcing the creditors, watch the various people trying to join the financial feast, at least the kids face painter got her cash.

Wonder if the Rangers rag dolling of the rest of Scottish football in regards any investigation and punishment will continue?

I think if the SPL / SFA and the rest of clubs apologise then watty might forget about the whole thing.

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"I am hugely disappointed Aberdeen are taking this stance, I understand they are reflecting the wishes of their supporters, but they have to look at the bigger picture. I would appeal to supporters of all clubs to put aside tribalism and hatred. Put themselves in the same position as Rangers supporters." Jimmy Calderwood

Get te f**k, Jimmy :guns

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Rangers fans are saying its not our fault. Well all us other fans thought something wasn't right (for the last 3/4 years at least). You will fall behind anyone who will further your belief that you are special. You are a football club that is that. My club lives within its means what about trying that, by the way pay your taxes to the country you claim to be so loyal too.

Thats it i feel better now.

I am seriously disappointed. I was hoping that by this stage Rangers fans would be blaming their demise on all the posters on Pie & Bovril.

We have tried our best to cut through all the bull. Tell people (from the start of the thread) that liquidation would happen, David Murray was worse than Whyte, Whyte was just dodgy - 100%, Miller, Green, Ng, TBK were all just oppotunists.

Yes some have been more consistent than the P&B melting, but by God we have been incessant and unwavering.

And given the current battle over the crumbs it is important we don't walk awy.

And we won't.

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I am seriously disappointed. I was hoping that by this stage Rangers fans would be blaming their demise on all the posters on Pie & Bovril.

We have tried our best to cut through all the bull. Tell people (from the start of the thread) that liquidation would happen, David Murray was worse than Whyte, Whyte was just dodgy - 100%, Miller, Green, Ng, TBK were all just oppotunists.

Yes some have been more consistent than the P&B melting, but by God we have been incessant and unwavering.

And given the current battle over the crumbs it is important we don't walk awy.

And we won't.

A stirring speech sir, my belly fills with pride.

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Get te f**k, Jimmy :guns

Is he not quite famously a Rangers fan?

I think this is the kind of rhetoric we'll have to look forward to in the next couple of weeks - might as well get used to it.

They've got their own agenda, we've got ours. Eyes on the prize and all that.

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