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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I can only partially agree that clubs screwed their finances due to the SDM model. It was a model used by othvuer clubs too, you only need to look at the trail of debts in the English leagues to see that Rangers weren't an exception. I don't balme Rangers for John Boyle splurging £9M. There was a culture of football debt spurred on by ever increasing revenues, this couldn't last forever.

The only solid numbers we will have is if we see companies either reduce contracts or there is a significant difference in realised value. There is also a quantifiable amount that Rangers bring due to their away support, no one knows how much support newco will get. So figures are vague right now but I think there is a consensus that the SPL is more valuable commercially with a fake Rangers compared to no Rangers.

If Rangers finishing outside promotion then they won't be promoted. Clubs will continue on and face financial dangers of an unattractive league. If they get relegated same thing, if they go bust the SFL still have £1M for TV rights and all the other good things they are getting from the deal and policing costs while higher for OF away supports are easily covered by the increased attendance.

Again I appreciate it grown up response but I will still disagree in that I don't think there is a consensus outside of MSN about what newco bring financially to other teams again what is contingency of the business plan failing?? What if the team fails on field and they finish bottom or mid table? Would it have been worth destroying basic integrity for a maybe financial gain?? In my lifetime rgc only had strong revenue streams when they cheated when they were forced to live within their means they won nowt and had a near empty stadium

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Just got an email:

Just un from golf have not heard this report

But that is crap!

Fed up with miss reporting up to SFL clubs to make their decision, under no pressure that is journalists with no story!

Had enough of it today, call me tomorrow to discuss of you wish



Sent from my iPhone

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The 5 clubs going into administration is bullshit, likely if Sky and league sponsors suddenly pulled out THIS season. That obviously isn't going to happen, so who the f**k are they trying to kid?

Oh yeah us.

There must be a reason that they are coming up with such a hairnrained scheme. I suspect that SKY must be behind this. They will have told the SPL that a season without Sevco will result in the TV deal being left as it is, BUT that 3 or more seasons will mean a large reduction or they walk away all together. Now most clubs could take the hit from the lack of revenue from Sevco supporters but I do suspect that NO TV revenue would push a few other into admin.

IMHO can be the only explanation.

As for Celtic threats if the other SPL clubs vote to change a palpably unfair voting structure. They can do one as well!!!

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you better believe it mate, they simply do not want SKY to walk away, and will throw all morals out the window to keep them sweet

Well it makes it a very easy choice for me then.

Go to the fitba and be taken for an utter c**t, or stop going to the fitba.

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With regards to the discussion of Celtic threatening legal action over voting changes, I don't know about that specifically. Must be said that we are no doubt fully aware that some SPL clubs want a 50/50 gate share or something insane like that. We'd be obliged to do everything we could to stop that happening, quite obviously, as there's no logical justification for it other than smaller clubs being greedy and wanting to weaken Celtic, which is rich coming from those in favour of Sporting integrity.

Increase your own attendances, don't just try write into the rules that you are allowed to steal money from another club that happens to have bigger attendances.

Edited by deerokus
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Just got an email:

When Gilmour et al tar and feather that cunt Doncaster and roll him out of Hampden in a fucking shit-stained barrell, then I might have a bit of faith in anything he says.

Edited by Drooper
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Copied from RTC.

'There is also a rather large elephant in the room, namely UEFA/FIFA. The Italian football authorities tried the same with Fiorentina by placing them into Serie B. This was objected to by UEFA/FIFA and under their instructions the had to start in Serie C2'.

Hopefully if UEFA/FIFA did get involved they would seriously kick the balls of every conspirator involved. Maybe too late for a lot of decent fans as I suspect a lot have already made up their mind that they've had enough and wont be back.

See this is what happens when you copy things without checking facts. UEFA and FIFA had nothing to do with Fiorentina's eventual outcome.

My link

I wouldn't hold out hope of UEFA and FIFA commenting on the matter. They are there to regulate FAs not to regulate leagues.

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Copied from RTC.

'There is also a rather large elephant in the room, namely UEFA/FIFA. The Italian football authorities tried the same with Fiorentina by placing them into Serie B. This was objected to by UEFA/FIFA and under their instructions the had to start in Serie C2'.

Hopefully if UEFA/FIFA did get involved they would seriously kick the balls of every conspirator involved. Maybe too late for a lot of decent fans as I suspect a lot have already made up their mind that they've had enough and wont be back.

Except after a season in C2 (4th tier), they were punted straight into Serie B (2nd tier) for "sporting merit". Sound familiar?

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From RTC :-(oldgold=Jack Irvine)

oldgold says:

28/06/2012 at 10:16 pm

Aberdeen and milne have nothing to lose, they are already on notice as to their account, sporting integrity = £££, their future looks very bleak indeed/

The real blitzkrieg is yet to come, some officials from a particular club and other football officials are going to needing a good Advocate.

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It's actually got nothing to do with sporting integrity, nothing to do with what the fans want, at the end of the day it's simply about what they reckon they can get away with. Now we're back to the bully boy tactics, threats and intimidation...much like Rangers in fact.

They f*cked up Scottish football big time when they created the SPL and tried to keep all the money to themselves but rather than learn from past mistakes they're trying do it all over again with a divide and conquer strategy. Surely the SFA need to flex some muscle here and tell the SPL board to f*ck right off.

Yes the SPL business model is a dud. Who wants Dud 2?

Someone asked who is on the SPL board.

From the SPL site:

Here is a brief guide to how the SPL operates: Company

The SPL Company has 12 shareholders who are made up of representatives from member clubs. The company meets every quarter to vote on various issues affecting the SPL. The Company ultimately determines the policy direction of the SPL.

Important issues such as, commercial contracts and broadcasting deals have to be approved by the company as do any major changes to the league format and approving or amending the rules and articles of the league.

SPL Board

Board members are elected annually by representatives of the 12 SPL clubs and meet monthly to discuss strategic issues. The Board's main responsibility is for corporate governance, strategic development, the delivery of the SPL objectives and the application of the SPL Rules.

The current SPL Board is made up of Ralph Topping (SPL Chairman), Neil Doncaster (SPL Chief Executive), Eric Riley (Celtic FC), Stephen Thompson (Dundee United FC), Derek Weir (Motherwell FC) and Steven Brown (St Johnstone FC).

Committees and Working Groups

Various Committees and Working Groups have been set up to look in detail at specific issues and report back to the Board with their recommendations. The Committees and Working Groups are made up by club representatives who provide guidance and support within their specific area of expertise. Specific working groups have been set up to cover areas such as fixturing, youth development and marketing.


The SPL's small team is based at Hampden Park and their role is to organise the league competition in the best interests of the member clubs. They work across a variety of disciplines to ensure that strategies passed down from the board are implemented throughout the league.

And the SPL Trust - a registered charity. :rolleyes:

Staff & Trustees

Billy Singh – General Manager (Dedicated Rangers supporter!)

• Strategic direction

• Fundraising

• Member club engagement

• Media & Press

Euan Miller – Administrator

• Managing Future Jobs Funds project

• Administration

• Communication


Position Pending – SPL Trust Chairperson

Iain Blair - Operations Director & Company Secretary, Scottish Premier League.

Anthony Higgins - Former Chairman of the Scottish Professional Footballers' Association. Currently the Scottish representative of FIFPro, the international footballers' union.

Rory Mair - Chief Executive, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

Edited by thelegendthatis
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When Gilmour et al tar and feather that cunt Doncaster and roll him out of Hampden in a fucking shit-stained barrell, then I might have a bit of faith in anything he says.

His reply implies that he knew all about the proposal. He's only denying the blackmailing of the SFL clubs part. Complicent with wanting newco into SPL2?

Typed that as 'wanking the newco into SPL2' the first time. Might actually be truer.

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Aye yir teams are lemmings, it is bizarre but entertaining

Ya know what's entertaining ? you muppets every time there's a glimmer of light for you and your team come on here like a total bunch of fannies and then you get your Fritzel moment for all of us to pish our selves laughing.

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Email sent (again) to Thistle:

Hi there,

I had emailed previously concerning my stance on my continued support of Thistle in the event of my club voting in favour of admitting a new club into the First Division.

Given the time and money I have invested in Partick Thistle over the years, I only find it fair to say that, should league reconstruction be forced through with Rangers not having to apply for the lowest level available for them to play in, let alone get in by default, I will forever be done with the senior Scottish football set up.

My last email was long winded rant against the fairness of admitting a continuation of a club that had dodged its tax liabilities straight back in at a higher level than it should be applying for, but I'll keep this one short; in light of recent developments I feel... sad, now. Melancholy, even. Because if these proposals go through, then I really will be done with Scottish football for good. What is the point in supporting any team other than Rangers or Celtic where even going out of business isn't an obstacle to continued existence within a Scottish football set-up? A set-up that will actively seek to restructure itself to accomodate Rangers, no matter how grand the scale of cheating/tax avoision/going out of business, but would not do so if any of the clubs the rest of us support were in the same situation? It is double standards, a carve-up of horrible, gut-wrenchingly corrupt proportions, bending the rules to suit one club purely because of commercial interests and the size of their fanbase, and it stinks to high heaven. I cannot justify supporting any Scottish football team in the senior set-up when there is such an inherent bias that has been laid bare for all to see. Scottish football fans are more savvy than we are given credit for; dangling nice, shiny league reconstruction and a play-off system or renaming of leagues will not distract us from what is really going on here. I thought it fair only to give the club advance warning of my intentions; I've had my fair share of good times at Firhill, with my first game a magical 4-4 draw with St Johnstone a few seasons back that got me hooked on football at Firhill; I never knew then, though, how corrupt the game in our country could be. I understand these are all still hypotheticals, but I have a horrible gut feeling how this is going to go. I hope the club take my thoughts into consideration and can actively oppose these proposals.


Thistle do nicely

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Ya know what's entertaining ? you muppets every time there's a glimmer of light for you and your team come on here like a total bunch of fannies and then you get your Fritzel moment for all of us to pish our selves laughing.

This thread has turned into the diddies bashing themselves and each other, this thread has become my glimmer of light and I think it is going to be the gift that keeps on giving.

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Well Gilmour has admitted to a secret hotel rendezvous with Green and McCoist. What an embarassment :barf

Tell me about it.

Horrible to hear. Ashamed of my club.

Don't know what I'll do on 4th August if this stays the same. I want to support the club, but I do not agree with what is happening. sad.gif

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