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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It beggers belief that this is the best they could do.

Assuming it's the model advocated in the mid-2000s by Rangers director John McClelland and more recently revived by Peter Lawell... clubs would play 2x = 26 games, then split into Top 6 (2x more = 36 games) or Bottom 8 (2x more = 40 games).

It'd be interesting to see if more than 1-up-1-down is proposed.

EDIT: Also, this surely confirms that SPL clubs are involved, not just Doncaster?

He can't personally change the SPL format.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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If they were decent they'd behave in the subway too. They only tone it down in the stadium because they know there's every chance the club could get into bother and they could be banned/arrested.

Edit to add: what do you mean by "tame"? Surely sectarianism is abhorrent regardless of what level it's taken to?

I mean boring. No fun songs at all. I have no problem with most of the songs that Rangers and Celtic sing tbh.

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How many clubs might change their minds now that 14-team SPL is on-the-table?

Falkirk previously made accomodating noises, albeit nothing more.

Anyone obvious candidates to turncoat?

all of them. chaps nothing we do here now or even march against will stop them putting the hvns in div 1, its a given. Only thing to do is WALK AWAY EN MASS from all divisions and all teams. would be funny if the ONLY fans turning up where buns

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Bit of an update for you, Rangers died in June. One of the two clubs who cultivated sectarian culture for commercial gain.

That's exactly what I just said...

This new venture is, rightly, being attempted to float. It should do so from the 3rd Division, after membership approval.

And I completely agree.

Glad we got that sorted dry.gif

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What about us? I think most folks would choose our strip to be sprawled across the bed.


Love the Camel Toe on the girl in the home kit ! cool.gif

although it could be mistaken for John "Bomb Doors" Brown at first glace ! tongue.gif

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Now if we could all put teams out that looked like that, there would be no SFA (Spurious Financial Armageddon) to worry about. Trying to persuade the wife that "I'm only going for the quality of the football" might prove difficult

...especially when it's raining...and cold....

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An expansion of 2? Is that all that's being placed on the table? I can't see anybody going for that. There must be additional details to come out. If the SFA and SPL really want resolution ii) to pass, they're going to have to promise the land of milk and honey.

Unless of course there's a Plan C afoot....

Edited by Huistrinho
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How many clubs might change their minds now that 14-team SPL is on-the-table?

Falkirk previously made accomodating noises, albeit nothing more.

Anyone obvious candidates to turncoat?

If that's all it takes for us to do a volte-face, I'll be horrified. Everyone has their price but that would make us one of the skinny grey track-marked skanks that plies their trade in every port around the world, dropping their saggy drawers for a tenner.

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There is a much easier solution to prevent "FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON"©Cockwomble, the blazers and their partners could stop milking expenses from our already skint clubs including representing the SFL at major finals, they don't pay for that, our clubs do.

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That's exactly what I just said...

And I completely agree.

Glad we got that sorted dry.gif

No, it was the opposite of what you said. You said 'If Rangers die...'. I'm telling you they are dead. Not really that difficult. Past tense. Dead. As a duck.

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How many clubs might change their minds now that 14-team SPL is on-the-table?

Falkirk previously made accomodating noises, albeit nothing more.

Anyone obvious candidates to turncoat?

Not sure if turncoat is the right term for Thistle given the statements we've made recently, but David Beattie and co. are most likely spunking in their collective pants right now.

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No, it was the opposite of what you said. You said 'If Rangers die...'. I'm telling you they are dead. Not really that difficult. Past tense. Dead. As a duck.

Lies, all Lies. Giovanni Di Stefano is taking us to England. I won't hear otherwise, I read it in the Sun...

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After reading the latest proposals about the 14 team top flight and having read Alex Thomson's latest blog where FIFA and UEFA have both basically said "nothing to do with us" (despite the fact that proposals like this go against both FIFA and UEFA policies) it is clear what is about to happen and we cannot stop it.

The authorities are doing everything in their power to shoehorn a team that doesn't even exist right now into a system that will allow them as easy access to the SPL as possible. The integrity of our game is long gone, they do not care. They do not care about us, the paying fans that are supposed to be the lifeblood of the game. I get it, Rangers (new or old) do potentially provide serious financial clout with regards to sponsors etc, BUT they lost the right to flex their muscle when they began cheating and BREAKING THE LAW. Shit the authorities are now even ignoring the Newco fans and staff, even they want the 3rd division.

It pains me so much to potentially walk away from the Scottish game, but I am afraid I am not willing to work hard to earn money to then give it to a system that does not give one iota of a f**k about the fans or integrity, or even just providing a fair a playing field as possible.

Can't be bothered with the dragging on anymore, just do what you want to do SPL/SFA/SFL (three authorities, what a joke), and it means I can make my decision a bit quicker, I have season ticket money sitting here doing nothing that I can spend on other things.

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Good Rangers posters on P&B

Knightswood Bear


No 8 (personality 1)

Bad Rangers posters on P&B

The rest

No 8 (personality 2)


Fixed that for you

I think that's about it.

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Oh goody, a season or 2 of 14 teams in the top league.

That's exactly how I'm reading it.....before the "we must have best versus best" line gets dragged out and end up with a top tier of 10teams. mad.gif

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