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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And, if anyone seriously takes the view that showing some humility would have made a difference, I doubt that sporting integrity is their prime motive.

Totally agree; better you stick to "no surrender", "weurrapeepull"" and "we'll go to SFL3/England/Atlantic and youse'll be phucked"? Why change a successfull system?

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Arbroath's 'no' is now official as you shall see from the club statement below...


It's interesting how ostensibly similar clubs end-up at different views, isn't it.

You have Arbroath + Brechin... 2 Angus clubs, 2 part-time SFL2 clubs, I'm right in saying 2 clubs not ltd companies (but still governed by committee), and 2 clubs providing reps to SFL Board... yet within hours of each other they reach diametrically opposite conclusions.

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More spineless surrender monkeys to add to the P&B boycott list ;):P

I get the sarcasm but talk of boycotting clubs other than Sevco is a bit too much, Sevco are the only villainous party in this piece. I can understand fans of clubs like Brechin who are at odds with the way their own club have voted walking away from the game but not boycotting a third party club just because of the way they vote. We are at a point where we diddies should be supporting each other and if possible helping clubs who do the right thing, not trying to harm clubs who have done nothing more than try to survive. We are the good guys, we should be doing positive things not negative things.

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Is the 'shame' list of Yes's now Stenhousemuir, Dumbarton, Albion Rovers and Brechin? Any more?

Luckily I've been to all of those bar Dumbarton. These easily bribed money-hungry leaching judas's will never get a single penny from me in future.

I wish early and long-lasting closure on the lot.

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Arbroath's 'no' is now official as you shall see from the club statement below...


The Board of Arbroath Football Club met on Wednesday evening to further discuss the present crisis in Scottish football and the impending Special General Meeting of the Scottish Football League Clubs on Friday the 13th of July. After considerable and careful deliberation, that had also taken place over many previous meetings, the Club reached the decision that it cannot support a proposal for Rangers Newco to be directly admitted to Division 1 of the Scottish Football League and that sporting integrity must be upheld. We are however in support of entry to the Scottish Football League in Division 3 for next season. The Club is extremely grateful to the large number of stakeholders and supporters who took time to contact the Club and express their views, which we felt very important in assisting us to make an extremely difficult judgement. In reaching our decision, Arbroath Football Club is fully aware of the possible financial implications and therefore wishes to take this opportunity to stress the importance of supporting the Club at this time and in the future. Finally, Arbroath Football Club wishes to acknowledge the considerable efforts being made by David Longmuir and the Scottish Football League Management Committee in representation of the 30 Clubs during these difficult times.



'Mon the Rid Lichties.

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Ye fucking ha, Peterhead do the honest thing.


Very clear statement from Balmoor.

Ahead of the SFL meeting to be held at Hampden on Friday 13th July, Peterhead Football Club would like to clarify the board's stance on admitting a new Rangers Club into the Scottish Football League.We have now received proposals that have been thrashed out between the SFA, SPL and our own SFL a mere 36 hours prior to Friday's meeting. Whilst we have always stated that we would welcome proposals for league reconstruction independent of the Rangers crisis, we are left with a sense of wonderment at many of the newly proposed changes to the League; changes that were deemed wholly unworkable prior to Newco Rangers application to join the SFL after expulsion from the SPL.

Although we are to come under severe pressure from bodies outwith the SFL to accept these fast-tracked changes to accomodate at Newco team and to hail this proposal as a 'blue print to safeguard the future of Scottish Football', we must retain our stance and those of the majority of our fans to vote NO.

We still believe that to maintain fairness in our game and to restore faith in Scottish Football there is no alternative but to admit a Newco team into Division 3. We understand the ramifications of this as laid out by the SFA and understand that there will be financial implications for all clubs should this be the outcome. However, although there may be tough times ahead for Scottish Football, we believe we can weather the storm.

Although football clubs from all leagues rely heavily on media revenue and sponsorship to survive, it is the fans that are the heart of the club. Our fans have made their feelings very clear over this issue and we have listened and taken on board all comments. We hope that voting to admit a Newco team into Division 3 will unite fans to vote with their feet to support their local team and help preserve our Scottish game.

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R.e. last nights queries about Brechin, looks like they're voting Yes, easily convinced by vague restructuring "promises".


More fool them mad.gif

Hopefully the promises last longer than Doncaster and Regan in their jobs. huh.gif

I've kind of lost track as to the voting intentions of some of the SFL clubs but I have the distinct feeling that some club chairmen are still not getting it.

You can bet your boots that when this circus has run it's course there will be a lot of fans with a vandetta against clubs who have been seen to be taking 'The SevCo Shilling' and it might behove the chairmen of these clubs to remember that Doncaster and Regan won't be here in 3 months, of that I think we can all be sure. These guys are doing irreperable damage to the "brand" and have to go.

It's understandable that chairmen of small clubs who have historically struggled in the basement will look to maximise their incomes but this present "Wampum Deal" being offered by R+D is completely shortsighted.

Clyde and Raith have to convince them otherwise.

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I get the sarcasm but talk of boycotting clubs other than Sevco is a bit too much, Sevco are the only villainous party in this piece. I can understand fans of clubs like Brechin who are at odds with the way their own club have voted walking away from the game but not boycotting a third party club just because of the way they vote. We are at a point where we diddies should be supporting each other and if possible helping clubs who do the right thing, not trying to harm clubs who have done nothing more than try to survive. We are the good guys, we should be doing positive things not negative things.

I don't agree. Any 'diddy' club that chooses £££££££ over the integrity of the game deserves everything they get.

These clubs are leeches. There are clubs outwith the SFL who HAVE to get by without SFA or SPL hand-me-downs. If these clubs need them, get the f**k out of the SFL and join the bulk of our semi-pro clubs who get the square root of eff-all.


Edited by Jim Leighton
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Luckily I've been to all of those bar Dumbarton. These easily bribed money-hungry leaching judas's will never get a single penny from me in future.

I wish early and long-lasting closure on the lot.

I appreciate your honesty but that kind of sentiment doesn't do the cause many favours, in my opinion. They've made their choice and will need to live with it.

Wishing struggling clubs ill is no better than the Sevco denialists.

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Is the 'shame' list of Yes's now Stenhousemuir, Dumbarton, Albion Rovers and Brechin? Any more?

If that's 4 public expressions of 'YES', then they're some way short of getting this through are they not?

What's the voting system? Don't then need a majority of the 30 SFL clubs, ie 16 to vote yes?

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I appreciate your honesty but that kind of sentiment doesn't do the cause many favours, in my opinion. They've made their choice and will need to live with it.

Wishing struggling clubs ill is no better than the Sevco denialists.

Disagree with you on that. Too many orcs saying 'don't punish us for the sins of our club', I don't buy that. The same with the clubs that are either bought off or allow themselves to be bullied; take the decision you want but accept the consequences when fans of other clubs won't go to your grounds.

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I don't plan to boycott any club who doesn't vote the way I would like to see them vote. That smacks of bullying and threatening tactics ahead of the actual vote - just like Doncaster, Regan, and the desperate red tops.

Marching on Hampden and issuing threats, threatening armageddon and clubs going to the wall, demanding to know 'who are these people?'....

Let's leave that for others. We know who they are, we shouldn't stoop to their level.

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If that's 4 public expressions of 'YES', then they're some way short of getting this through are they not?

What's the voting system? Don't then need a majority of the 30 SFL clubs, ie 16 to vote yes?

You'd think so... but it's not yet apparent [1] if the promise of the reconstruction committee will cause some SFL1 clubs to turn-tail; [2] whether if clubs vote for part (i) it means Rangers can be placed to SFL1 anyway as it's ambigious; and [3] if tomorrow's vote isn't going to be postponed EU-style incase they lose it (suggested in today's Scotsman).

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