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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Any club voting "yes" to those proposals deserves to be boycotted by fans of other clubs.

How Brechin think they're worth it astonishes me.

Leaving aside the 'not contractual' caveat all you're getting is

... £33k (£1M / 30)

... a new league where ~30 of 42 clubs have minority rights

... and some fuzz about talking about play-offs/reconstruction.

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Absolutely bang on.

It's disgraceful these Vichy Rangers fans are trying to blame someone else for them having a decision to make.

The ball is in the SFL court. Any decisions will be down to the SFL clubs.

ooo bitchiest name for Sevco yet. Only "Quisling" has more infamy attached. Like it. 8)

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It's just a Plastic Whistle fan still pissed off that when the SPL's closed shop was eventually broken it happened to be his club that lost out. I understand his bitterness but the OF dominated SPL's hold on the game has been steadily eroded away since his club were sacrificed for the good of the game and we are about to see the end of that OF dominance.

:lol: :lol: :lol: You crease me up!!!

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Let this club back in at any level and when they return to the SPL, their arrogance and bigotry will be worse than ever before.

I don't think the press and clubs have seen beyond the money side of all this. We can actually rid society of an evil here. They have to think about this very seriously.

Glasgow Rangers were an abysmal blight on this city and they will ruin the Third Division next season in more ways than one.

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Not if sevco get rejected from the 1st.

The authorities and tabloids will be full of nonsense threats and propaganda.

East Fife and the rest of Fife remain resolute - no case for Sevco to be even parachuted to 3rd Division - application via establishhed route

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I know Fozzie posted the Heralds take on this earlier,but here is the Daily Ranjurs version.....slightly different,with a bit i will quote that has got me curious.

Charles Green bought assets worth £110m for just £1.5m


Now excuse me if i am picking this up wrong,but the quote in that story has me wondering.Do they mean he will lose his £2.75m if he loses the battle to keep the players,or does he no longer have to pay it as he isn't getting what he was purchasing.If its the latter then the takeover basically has only cost him £1.5m

I love the quote in that article about their 'valuable car park'. Now, if anyone knows that area they will know that there's ACRES of space between the Govan stand and Govan road lying derelict. The old tenements of Iona Street and such-like have been demolished and nothing is being built on them.

Absolutely delusional that the Albion car park is valuable. Shocking piece of 'journalism'.

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I was worried the proposal would be dripping with diamonds and gold, far too good to turn down and integrity would be out the windae

Having seen it, its just a joke and very easy for chairmen to say take a hike.

Again, are they really trying?

Is it possible that Regan and Doncaster have already been given the golden handshake to be the fall guys and are being told to make it look like they're doing everything they can to get Sevco in, while in reality all along they've actually been deliberately pushing people the opposite way?

A giant ruse where Rangers/Sevco are allowed to die and Hughie Green gets to walk off into the sunset and build an Asda at Ibrox, and the SFA and SPL etc have plausable deniability if everything does go tits up without them?

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Clyde have made another new statement this afternoon

"The Board of Clyde Football Club has received the papers in advance of tomorrows SFL meeting and will consider the Heads of Terms supplied. We continue to have the same fundamental concerns about this process, however the overriding concern is a point which we have made to the SFL.

We have received absolutely no information on the organisation Sevco Scotland Ltd whom we are being asked, and encouraged, to vote straight into the top division of the SFL under resolution 2 and possibly into SFL3 under Resolution 1. We have no business plan, list of directors, details of ownership, statement of capital adequacy or any proposals relating to the provision of any similar information in the near future. David Longmuir has clearly stated that he will distribute all the information he has got or is able to distribute.

Whilst the notion that there is a leap of faith to be taken in terms of some of the matters, there can be no leap of faith with something as fundamental as knowing who is being admitted to the league. The very fact that there is no information of any kind being made available on this company undermines the authorities efforts to direct the new entrant to SFL1. It is actually impossible for any member of the SFL to make an objective assessment of the proposals under Resolutions 1 and 2 and could be seen as irresponsible to support either proposal in such a void of information.

It is our hope that some credibility can be introduced to this process and we would ask that whoever holds information on Sevco Scotland Ltd provides a full and detailed pack to David Longmuir in order that, even at the eleventh hour, the SFL clubs are given reason to support any Resolutions that they might wish to vote on. We have to assume that the SFA and SPL hold such information otherwise they would not press so heavily for entry to SFL1.

If a leap of faith is to be taken, then in the current circumstances it will be taken blindly and the only logical outcome of taking that kind of risk would be to enter them to SFL3, where, should any subsequent issues arise, they will be contained within the lowest league rather than disrupting the top flight of the SFL.

The other matter that is entirely outside the gift of the SFL is the need for the SPL clubs to confirm that, contrary to what Neil Doncaster stated on their behalf, the SPL will meet its obligations to the SFL under the Settlement Agreement."

It seems a fair point. Theyre just highlighting that the SFL are being asked to vote in a Club which nobody knows anything about. So presumably SFA, the governing body, will be able to give Longmuir the required information so a reasoned decision can be met? If not, that's why theyre being asked to take a leap of faith & there's a case to say theyre being very generous that they might consider it, but only for Division 3. So that if this new Club cant complete their fixtures or whatever, at least it wont be a league higher up. Really, any doubt, shouldnt be any league

I hope the SFA and SPL recognize the massive favour theyre getting if they are voted back in without required info !

Another fucking wonderful statement from Clyde.

Best bit for me is the part in bold.

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That second statement from Clyde is incredible. What on earth are the clubs voting for, when so little is known about Vichy Rangers (had to use it, best name for them yet)??

Edited by mozam76
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If they have not then why is there a discussion? Someone has applied to the SFL on Sevco's behalf, whether it be Hughie Green, Cockwomble, Longmuir or Regan an application has been made and proposals have been attached to that application.

You must have read on here that Sevco might still be smuggled into the SPL. An application to the SFL would get in the way of that. Sevco have not, yet, applied for entry to the SFL (I think).

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Again, are they really trying?

Is it possible that Regan and Doncaster have already been given the golden handshake to be the fall guys and are being told to make it look like they're doing everything they can to get Sevco in, while in reality all along they've actually been deliberately pushing people the opposite way?

Couldn't it more likely be that SPL clubs themselves can't agree on what to offer? Not all SPL clubs want expansion. Not all SPL clubs want fairer voting. Not all SPL clubs want reduced income. Maybe it's caused innertia.

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4.A working party will be formed, including three representatives from both the SPL and SFL, to devise a new structure for the senior professional game in Scotland.

Ooh....yes please!


FFS, this has to be the most ironic development yet.

Yes, yes, we'll vote for a proposal that forms a working party consisting of the corrupt bawbags who've been attempting to screw us for the last couple of months.

Genuis! Why didn't I think of that...?

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Clyde have made another new statement this afternoon...

We have received absolutely no information on the organisation Sevco Scotland Ltd whom we are being asked, and encouraged, to vote straight into the top division of the SFL under resolution 2 and possibly into SFL3 under Resolution 1. We have no business plan, list of directors, details of ownership, statement of capital adequacy or any proposals relating to the provision of any similar information in the near future.

The clincher: being asked to vote for a club that doesn't yet actually exist and without any transparency as to whether they can fulfil a season's fixtures and obligations.

On the 12th of July, Rangers did die.

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