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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I would say this stinks of hypocrisy to be honest.

The truth is that if we truly want to move on, the complaints of both sides of the divide need to be considered.

There are many Rangers fans who still believe the F word is acceptable, there are many celtic fans that believe the H word is acceptable, if we have people on both sides arguing that it is ok to offend the other side but not the other way round then bigotry in Scotland will never be eradicated.

It all needs banned or the law needs scrapped.

Unfortunately, the Game had the chance to rid itself of the problem, and shat it. Had the SFA not cravenly bought into your wee myth of continuation, then that's half the issue gone right there. You only have to look at the acres of green at parkhead to see that the other half would have soon followed.

Far from eradicating the issue, the cowardly treatment of rangers' death has emboldened the new club, and the same old fans, to behave in whatever manner they like, safe in the knowledge that "Scottish Football needs rangers". :yucky

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I would say this stinks of hypocrisy to be honest.

The truth is that if we truly want to move on, the complaints of both sides of the divide need to be considered.

There are many Rangers fans who still believe the F word is acceptable, there are many celtic fans that believe the H word is acceptable, if we have people on both sides arguing that it is ok to offend the other side but not the other way round then bigotry in Scotland will never be eradicated.

It all needs banned or the law needs scrapped.

Who did you write to Tedi? I must lobby to get teacher banned.

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CELTIC fans who unfurled a banner calling Rangers fans "****" walked free from court after a three-day trial.

The Sun

Green Brigade members Daniel Ward, 23, and Daniel McCorgray, 22, both of Glasgow, were charged with breach of the peace aggravated by religious prejudice at a Celtic v St Mirren game in August 2010.

Their banner showed Hoops boss Neil Lennon outside a flaming Ibrox with the slogan '**** FC' on the main stand. Another banner said: "Let's go to war."

The pair were granted legal aid as the court heard complex legal arguments in the trial.

But Sheriff Alayne Swanson took just 20 minutes to return a not proven verdict last week at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

Ward's lawyer, ex-Celt Gerry Britton, said as no-one had complained there was no breach. He added: "The charge tried to link two banners but they were separate.

"Our argument was that the word "****" may be none too pleasant, but is not a religious comment."

So the law cannot prove that **** is a sectarian word.

Tedi you are good, better than the law dude.

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I would say this stinks of hypocrisy to be honest.

The truth is that if we truly want to move on, the complaints of both sides of the divide need to be considered.

There are many Rangers fans who still believe the F word is acceptable, there are many celtic fans that believe the H word is acceptable, if we have people on both sides arguing that it is ok to offend the other side but not the other way round then bigotry in Scotland will never be eradicated.

It all needs banned or the law needs scrapped.

You say it "stinks of hypocrisy" because, as the highlighted section shows, you are intentionally comparing two things that aren't equivalent, in what amounts to a fairly childish point-scoring exercise.

And note that your fellow fans have now shifted the terms of this ludicrous issue. It's one thing for us all to agree that people should stop using the word "Hvn", if only to lessen the number of violent crimes and admittances to hospitals, even if the Rangers fans are making demonstrably wrong claims about it, because they're twats. I'm broadly with you, on that one.

What your fellow fans are now demanding is that the word be "banned", which presumably means fines levied on clubs and supporters excluded or arrested, for absolutely no other reason than that your fans are all boo-hoo-boo because they can't sing the Billy Boys.

If the SG accepts the fans' proposal here, that's not considering the complaints on both sides of the divide. That would be indulging the 100% politically-motivated whims of a very small and cranky fans' group by making supporters of other teams liable for bans or arrest if they use a term that is not in itself sectarian.

Put bluntly, I am in favour of people being less dickish, so that there's less blazing aggro.

I'm not in favour of e.g. banning fans or filling police cells with non-violent offenders, simply to appease a small bunch of stupid, angry people who are upset because they can't use sectarian terms for "Catholic" any more.

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What would really help the sectarian word debate, is if fans would concentrate on condeming those in their own support instead of constantly pointing fingers at the other side.

The Herald article is a joke.

"A tiny section of fans have let the club down recently by reverting to damaging behaviour which is not only illegal but tarnishes the club."

How many Rangers fans were singing The Billy Boys during the semi-final? Absolutely thousands, "Tiny section" is just a blatant lie.

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Utter crap ... most the seats were paid for by ST. We also know how to budget and balance the books and sell players, we will also have European cash. There are also plenty of Celtic minded money men out there if the worst ever did come to the worst.

Just wishful thinking on your part .... nothing else.

Not at all, Dhen. If you remove the "other" from the equation, then you end up just being a football club. I agree celtic wouldn't necessarily go down the same catastrophic way that your ex-partners did, but they're not going to be draw they were. Costs such as the maintenance of the stadium will remain, and the club will be less attractive as a destination for star players - something we're already seeing.

As for European cash - that's not guaranteed, and they've got a result actually landing as much as they have this season.

I'd welcome celtic - and rangers for that matter - if they were just football teams. Being from the country's biggest city, you'd expect them to be among the more successful clubs - just ditch the baggage.

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Nice bit of backtracking with justification thrown in ... you originally said " the other half would have soon followed ".

Sorry but those two statements contradict each other.

Not backtracking - clarification. celtic, like rangers, are a football club. There are those who follow both clubs who perceive this to be the sum total of their existence. Of course, the majority of us - and a large number of both clubs' followers - see them as something more. Those at celtic who know more about the history of Ireland than the history of the club would soon get bored when their identity has no counterpart to measure itself against. It may not have a catastrophic effect on attendances - although I'd hope the GB and the like would disappear - but it would, imho, impact on merchandising and associated income streams.

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What would really help the sectarian word debate, is if fans would concentrate on condeming those in their own support instead of constantly pointing fingers at the other side.

The Herald article is a joke.

"A tiny section of fans have let the club down recently by reverting to damaging behaviour which is not only illegal but tarnishes the club."

How many Rangers fans were singing The Billy Boys during the semi-final? Absolutely thousands, "Tiny section" is just a blatant lie.

The same group tells us that "The Rangers fans' have been consistently excellent over the past few years and have attracted much deserved praise."

Clearly they live on a different planet from the rest of us.

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Just to break up this periodic their words v our words pish.

In an article on the BBC detailing Chelsea's new £40m a year sponsorship is the following.

are now one of the world's most recognised sporting brands with an estimated 500m fans

now where have I heard this before? :lol:

I now calculate that either 1 in 7 people on the planet support Rangers or Chelsea or that the 500m support both. :unsure:

ETA: Link

Edited by strichener
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What would really help the sectarian word debate, is if fans would concentrate on condeming those in their own support instead of constantly pointing fingers at the other side.

The Herald article is a joke.

"A tiny section of fans have let the club down recently by reverting to damaging behaviour which is not only illegal but tarnishes the club."

How many Rangers fans were singing The Billy Boys during the semi-final? Absolutely thousands, "Tiny section" is just a blatant lie.

That would be great if it was aimed at the bigots trying to justify their bigotry here. Nearly every , if not every, Rangers poster on here has condemned the Rangers support at one time or another of singing TBB

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The acres of green have nothing to do with "who perceive this to be the sum total of their existence" and is only an assumption by you.

The more likely explanation is "they don't have the money" to attend and travel to every game. (Note ST tickets were bought).

There are also those fans who would prefer to save their cash and travel to foreign countries to watch the Tic play against the big teams.

As for the GB, Celtic banned 128 of them and closed their section for a period and were only recently allowed back, were they not?

Your assumptions and narrative are a tad biased imo .. but hey ho I would say that.

Why let them back?

Damn right I'm biased - the days when either of these teams were known outside Scotland for their sporting exploits are long gone. Nothing but a medieval freak show, and the baggage should be left in the past where it belongs.

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I would say this stinks of hypocrisy to be honest.

The truth is that if we truly want to move on, the complaints of both sides of the divide need to be considered.

There are many Rangers fans who still believe the F word is acceptable, there are many celtic fans that believe the H word is acceptable, if we have people on both sides arguing that it is ok to offend the other side but not the other way round then bigotry in Scotland will never be eradicated.

It all needs banned or the law needs scrapped.

The H word and the F word are not comparable.

If the H word is banned, do you think Rovers fans should start a campaign for East Fife fans to stop calling us Lino Lickers, or Pars fans to stop us calling them Townies?

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I would argument calling them Sevco, Sevconian, zombies riles them up much more than the H word.

It is pretty sad and petty they're trying to having to tell porkies about the meaning of this word.

Stinks of petty tit for tat shite that really is boring at best.

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Supporters of some clubs such as Airdrie, Falkirk, Motherwell etc. are sometimes called h**s without bus fare. So are they being called protestants without bus fare or merely rangers fans who can't afford to go to ibrokes? I venture the latter is the meaning. So for me case dismissed. Simples eh!

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I would argument calling them Sevco, Sevconian, zombies riles them up much more than the H word.

It is pretty sad and petty they're trying to having to tell porkies about the meaning of this word.

Stinks of petty tit for tat shite that really is boring at best.

Had the preferred policy of the Rangers fans been in place the last couple of years, we'd wind up with the utterly ludicrous situation whereby e.g. Dundee United fans singing "Go home ya ****" after walloping the NewCo 3-0 in the cup would be at risk of bans or arrest and prosecution, on the grounds that legally speaking, they were actually singing "Go home you protestants".

I think we can all assess exactly how sensible that policy is. I suggest that anyone who's sitting on the fence on this one should probably consider whether this is a wise path to start down or not.

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You say it "stinks of hypocrisy" because, as the highlighted section shows, you are intentionally comparing two things that aren't equivalent, in what amounts to a fairly childish point-scoring exercise.

And note that your fellow fans have now shifted the terms of this ludicrous issue. It's one thing for us all to agree that people should stop using the word "Hvn", if only to lessen the number of violent crimes and admittances to hospitals, even if the Rangers fans are making demonstrably wrong claims about it, because they're twats. I'm broadly with you, on that one.

What your fellow fans are now demanding is that the word be "banned", which presumably means fines levied on clubs and supporters excluded or arrested, for absolutely no other reason than that your fans are all boo-hoo-boo because they can't sing the Billy Boys.

If the SG accepts the fans' proposal here, that's not considering the complaints on both sides of the divide. That would be indulging the 100% politically-motivated whims of a very small and cranky fans' group by making supporters of other teams liable for bans or arrest if they use a term that is not in itself sectarian.

Put bluntly, I am in favour of people being less dickish, so that there's less blazing aggro.

I'm not in favour of e.g. banning fans or filling police cells with non-violent offenders, simply to appease a small bunch of stupid, angry people who are upset because they can't use sectarian terms for "Catholic" any more.

Boom, great post.

And moreover what is this "both sides of the divide pish" Tedi?

Do you mean The ugly sisters versus the rest of Scottish football? Do you mean a percentage of knuckle draggers in Glasgow versus the *ahem* decent sellik and sevco supporters combined with the fans of every other club? What do you mean?

The divide here isn't catholic versus protestant, it's between decent supporters and c***s, irrespective of which team they support.

The fact that you can't see this debate through any other prism, suggests you are in the latter camp Tedi, does it not?

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