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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So the EGM is still on for Friday then, there goes £60,000 for no reason money well spent.

That will be cancelled out by the extra income from the play-offs.

Which will be cancelled out by the extra policing costs.

Which will be cancelled out by the 500,000,000 fans back on board.

Which will be cancelled out, because, they won't be, because Ashley has them by the swingers.

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You don't seem to share the optimism and GIRFUY attitude of some of your fellow bears.

Don't get me wrong - I am delighted that The Requisitioners will win. I am also amused by The Dead Cat Bounce by The Wigs. This is am empty gesture and will serve simply as a recruiting sergeant for The RST/Rangers First and shows just how out of touch and blase they are regarding the fans.

I am also a realist and if fiscal balance is achieved then I'd be more than content.

Edited to add: GIRFUY Dhense ;)

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Jesus f**k, idiot bhoy. What I said was, prosaically simple:

If all the new board do is balance the books and be transparent about income and expenditure and who we have contracted what money with then they will be fucking heroes.

I certainly didn't single King out as you suggested, which is why I challenged your ability to read. The emphasis was firmly on 'the board' which, given that King owns about 15% of the shares is, absolutely right.

Furthermore, there is no new money being brought in, but there are many costs to cover. The best the new board can hope for is to issue what's left of the shares, pay off current debts and obligations and keep us going until the new season. Thereafter, we'll have to live or die by dint of ongoing revenues.

This would be ridiculously refreshing for us.

You must be seething with this insults

Why wouldn't you? You expecting someone else to come in? :lol:

So you don't believe King will provide the 30m he promised last year?

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That will be cancelled out by the extra income from the play-offs.

Which will be cancelled out by the extra policing costs.

Which will be cancelled out by the 500,000,000 fans back on board.

Which will be cancelled out, because, they won't be, because Ashley has them by the swingers.

Some are just not taking this well at all. What part of We Are The People did you not understand?

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When you've finished fellating the sevco loyal you might want to sign up for some remedial English lessons. Oddly enough being able to understand what someone has typed is very rarely worrying.

Oh, don't worry I got the gist of it but if you are claiming something that contains the following "and as are you suggesting" makes "perfect" sense then you are badly mistaken. Is the writer really suggesting No.8's ideas are something the whole of Scottish Football can get behind?

I wouldn't get behind him in his fuggin taxi.

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It's the diddy way. Had our new board been, say, Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa the diddies would be posting the likes of:

Jesus as Chairman? Aye? Discredited God-botherer and failed joiner now running Ibrox? Still, his ability to turn water in to wine will be popular in Govan - they usually do it the other way. Nae need to feed 5,000, though. Not that many turn up. Still, I reckon he won't survive past Easter before he's fuckin crucified by the currents (sic).

That Gandhi guy? Wasn't he the one who said "The white race of South Africa should be the predominating race." That will go down well with The Orcs. Just imagine him in the directors box at The Big Hoose with a loin cloth and a pair of brogues, though!

Mother Teresa, you say? The virulent, anti-abortionist bead-rattler? Nae chance she'll survive. Still, she did take the Duvalier coin so her easy association with corruption will ensure she fits right in at Ipox.

Credit where it's due, that made me laugh!

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Thinking about this, Ashley's continued presence may work out quite well for King & his buddies, in the short term at least.

Obviously the team are going to continue to play shyte and lose for quite some time and, barring the sudden injection of bajillions in free money, the dominant theme at Ibrox is going to be threadbare austerity rather than the spend-spend-spend for immediate success policies that most of the fans tend to demand.

Given that the twin horrors of

a) not winning and

b) not spending ridiculous sums of cash and f*ck the consequences

...are the very things likely to bring hordes of angry Bears to bang on the doors of the Big Hoose demanding change, I imagine that King et al will find an intransigent minor investor who also happens to hold some of the club's major revenue streams very useful, as a scapegoat for any of their own failings. It's no oor fault, it's that Ashley...

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Oh, don't worry I got the gist of it but if you are claiming something that contains the following "and as are you suggesting" makes "perfect" sense then you are badly mistaken. Is the writer really suggesting No.8's ideas are something the whole of Scottish Football can get behind?

I wouldn't get behind him in his fuggin taxi.

Isn't arguing over the minutiae of a typo exactly what the followers, of that long dead institution, want others to be doing instead of the serious business of pointing and laughing at them and come on ,was he ever likely to express any ideas based on the question asked of him :rolleyes:

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Some are just not taking this well at all. What part of We Are The People did you not understand?

'We' - who is this 'we'?

'Are' - I assume you meant 'were'.

'The' - as in 'The' Rangers? You're learning.

'People' - aye, if I scrunch my eyes up a bit, you do bear(sic) a vague resemblance to 'people'.

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