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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The pie and bovril consortium

If P&B choose to buy Rangers

We can make it a massive game changer

We can close the big hoose

Cut out all the abuse

I will put in ten quid - Granny Danger

Edited by Granny Danger
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I'm in. For my tenner I'd like to take on the role of Director of Seventeenth-Century History which includes the right to deliver half time lectures to ra peepul whenever I so desire. These may involve trying to educate them about seventeenth-century politics and religion or maybe standing in the centre circle screaming "wtf has this got to do with football?". I'm undecided at the moment but my position is fluid.

All this uncertainty is doing no one any good.

Could you set a deadline for the rigiditisation of your fluidity.

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1336658290[/url]' post='6220868']

All this uncertainty is doing no one any good.

Could you set a deadline for the rigiditisation of your fluidity.

Alternatively, issue a statement via a PR agency saying you have to withdraw and citing numerous reasons for doing so, without specifically stating that the club is, in your opinion, 'totally f*cked'. Don't bother telling the rest of the consortium, they can read it on Twitter.

Edited by Araminta Moonbeam QC
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According to today's Daily Mail, Pritchard's stockbrokers, a company of which CW was company secretary, is in administration. They are in the process of agreeing a 85p in the pound CVA and CW stands to make about £630K personally and £500K through money owed to his company Liberty Capital.

Rangers also in line for £190,000 as CW invested £223,214 OF Rangers money in Pritchards fund. Maybe this explains where the money from the Arsenal shares disappeared to.

ETA: attachment not readable, apologies. Cant find this on the Mails's website as it was in the Scottish Edition of the paper.

Edited by Cammy35
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I'll put a tenner in to the P+B Consortium. For my tenner I want the Broxi Bear mascot replaced by Irwin R Schyster. Irwin will take charge at the first home game, where he will break Broxi Bears spine and feed him to all the other clubs mascots.

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All this uncertainty is doing no one any good.

Could you set a deadline for the rigiditisation of your fluidity.

I believe I can optimise our position within the bidders by remaining fluid and liable to change my mind at the drop of a hat. For this reason rigidisation is not an option for the consortium at this moment in time. Or, how does Monday lunchtime work for you? I may change my mind again and make it the following Monday lunchtime, but it will be at lunchtime on a Monday, provided we're fluid in our understanding of lunchtime. I hope this clarifies matters to your satisfaction.

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The Pie and Bovril consortium - we are going to bid.

Just heard about the total idiots who were on the "bidders" list where Souness was going to be involved, except they didn't ask him.. Also he isn't interested. (At least not with these numskulls).

If idiots like that can be taken seriously by Duff & Duffer (in desperation I admit), why don't we get a Pie and Bovril 'consortium' together. I think a tenner a head would go a long way in this game. So come on guys put your hands in your pockets.

For my £10 I am prepared to accept certain responsibilities. I will list these before anyone else jumps in.

They are:

1. I will personally tell Kyle Lafferty he is history. On your bike, oot the door, clear your locker son, we have sold you to Stirling Albion.

2. Will invite Mr Dingwall to the Ibrox trophy room to inform him he is banned from all things Rangers sine die. If you make any big time charlie statements about Rangers in the future we will sue the ass off you.

3. The club tie will be black with 2012 on it (lest we forget)

I am leaving Ally, Healy, Whyte, John Grieg the legend, McLelland, Martin Bain (oh I am jealous now) and the many others to everyone else.

We might be a pretty stupid consortium, but not half as stupid as those currently being taken seriously by Duff & Duffer.

I'm happy to contribute some time to this cause, provided our first three or four press conferences are performed in a poorly lit, disused jelly and ice-cream factory with the following equipment:

— Smoke machines

— Strobe lighting

— A sound system capable of effectively playing 'Europe — The Final Countdown' for our entrance and approach to the conference table.

As we answer a list of carefully prepared questions by paraphrasing Arnold Swarchenegger quotes, poor wee Ally will be trembling in his tracksuit, radiating enough fear and regret to keep Neil Doncasters's cold black heart pounding away for another century or two.

We might not be financially astute, but by Christ, we will be dramatic.

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That's after 3pm now. That's Thursday lunchtime definitely come and gone.

What's happening Tweedledee & Tweedledum? Come on, a deadline is a deadline. All we've had is Souness sneering 'fcuk right off', and talk of Brian Kennedy still being interested, but he's now 'bid No4' - back of the queue. Enough of this Brian Kennedy please - a joke's a joke guys, but FFS you're ripping the pish out of it now.

We also have rumours of more 'Rangers minded people' who want to remain anonymous for now. Anonymous? Who ARE these people? There's no time for anonymous, you pair of daft cnuts.

Whit' an administration this is. Never seen anything like it in ma' puff.

Edited by pozbaird
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We also have rumours of more 'Rangers minded people' who want to remain anonymous for now. Anonymous? Who ARE these people? There's no time for anonymous, you pair of daft cnuts.

We demand to know who these poeple are!

The posters of Pie and Bovril have a right to know who they are!

Make no mistake about it, the posters of Pie and Bovril are like a seriously, seriously hungry animal. This animal needs feeding, FFS!

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That's after 3pm now. That's Thursday lunchtime definitely come and gone.

What's happening Tweedledee & Tweedledum? Come on, a deadline is a deadline. All we've had is Souness sneering 'fcuk right off', and talk of Brian Kennedy still being interested, but he's not 'bid No4' - back of the queue. Enough of this Brian Kennedy please - a joke's a joke guys, but FFS you're ripping the pish out of it now.

We also have rumours of more 'Rangers minded people' who want to remain anonymous for now. Anonymous? Who ARE these people? There's no time for anonymous, you pair of daft cnuts.

Whit' an administration this is. Never seen anything like it in ma' puff.

When I heard that the latest potential bidders included people with "a strong connection to Rangers" the names of about ten referees, past and present, came to mind.

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I'd quite like to take on the Director of Football role if it's still available.

Upon emptying my wallet, i discovered the following:


We now have a transfer War Chest. Not quite what fatty McCoist was hoping for, but a start nonetheless.

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I'd quite like to take on the Director of Football role if it's still available.

Upon emptying my wallet, i discovered the following:


We now have a transfer War Chest. Not quite what fatty McCoist was hoping for, but a start nonetheless.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and digital photography, I'm claiming your clubcard points online as we speak.

Roon ye!

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I'd quite like to take on the Director of Football role if it's still available.

Upon emptying my wallet, i discovered the following:


We now have a transfer War Chest. Not quite what fatty McCoist was hoping for, but a start nonetheless.

Jupe my man, I think you should be investing that lot in a new wallet.

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To bring up the worst case never going to happen but what if scenario: if you were a serious group of investors who were intrigued by the medium term potential of Rangers from a largely or entirely business sense wouldn't waiting on the sidelines until now make a degree of sense? Part of the business case or Rangers is happy Orcs going through the turnstiles and buying tat, preferably on a long term basis. As this whole process has amply demonstrated, Rangers fans are collectively prone to lashing out and delusions of grandeur. They didn't want a NewCo, they didn't want to hear about operating on a shoestring and some of them had very distinct ideas of who should be allowed to rune their club.

Now, however: 1) The failed bids and drawn out process have pretty objectively indicated that the market value of the club isn't anywhere near the £18 Whyte "paid" let alne the inflated property book value, 2) it seems that even the thickest Orcs may have realized their club is in a spot of bother and will not be installing hover pitches and signing Drogba on a free anytime soon, 3) some of the uglier bits hidden n the woodwork that scared off Miller, and some of the attitudes of the SFA and SFL are more predictable, if not guaranteed, 4) a team of good solicitors may have figured out the hellishly complicated variables of Ticketus-Whyte floating charge-HMRC interactions enough so the risk can be reasonably quantified and provisions made and 5) anybody with a reasonable amount of money not named Declan whose google results don't turn up convictions for multiple homicides and/or redeveloping football grounds into mosques will be uncritically viewed as a savior by the peepul and the media and start with reserves of goodwill.

I am a little concerned that the Miller Incubator could be implemented by people with a stronger stomach than Miller, who would buy the club on the cheap, let OldCo die after making token moves for a CVA and blaming HMRC politics and tough out whatever penalties were imposed looking forward to a debt free club with a placated fan base run on a reasonable financial footing. They then do a Fiorentina purchase of the historical bits. It would be mad, but not sectionably mad.

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I'd quite like to take on the Director of Football role if it's still available.

Upon emptying my wallet, i discovered the following:


We now have a transfer War Chest. Not quite what fatty McCoist was hoping for, but a start nonetheless.

That's an interesting looking wallet. I have a pair of underpants with the very same pattern :)

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