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The way I've read that is that the rangers need to admit to all the previous shit which I doubt they will ever do. They haven't done anything wrong, don't you all know that??? Plus I think it's horseshit. Until the sfa/spl/sfl dossier is published it's bollox. I've seen poz write more convincing stuff than that!

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Quote from Rangers media regarding the possible return of Gattuso (now with Sion) and Novo.

Wish dat they wud cum bk cuz there pure Rangers men.



John McVeigh is a tit

Also, funny how the pure Rangers men are both Catholics are they not biggrin.gif

Edited by Tight minge
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Those compromise proposals in full:

  • Play-offs between the top two divisions will be introduced in time for the coming season
  • There will be an increase in the parachute payments made to clubs relegated from the SPL.

A play-off place is not enough - two automatic relegation slots are the minimum I'd look at.

As to parachute payments - barf.


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STV suggests that this was something cooked up by Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir and simply dished out to the clubs today. No indication they were involved. This looks like a last-ditch offer. The only worrying thing here is the mention of Petrie, who is the last person who should be backing down.

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This is just a planted story via the usual suspects e.g. the unthinking and unquestioning Alistair Lamont to take the heat out of last nights stramash. Yes, yes, you will be playing next season, oh, yes Division One. No problems at all.

Patience. They won't be playing next season. They are dead.

Think there are two seperate issues here. One is will Rangers/newco/sevco survive under Green - we have no control over this. If they do die it removes the problem but we cannot count on this.

Second is deal being discussed between SFL, SPL and SFA - do people genuinely think that Doncaster has been doing this without knowledge and tacit agreement of the SPL chairmen. We cannot afford to ignore this.

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Time for cool heads on this latest twist, IMHO.

As noted above, we have nothing substantiating this plan, and, while I suspect that there is more than a grain of truth in the press stories, we shouldn't jump the gun in launching an all-out assualt on our clubs and the governing bodies until something more concrete has emerged. Otherwise, we run the risk of bringing ourselves down to the level of the typical paranoid Ranger Media regular.

Yeah, you are right to be cautious, the papers have printed a load of spurious stories throughout this fiasco.

Doesn't hurt to draw the fans trusts attention to it early though,

they already know the opinions of the majority of fans regarding a stitch-up,

so its reasonable for them to warn the club in advance of it becoming an official proposal.

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Certainly has the feel of something cooked up by doncaster etc al and chairmen may find it tempting but it would be sheer commercial suicide to vote form this and alienate their fans. The days if diddy fans being passive are gone and chairmen must know this. Plus there is still no sign of a business plan or the tens of millions required to operate newco...could just be the suits trying to convince the bigots that they tried their best

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Whats this pish about paying Rangers £1million for SKY TV rights..?? So we give them money for cheating and fraud...you canny make this up...!!

It's SPL paying SFL for rights, surely.

I.e. SPL pays SFL £1M for rights to Rangers games in SFL1. Then presumably use 'em to placate Sky-ESPN.

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Petrie could help by claryfying if any such talks took place between himself and Green.

Additionally, if they are going to 'relegate' Rangers/ newco/ sevco then they would be swapping with Dunfermlines place....not Dundee. As currently there is no newco in place this 'suggestion' would then be an immediate promotion to SFL1 for them.....

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We knew it would be coming tho, Doncaster will be so blocked up with fear over the TV deal.

If this goes thru we have been well and trully shafted, not only by Doncaster, Regan and the all the chronies but by the SPL and SFL chairmen, they have to vote for it.

If they have any sense whatsoever the vote will be a no. Prepare for a lot of wriggling, squirming and bullshitting.

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If Newco rangers get into 1st Division this way with all SPL clubs and SFA then i'm walking away from the game, what is the point of following our game when we bend backwards to let a newco club into the 2nd tier of our game. Shame on SPL, SFL and the SFA if they allow this to happen.

Edited by betting competition
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