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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Fair Play. I remember that day - conflicting emotions, but I'd rather have had to bin "WFAANW" than see their knuckledragging oafs fail to celebrate a trophy win that they saw as beneath them. Felt proper grubby afterwards, mindwink.gif.

On the subject of trophy re-allocation, the leagues they stole are much easier to give to whichever team would have won without their results - in the cups, any team they played on their way to stealing the trophy would have a claim. My preference is for all honours they "won" by criminal behaviour to stand in the records as "withheld" to serve as a reminder to them and others of the consequences of their behaviour.

Now, get some local lads playing better football, get promoted a couple of times and be PROPER local rivals. That league cup semi reminded me how sweet it is to hand your mob their arses on a regular basis!

The trophy re-allocation should be a simple enough affair. Employ the same issues as other sports, eg. Ben Johnson did not have his first round and semi final annulled, all that happened was his name was removed from the records and Carl Lewis awarded the Gold and so on. Every club Rangers had beaten on the road to the finals should be able to stake a claim against the governing authority (for not implimenting the rules properly) and the trophy awarded to the runner up with a walkover. It has happened in the past in the cups.

Equally as you have said the leagues can be reawarded by reallocating the points Rangers won.

I am actually unsure whether it is really worth the exercise though. I for one will treat the 2002 league cup as ours by default. It is for others to decide whether they are re-awarded. However given the monumental incompetence of the SFA/SPL and (to a lesser extent) SFL, I have little faith of them actually removing anything.

To my mind the only people who will win out of this are lawyers and playground numpties.

Edited by mps02
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We'll have to disagree.

Whilst I'm far from impressed with the actions of many of the rich Rangers 'supporters' over recent times, but I'm certain there will always be The Rangers for me to follow

To quote from elsewhere....

If you want to pick pockets, distraction will play a key role in your tactics. Get a pal to barge into someone or hold up a cute baby and, while the punter's concentration is elsewhere, you can nip in for their wallet or purse.

If you're the victim of such a crime, you will pledge that you'll never fall for such a blatant ruse again. Now, that would be really stupid, wouldn't it?

Which brings us to the Sevco franchise.

Gullible the sevco hordes are, but eventually there will be a radar that encompasses everybodys wealth, and no more pound coins wll change hands.

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How can you possibly disagree with the fact that Charles Green was and is the only show in town? :o

I'm not at the wind-up, I just can't believe you would genuinely claim this and be serious.

He wouldn't. Nothing he has come away with during his brief time on here is serious or worthy of exploration. This one, Foerver Blue and Crazy Frog are doing some top trolling. Folk keep biting. Stick them on ignore and batter away at the issues surrounding the demise of Rangers and the arrival of the replacements. If you let them interrupt then you end up with Celtic - Rangers tit-for-tat. Just because a few dafties are determined to spam the place and shout the loudest until people walk away (where have I heard that before) from the thread and its issues doesn't mean there is not a hell of a lot still to come that will determine where this Rangers saga goes.

It would be useful if someone would at least explain the delay to the Tribunal ruling. That has now been due for announcement for about 6 months with no explanation as to why the lates apparent deadline of easter wasn't met.

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The trophy re-allocation should be a simple enough affair. Employ the same issues as other sports, eg. Ben Johnson did not have his first round and semi final annulled, all that happened was his name was removed from the records and Carl Lewis awarded the Gold and so on. Every club Rangers had beaten on the road to the finals should be able to stake a claim against the governing authority (for not implimenting the rules properly) and the trophy awarded to the runner up with a walkover. It has happened in the past in the cups.

Equally as you have said the leagues can be reawarded by reallocating the points Rangers won.

I am actually unsure whether it is really worth the exercise though. I for one will treat the 2002 league cup as ours by default. It is for others to decide whether they are re-awarded. However given the monumental incompetence of the SFA/SPL and (to a lesser extent) SFL, I have little faith of them actually removing anything.

To my mind the only people who will win out of this are lawyers and playground numpties.

The Ben Johnson comparison isn't necessarily accurate. His samples in the early rounds may not have been tested, or may have been clean. We don't know if he only tested positive after the final

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It would be useful if someone would at least explain the delay to the Tribunal ruling. That has now been due for announcement for about 6 months with no explanation as to why the lates apparent deadline of easter wasn't met.

I don't think it was the absolutely final, no more after this, last chance saloon, deadline. Either that or there was something up with the quantum of the announcement. Or its deliverability.

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I don't think it was the absolutely final, no more after this, last chance saloon, deadline. Either that or there was something up with the quantum of the announcement. Or its deliverability.

I saw a link last week to all the first tier decisions awaiting announcement. They were by no means the longest.

Must be online but I cannae find it :(

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I just can't keep up with all these Rangers posts!

Ok DhenBhoy, let's start with you. I think you will find MANY people on here are obsessed with Rangers. I did take the time to view one of your fellow Celtic "supporter's" profile as soon as he replied to me, full of topics and posts re: Rangers, much like yours! Are we to believe you are just interested in the legal issues surrounding this matter? (oh and don't tell me you are a lawyer, I don't believe any of them use the phrase 'PMSL', it's almost like you are a wee boy on a playground ;) ) . However, despite your obvious "infancy", I will indulge you. Our support is delusional, for...err...supporting? It's a funny thing, it is possible to be a supporter of a Club rather than a hater of 1. This obsession you Celtic fans have isn't healthy, but again I for one am enjoying it greatly. Oh and I noticed below your post to me you weren't pleased with a chap for insulting you, despite just a few posts above calling me a "fanny". Another charming individual! But yes, i'm sure everything will be liquidated and none of us Rangers' minded folk will exist any more. This famous legal website Pie and Bovril says so! It will be Sevco (oh, who will go into administration), Ibrox will be turned into a Tesco, all the Rangers fans will be sitting greeting into their scarves and 'ra Sellick' will go on to clinch 100IAR. Unicorns and Goblins everywhere in the magical fairytale that exists inside the mindsets of Celtic fans. The Death of Rangers!!! Arghhh! Behave yourself, son.

Now, the poster - "bookies love me" , well well well. Yes I agree, you are specifically in this thread so why not talk about Rangers? But it seems yourself in particular enjoy to talk about Rangers no matter what thread you are in! In the thread "Hearts Tax Case" , you posted ""The Rise of the Internet Keyboard Jockey; the Role They Played in the Destruction of Rangers FC and Death of Scottish Football and Their Participation in the Implosion of Scotland's Society". Interesting, a bit worrying and creepy but interesting. Stereotypes about SPL fans "Hearts fans look like baby orcs". Ok Ok, let's move on, you get my point, you love the Rangers. Right, so "our mob" tried every trick in the book to get back to the Scottish 'PREMIER' ( cringe, cringe I say) League? I assume by your mob you mean the owners of Rangers? Well, anyone running a business wants to get the most money in as possible yes? Is that sectarian or something? I don't understand your point? Do you think Charles Green wanted us back in the SPL as that's where the awesome football exists? Rangers fans, the vast vast majority all wanted us to start from the SFL 3. Does it pain you that we ARE actually enjoying life in the lower leagues? You want us to be devastated and begging to come back? If it makes you sleep better at night, yes, we are merely putting a brave face on it, inside our souls are crushed, we are simply chomping at the bit to get back to playing the glorious Hibs 4 times a season.


To the other posters going on about cheating, corruption and what have you. Yes, i'm sure that's why you are all here, you are Knights searching for truth and honesty! After all, Scottish football was famous for it's purity and honesty outside of Rangers! We bloody cheated after all with they illegal...er..legal...er, EBTS. We dunno wit they are and if yer guilty of sumthin, but by golly ye cheated! Must huv done!

It's almost as laughable as the hiding behind Sporting Integrity, the phrase "Sectarian", calling everyone "Bigots", getting "offended" by songs (oh but apparently the Rangers fans are now shocking for pretending to be offended by things to get people banned in response). You really believe anyone swallows this tripe that you are all here merely because of the situation itself and not Rangers? You are all here because we are all united in 1 thing, an OBSESSION of Rangers Football Club.

Obsessed doesn't even cover it with the Celtic crew on here from what i've read mind you, quite literally not giving a monkeys about their own team and instead opting to discuss us at every possible turn. I truely admire such commitment. By the time I come back this thread will have another 2 or 3 pages on it I guarantee.

Again though, I won't mind, after all it's all about Rangers.

Edited by Crazy_Frog
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Are they not still awaiting new shirts that they can fleece the fans out of more money?

That is the whole point of any team selling shirts, to make money.

no one is forcced to buy them, it's that little thing called free will.

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We'll have to disagree.

Whilst I'm far from impressed with the actions of many of the rich Rangers 'supporters' over recent times, but I'm certain there will always be The Rangers for me to follow.

History is littered with examples of people, places, etc that everyone at the time thought would always be there.

Did you ever imagine that RFC as you knew it would end up in the 3rd division, and no longer be the original RFC? Nobody even considered that as a possibility, and yet it has happened.

Take Man City and Chelsea. Winning everything in sight. The fans cannot imagine there never being a club, but if the owners ever got bored and walked away, that's exactly what would happen.

Asking a serious question for a second.............If Chuck Green said tomorrow he had enough and walked out of the club, what would YOU do to save your club?

I don't know your answer but the blue in my work said he would hope someone else would come in. And that's my point. He would expect someone else to save the club. The fans can have as many buckets full of cash as they like and charity events, but that wouldn't save the club from extinction. Even if it was left to the fans to run the club, it's obvious that the last people to run a football club are it's fans, who would think with their hearts and not their heads.

Green is doing the same thing he did at Sheffield. At first it looked promising as good players came into the club, and they had a manager the fans loved. And for a while everything seemed rosy. But then he started selling off players and the manager "left". There were even rumours that Green was interfering in team selections and trying to be the Big I Am at the club. Even the investors he promised never materialized. And by the time the fans realised what was happening it was too late.

Now he is doing the same thing, with reports that whilst Ally and Craig Beattie were talking about the latter's signing, Green was on the blower to Beattie's agent telling him thanks, but no thanks. The players that have been brought in probably won't even see out their 3 or 4 year contracts as he knows that he can sell them on to "bigger" clubs and make a profit. A profit that won't be going to buying new players. Investors? Still no sign of them.

As a side note I have to admit that one thing that is pissing me off about SevCo is that only a few weeks ago McCoist was saying that this was the time for the young "stars" to shine. These were the lads that under normal circumstances wouldn't have had a hope in hell of getting into the first team, but all of a sudden were "stars". The fans were lead to believe that these young boys were going to come through the ranks and were going to be given every chance by McCoist.

Move forward a few weeks and Ally is wanting to sign more players. So with the exception of one or two lads, the others will be in the same situation as they were last year, ticking along until they get sent on loan or punted to another team.

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That is the whole point of any team selling shirts, to make money.

no one is forcced to buy them, it's that little thing called free will.

And where will that money go?

It used to be said by the club that buying a shirt helped to buy players. But was that ever really the case?

We've already had Green and McCoist begging fans to buy season tickets so that they don't have to make people redundant. Guilt trip or whit!?!?!?!?

What will it be next, buy a shirt or a kitten gets drowned?

So let's say that no fans buy a shirt. Do you honestly think that Green and Ally will just say "well that's free will I suppose."?

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The top part of your post is just groundless speculation not much I could do nothing but answer back with more groundless speculation, had enough of getting into these winless circles

As for the Youth in Rangers, I really hope they get the chance to shine now are in the 3rd, despite having Morray Park its promise was rarely realised for the benefit of the club, many players who were grounded there have went on to much better things but were forced to move away from Rangers due to lack of 1st team matches, I hope this now changes

The season is still very young but so far our best players have easily been the young pack

Then indulge me and speculate........what would YOU do to save your club if Green walked away tomorrow?

You are right, the young players have been better than "the old heads". So why is Ally wanting to bring in more players? Hutton was one of these "young stars" Ally talked about a few weeks ago, but as soon as Ally brings in a player for that position Hutton is put on the bench.

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"Did you ever imagine that RFC as you knew it, and no longer be the original RFC?"

You people are absolute fruit loops it's staggering!!! :D :D

So you all suddenly care about the legality of company names? I.e changing company name means whole new zombie club etc? It's hysterical! Look at you all sitting discussing this like you have the foggiest idea about anything going on inside Ibrox!

Get some sunlight you obsessed, crazy crazy people!!

There are many other ways to discuss Rangers!

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And where will that money go?

It used to be said by the club that buying a shirt helped to buy players. But was that ever really the case?

We've already had Green and McCoist begging fans to buy season tickets so that they don't have to make people redundant. Guilt trip or whit!?!?!?!?

What will it be next, buy a shirt or a kitten gets drowned?

So let's say that no fans buy a shirt. Do you honestly think that Green and Ally will just say "well that's free will I suppose."?

Do you expect fans on here to have those answers?

You are being a bit of a drama queen here, for what it's worth i don't trust Green (yet), in the future i may but right now i'll remain sceptical.

Running Rangers i'd say isn't cheap at the best of times and the club does need funding, selling merchandise and tickets is a standard way to raise funds.

I won't be buying the strip, far too old and layered for football shirts and to be honest i don't give a F*8k what Green or anyone else says about it and neither should any other fan.

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We were in debt (like every other football club in Britain). Big deal. A crook gain control of the club and decides not to pay PAYE. When he is pulled up for it, he applies for administration. Crook chooses his own administrators. Previous PLC is liquidated, new PLC buys the club.

Does this really warrant 3323 pages, most of which are from fans who hate Rangers more than they love their own club. Bit sad really.

Even now, we're in the countries lowest division, where everyone wanted us to go.. And they're still obsessed?

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