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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Im just arrived here on this forum and the firdt thing i see is a derogatory remark about Muslims,OH DEARY ME, a wonderfull race of folk you could not beat,honest,loyal,and politically asstute,,its NOT bring them onboard (they) our brothers in arms are aboard and kicking and fighting with the rest of us ,lets call a spade a spade here ,i stand with my pals dark skinned or lighter shade of milk bottle ,please dont go doon this fukin line PAISLET ROAD WEST IS WHERE THE HEART IS and dont let us forget it ,RANT OVER ILL BE BACK

No need to bother, really, no need......

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Soooooooooooooo let me get this right.................

They Murray, Kennedy and Ticketus all have a meet, at which T is offered £10 million out of the £27 million they are owed. They tell the other two to go stuff themselves and they in turn say "fine, we'll go it alone and you can just join the list of creditors."

Surely ticketus must have looked at things and realised that if a CVA was on the cards they would have been better taking the offered £10 million instead of the 10p in the £ that TBK and K are hoping for?


Yeah, but if Ticketus are part of the team that buys Rangers, they could have income from the club for years into the future, or income from them and the other consortium members taking an ailing club, working through the pain of a CVA etc and getting it back to a sensible, profitable and successful footing and then selling it to someone else for much more than they paid. The fact is, they now don't think those scenarios are feasible.

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I know a lot of us who regularly post on here have had our fun and a good LOL-fest, but underneath it all, there appears to be a mood that simply put, Rangers need to be treated like any other club, and all we ask is that the punishment fits the crime - or however you want to put it. Far from demanding a pound of flesh, we just want justice to be done, and importantly, to be seen to be done.

On the other side of the fence, all I'm seeing is a seige mentality, and arrogance of the highest order. Supreme bawbaggery and, for want of a better phrase, a lot of shite being talked out of a lot of arses... Smith, McCoist, Jardine, Goram, Hateley, Doddsy, Traynor... it's a long list, and no doubt I've missed a few outstanding candidates for the title of 'blowhard of the year' along the way.

Point being, and I might have missed it - is there anyone linked to Rangers either in an official capacity, or as a media pundit who openly supports Rangers, who has spoken in a more reasoned and rational manner about their situation? Anyone showing a modicum of objectivity and not lashing out at anyone and everyone, blaming everyone bar themselves for their rather irritating current financial predicament?

Nope - not that I'm aware of.

McCoist, during his they must be outed interview, referred to Rangers as a seriously, seriously wounded animal. Wounded animals tend to lash out in an indiscriminate manner due to their sense of greater vulnerability, and this seems to be a characteristic shared by all those associated with Rangers.

Now, normally at this point, I would refer to the fact that, unlike animals, people would normally have the facility to intellectualise their circumstances, and develop constructive, cohesive, and socially adapted means by which to address their predicament. Aherm....

This entire debacle has simply demonstrated that Rangers, their supporters, and the lickspittle handmaidens in the media are operating at the level of primitive beasts. Some might argue that this explains away their ludicrous, irrational, and grossly reprehensible behaviour, but I won't accept that it excuses their antics in any way, shape, or form, nor is it tolerable to allow this to continue.

From a certain perspective, McCoist was correct in referring to Rangers as a seriously wounded animal....sorry, seriously, seriously wounded animal. Sometimes Ally, there is no option but to do the merciful thing, and put seriously, seriously wounded animals to sleep.

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Soooooooooooooo let me get this right.................

They Murray, Kennedy and Ticketus all have a meet, at which T is offered £10 million out of the £27 million they are owed. They tell the other two to go stuff themselves and they in turn say "fine, we'll go it alone and you can just join the list of creditors."

Surely ticketus must have looked at things and realised that if a CVA was on the cards they would have been better taking the offered £10 million instead of the 10p in the £ that TBK and K are hoping for?


If a CVA is agreed then ticketus will go for the deal that stands and try to get their 27m back

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Soooooooooooooo let me get this right.................

They Murray, Kennedy and Ticketus all have a meet, at which T is offered £10 million out of the £27 million they are owed. They tell the other two to go stuff themselves and they in turn say "fine, we'll go it alone and you can just join the list of creditors."

Surely ticketus must have looked at things and realised that if a CVA was on the cards they would have been better taking the offered £10 million instead of the 10p in the £ that TBK and K are hoping for?



Their deal still stands for the tickets if they puncture a CVA and Rangers go the newco/SPL fold and let them stright back in route?

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Ok sorry to bring up the word transparency again, but since all clubs have an opportunity on Monday to show just how crystal clear or opaque they want to be, here's a suggestions for Mondays meeting at Hampden:

How about Peter Lawell and someone from the sinking ship in Govan bring the documentation of all talks held with EPL representatives over the past few years, just for transparency. Then we can all see just how desperate the OF were/are to jump ship and leave us all to wither and die.

It astounds me that on one hand they want details of every meeting the other clubs and panels have yet refuse to give out any that show they have/had every intention of running off with not a second thought for the welfare of Scottish football as a whole, while on the other - they tell us through the media and every self important windbag they can muster (Smith, Jardine, etc) - that without them we will die and we'd better stop laughing and watch out!

NEWSFLASH: We've been watching for a long long time Mr Lawell, Mr. Smith, et al - and while you were scheming and dreaming of a life less ordinary in the EPL, our chairmen have been preparing for this day. DO NOT LET US DOWN THE SPL 10!!

If anyone has the right or power to issue a warning shot across the bows of the SPL 10 it is us - their fans - not the OF. Perhaps a nice little poll to gather weight of opinion would be the way to put pressure back on the OF and show Sandy Jardine that we really truly do not care and we are preparing to make our bed and lie in it. I for one will never set foot in Tannadice or any other Scottish ground ever again if this rodeo refuses to leave town under fair punishment. How many others feel the same? Many of you I suspect.

And in doing so we - not Rangers - or Celtic - the real fans of OUR clubs - have the power to kill Scottish football, but for the right moral and social reasons. If Rangers, any proposed newco are let off lightly or if recinding of the punishments are done wholesale - the game, its rulers and everything else will have proved itself to be rotten to the core and no longer worth saving.

Edited by chrismcarab
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This just gets better and better. The gurning from Traynor and co. just makes it even funnier.

Make no mistake, these wretches would have disappeared into the sunset without a second thought for all the other clubs, they've publicly and actively brought this league into disrepute.

f**k them.

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Nope - not that I'm aware of.

McCoist, during his they must be outed interview, referred to Rangers as a seriously, seriously wounded animal. Wounded animals tend to lash out in an indiscriminate manner due to their sense of greater vulnerability, and this seems to be a characteristic shared by all those associated with Rangers.

Now, normally at this point, I would refer to the fact that, unlike animals, people would normally have the facility to intellectualise their circumstances, and develop constructive, cohesive, and socially adapted means by which to address their predicament. Aherm....

This entire debacle has simply demonstrated that Rangers, their supporters, and the lickspittle handmaidens in the media are operating at the level of primitive beasts. Some might argue that this explains away their ludicrous, irrational, and grossly reprehensible behaviour, but I won't accept that it excuses their antics in any way, shape, or form, nor is it tolerable to allow this to continue.

From a certain perspective, McCoist was correct in referring to Rangers as a seriously wounded animal....sorry, seriously, seriously wounded animal. Sometimes Ally, there is no option but to do the merciful thing, and put seriously, seriously wounded animals to sleep.

What we are seeing from the likes of McCoist, Jardine and Watty now is the equivalent of a stampede for the lifeboats on a sinking ship - it should be women and children first but the way Jardine was speaking yesterday smacks of a trample over the women and kids to ensure they get their place in the safety of the lifeboat and to hell with the rest of them. They all realise it's now an every man for himself scenario and more and more "Rangers minded" types (e.g. Hatelely this week too) will be preparing to make their run for it as I type. The ship is sinking ever so slowly but I think they are finaly starting to realise that - they just haven't accepted it was their own crew that are to blame.

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The withdrawal of Ticketus squares with the Daily Record's story, which I posted earlier, that there will be a joint bid between the Blue Knights and Brian Kennedy and without Ticketus.

Any idea when the deadline for this bid is?

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The withdrawal of Ticketus squares with the Daily Record's story, which I posted earlier, that there will be a joint bid between the Blue Knights and Brian Kennedy and without Ticketus.

See stockport county,kennedy loves a fall guy just like minty did with whyte

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1335518251[/url]' post='6178322']

The withdrawal of Ticketus squares with the Daily Record's story, which I posted earlier, that there will be a joint bid between the Blue Knights and Brian Kennedy and without Ticketus.

Neither of whom can fund Rangers outwith a newco.TBH neither of them could fund WITH* a newco.

*copyright leggoblog

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The thing about all these no-so-veiled threats of sanctions from Jardine and co is that surely to f**k this will only get the backs up of the people who actually have the power to decided Rangers' future.

The time that Rangers can control people with threats and bullying is surely long gone.

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The withdrawal of Ticketus squares with the Daily Record's story, which I posted earlier, that there will be a joint bid between the Blue Knights and Brian Kennedy and without Ticketus.

It's an exclusive by Keith Jackson. Remember Keith Jackson, the guy that waxed lyrical about some billionaire taking over Rangers, what was the guy's name again.............

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Do Ticketus not hold the key to a CVA? The list of creditors is lost away inside this thread, but if I remember correctly, more than 25% of the total amount owed is owed to Ticketus, and with a CVA requiring 75% support to go through, it can't be done without them.

I can't see a CVA going through now, unless there's an agreement between Ticketus and whichever group takes over to pass a CVA at a certain level. I highly doubt that exists, and it'll be liquidation for The Rangers.

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