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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Finally got to see Civil War, shame I ended up surrounded by three year old children whose parents had obviously decided could sit through three hours of something they'd have no chance of understanding. Smart move, arseholes.


I had plenty of that when I went to see it yesterday (my mistake going for Saturday afternoon). I also ended up in front of a guy who was obviously a Marvel Encyclopaedia and his "I know nothing about the Marvel universe" friend. Him narrating the entire film was a delight.

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Batman v Superman


Had to give it a go , have read all the negative stuff and yes it does have flaws but it's nowhere near as bad as people are saying. Affleck does a fine job as Bruce Wayne/Batman, to appreciate his performance you have to realise that he's trying to be an older and more cynical version than the Bale effort. Jeremy Irons is criminally underused as Alfred , always felt that Micheal Caine had a good input into the Nolan trilogy . Cavill is as good a Superman as you're going to get, Superman is a pretty one dimensional character at the best of times(never been a fan) so basically any big powerhouse should be able to do a job and Cavill ticks a box there. The Wonder Woman stuff is just a bit silly as they should have just stuck a sign on her saying coming soon to a theatre near you, that's one of the main problems with these franchise films, everything is an advert for the next instalement. 

Eissenberg is a dreadful Lex Luther, I can see what they've tried to do in giving him a younger fresher approach but it was the worst part of the film , a snidey college kid taking over the world  :blink: .


The action was decent although way too much CGI which spoilt the last Superman film, ...overall I thought it was ok, There is a lot of room for improvement and hopefully they'll learn from the mistakes, I'd put it on a par with the second Avengers film......6/10 

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I had plenty of that when I went to see it yesterday (my mistake going for Saturday afternoon). I also ended up in front of a guy who was obviously a Marvel Encyclopaedia and his "I know nothing about the Marvel universe" friend. Him narrating the entire film was a delight.


Its infuriating. When Caps letters being read out and you see people in jail, you know, right at the end of the film, a kid along from me asked his dad how they ended up in jail.


I was seething.

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What happened to the recent posts about the Nymphomania films?....they seem to have disappeared without explanation. I have also had a couple of posts removed recently without explanation which is a tad annoying as id like a reason why.

Anyhoo the first one was way over long and utter pish. For some reason I started to stream the second one today.....three hours??? Halfway in I couldn't watch it past the horrific abortion scene.

0/10 for both.

I fully expect this post to disappear shortly with the others :rolleyes:  

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Scroll up a bit, Boo.

I did go back several pages bud and couldn't find them!?!?

Only my bestest pals refer to me as Boo but i'm quite happy with that :thumsup2

My other deleted posts started with H and ended with S and may have included a U and an N.......I am a bad man.

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Captain America: Civil War

I went into this movie with high expectations, but this film did very well in its attempts of meeting them. The set pieces were amazing and they did a very good job in making me go back and forth in choosing what side I was on. I also loved Spiderman and I look forward to seeing him more in the MCU.

9/10. Probably my second favourite marvel film after the first Avengers movie.

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Captain America: Civil War


Well, they did a hell of a job cramming a hell of a lot in there. The action scenes were consistently great, which is good given they take up a big chunk of the movie. The big battle is the highlight as well, but the scenes following it come very close indeed. Some tremendous smaller parts from some of the lesser Avengers. Ant-Man provided probably two of the best moments in the main battle, Spider-Man was great fun, and most of the good comic lines fell to The Falcon throughout the movie too. Everybody had their chance to shine in the time they had, and the whole thing moved along brilliantly. I'm not sure I have it above Guardians of the Galaxy as the best in the MCU, or even above Winter Soldier, but it's a tremendous effort, and EXTREMELY close to the latter.



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On that side of things...


Zemo is one of the best villains the MCU has come up with. Not much screen time, but his shadow is cast over everything that happens. Favourite bit in the movie is him orchestrating the fight at the end between Cap/Bucky and Iron Man.


The story is good, but with so much going on, it could still have been fucked. The pacing was spot on through the whole thing.

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On that side of things...


Zemo is one of the best villains the MCU has come up with. Not much screen time, but his shadow is cast over everything that happens. Favourite bit in the movie is him orchestrating the fight at the end between Cap/Bucky and Iron Man.


The story is good, but with so much going on, it could still have been fucked. The pacing was spot on through the whole thing.


I struggle to class him as a villain, tbh. They done a tremendous job in making you sympathise with him.

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Kinda agree with that. But there were certain moments which edge him into that category for me.


Yeah he was definitely the "bad guy", he was just nowhere near the traditional villain though. The moment I realised he was listening to the last recording of his families voices over and over again was quite touching, really.


Should that be in spoilers? Feel like it should be

Edited by RandomGuy.
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On that side of things...

Zemo is one of the best villains the MCU has come up with. Not much screen time, but his shadow is cast over everything that happens. Favourite bit in the movie is him orchestrating the fight at the end between Cap/Bucky and Iron Man.

The story is good, but with so much going on, it could still have been fucked. The pacing was spot on through the whole thing.

One of the best villains in the MCU isn't much of a compliment considering how utterly forgettable they've been ;) I thought he was one of the better ones without being great. He'll no doubt pop up in another upcoming movie so perhaps I'll grow to like him.

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Special Correspondents

Actually enjoyed it. Had a good few laughs throughout and thought all the actors put in good performances. Gervais and Bana built up a good chemistry I thought and it was strange seeing the lovely Vera Farmiga playing a right bitch.

I feel a bit sorry for Gervais at times. It's unlikely he'll ever make anything as good as The Office but I think folk always expect more from him as a result of its genius. So it's always extremely easy to have a pop at his latest works.

To me it was very lighthearted and I got a few giggles from it. That's all I really ask from a comedy.


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Special Correspondents

Actually enjoyed it. Had a good few laughs throughout and thought all the actors put in good performances. Gervais and Bana built up a good chemistry I thought and it was strange seeing the lovely Vera Farmiga playing a right bitch.

I feel a bit sorry for Gervais at times. It's unlikely he'll ever make anything as good as The Office but I think folk always expect more from him as a result of its genius. So it's always extremely easy to have a pop at his latest works.

To me it was very lighthearted and I got a few giggles from it. That's all I really ask from a comedy.


I thought it was ok but I don't think Gervais helps himself by making every one of his characters downtrodden/weak which I'm not sure is his strength.

He probably excels at being snarky/cruel so it would be nice to see him take on a role like that.

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Absolutely Anything 3/10


Simon Pegg, (playing Simon Pegg), is bestowed with the power to do absolutely anything by some passing aliens as a test of humanities worthiness. What does Pegg do with this power? He makes a dog talk and turns his friend into a sausage. Comedy genius.


Avoid at all costs.

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