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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I thought Ad Astra just about managed to keep me invested but the pace was definitely a bit of work. 
It was ok but to go all that way and just for everything to mess up?
I'm no expert but you're talking at least a decade trip.
Might as well have been a film about alan partridge driving to dundee and eating 100 toblerones.
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On 27/12/2019 at 09:39, Silverton End said:

The King's Choice (2016)

Norwegian movie, April 1940 & the Germans invade Norway.

The King has a choice to make, and the film follows these 3 or so days in April, after receiving an ultimatum from Hitler.

Well worth watching, an excellent production & a bit of a Norwegian flag-waver.

Solid 8/10


Just watched it, not bad. Did a bit of googling after and it seems to have been very accurate, including the wee battle scene. Interesting thing I found out was there were around 400,000 German soldiers left in Norway at the end of the war, at least 300,000 during most of it, for a country with a population of 3 million. There was a bit of resistance but it was easily the safest place to spend the war. Must have been an awful lot of German parents pulling strings to get their sons posted there, rather than the Russian front.


Thought the King would escape to Sweden, turned out the Royal Navy shipped him out to London.


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Saw Knives Out last night at the Premier (lazyboy chairs, blankets - £5!). Thought it was great, like an old fashioned whodunnit with an impressive cast. I actually liked Daniel Craig's accent (Deep South/New Orleans) and the script was great - very funny.

Will have to watch it again to get all the little tricks.

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Cats 1/10 - I went in the hope of a so bad its good showing and didn't think it could live up to how bad the critics said it was but wow it really is that bad. The CGI/Costumes are too distracting for it to hold up as a musical while the story/dialog/characters don't hold up enough for it to be a normal movie.
The 'star-studded' cast are mostly terrible bar a couple who try their best with the crock of horse-shit they have to deal with (Ian McKellen and Jason DeRulo surprisingly). James Corden and Rebel Wilson shit all over the screen when they appear with their usual 'I'm so fat' and 'Ow my vagina/balls' comedy.

Do not see this movie. 

Edited by Scotty Tunbridge
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John Wick 3


A thought-provoking and subtle homage to film noir with a memorable script and tender moments giving an insight into the human condi...


Nah - laughed my arse off throughout. Got a new soundbase for the telly and thought I'd test it on this. Superb. The sound of a knife scraping against the skull when it's plunged into an eyeball was exquisitely rendered. More banging going on than at a Dundee single mum's night out. 

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Going in style

First film of the day for me. 3 pensioners lose out on pension and decide to rob a bank keep only what they require and give away the rest of their ill gotten gains. Prettyshite tbh. 


Knives out

Film 2. Quite enjoyed this. Craig's accent is a beauty. The nurse is a beauty. I'll more than likely go back and watch this again. 


I'm now lay watching expendables. OTT ham acting but their enjoyable films to doze off to. 

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The Lion King on Channel 4.

Seen it about 100 times and it continues to amaze me on every watch how breathtakingly beautiful the animation is and even the backdrops. The absolute peak of the art for me.

People talk about The Thief and the Cobbler being the peak of the art of animation as it's so ridiculously fluid but it doesn't hold a candle to the Lion King visually in my opinion. 

The story, voice acting and music is all too notch as well. 

10/10. One of my favourite films of all time. 

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34 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:


Film about folk shrinking to save the planet. Like an extended black mirror episode. It was OK but poorly paced and too long.


Would agree with that. It had the guts of a good idea but didn't really know what to do with it and seemed to be a bit of an unfocused mess. A bit Truman Show (which I loved) meets Secret Life of Walter Mitty (which I hated). 

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2 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

The Lion King on Channel 4.

Seen it about 100 times and it continues to amaze me on every watch how breathtakingly beautiful the animation is and even the backdrops. The absolute peak of the art for me.

People talk about The Thief and the Cobbler being the peak of the art of animation as it's so ridiculously fluid but it doesn't hold a candle to the Lion King visually in my opinion. 

The story, voice acting and music is all too notch as well. 

10/10. One of my favourite films of all time. 

If you're talking about the original Lion King then yep, 10/10

The second one had Jeremy Irons hammily waffling about the Circle Of Life. 

It was very nearly as good. 

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On 31/12/2019 at 20:37, NewBornBairn said:

John Wick 3


A thought-provoking and subtle homage to film noir with a memorable script and tender moments giving an insight into the human condi...


Nah - laughed my arse off throughout. Got a new soundbase for the telly and thought I'd test it on this. Superb. The sound of a knife scraping against the skull when it's plunged into an eyeball was exquisitely rendered. More banging going on than at a Dundee single mum's night out. 

Ok, I give up. Tried googling it and I can't find where your signature comes from. 

Is it a Christopher Brookmyre quote?

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