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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Lost Highway is the most Lynchian Lynch movie I've seen although I've not seen Inland Empire. Marilyn Manson popping up at end was a surprise. Robert Blake's character was creepy as f**k.
He wrote it with Barry Gifford who wrote the book that Wild At Heart is based on and a load of sequel novellas which get increasingly more ridiculous. 
Richard Pryor was a surprise also, but Billy Ray Cyrus in Mullholland Drive has to take the strangest cameo award. I loved Inland Empire, but like most of his films I didn't have a clue what was going on.
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3 hours ago, Detournement said:

Lost Highway is the most Lynchian Lynch movie I've seen although I've not seen Inland Empire. Marilyn Manson popping up at end was a surprise. Robert Blake's character was creepy as f**k.

He wrote it with Barry Gifford who wrote the book that Wild At Heart is based on and a load of sequel novellas which get increasingly more ridiculous. 


Lost Highway is probably my favourite Lynch movie, and Robert Blake’s Mystery Man is Lynch’s scariest villain, just edging out Dennis Hopper’s Frank Booth in Blue Velvet for that accolade. His performance was retrospectively given an extra layer of menace by his 2001 trial for the murder of his second wife - he was acquitted, but lost a subsequent civil action, where he was found liable for her wrongful death.

I’ve seen all Lynch’s films and Lost Highway, Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, Mulholland Dr. , Inland Empire, Blue Velvet and Eraserhead are my top 6, with Wild at Heart and The Elephant Man not far behind. The only Lynch films I don’t care for are The Straight Story (excellent performance by Richard Farnsworth, but ultimately a rather dull film), and Dune, which was a complete mess. 

Just hoping Lynch (who’s not getting any younger) has at least one more movie in him, or at least another TV series (rumours were rife that he was in consultation with Netflix about a new show before Covid hit.)

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Summer of Sam
I'd be tempted to call this a forgotten masterpiece. The synopsis had never really grabbed me and it doesn't have great reviews but it was a real treat. Son of Sam (AKA the .44 Calibre Killer) has New York gripped by panic in the summer of 1977. The killer and the search for his is all incidental though. Instead we get a study on masculinity, repressed sexuality. The soundtrack is mainly funk and disco and there is the panic at the emergence of punk and the blurring of masculine and feminine stereotypes. 
Spike Lee does sweaty summers so well and the cast is rammed with sleazy wise guys you'll recognise from so many gangster films and shows.The local hoods decide that as the police can't catch the serial killer then they will do it. Friends find themselves set against each other. The music is great and like in early Lee films there's a strong female character who givers her man such incredible bollockings. 
Really not a serial killer film or crime thriller so don't go into it expecting Manhunter. Reminded me a bit of recent stuff like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Sky Atlantic's The Deuce crossed with Lee's own Do The Right Thing. Rammed with themes that still feel very relevant.

Not seen that film in years but love it! Same with zodiac just find films like that a great watch
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21 hours ago, naegoodinthedark said:

Terminator Dark Fate.

Bit meh, but alright I suppose.

Hopefully the next one sees someone sent back in time to stop the lassie that plays Sarah Connor smoking 200 fags a day.

Or someone sent back in time to tell James Cameron they need to stop after T2.

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Eventually watched Infernal Affairs. Fortunately the wife fell asleep after about 15 minutes so i was able to stop fielding questions and enjoy it. 

Absolutely class from start to finish with barely a wasted frame. Sam was one of the best baddies I've seen, in an understated way. 

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On 20/09/2020 at 20:52, naegoodinthedark said:

Terminator Dark Fate.

Bit meh, but alright I suppose.

Hopefully the next one sees someone sent back in time to stop the lassie that plays Sarah Connor smoking 200 fags a day.

To be fair I think her appearance suits the character, and she is 63, hardly looks bad considering.

Agree on review. It wasn't actually bad. First half an hour was good, the ending was okay, but I could have done without the hour long stop at The Exposition Motel in the middle.

While it was, generally, watchable, they still should have stopped after the second film.

The use of the face generating technology at the start is interesting, I can see this being a big deal in Hollywood in years to come. Would expect Indiana Jones to carry on long after Harrison Ford is dead, for starters.

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"Sorry to Bother You" (Sky) - starts with a decent enough premise of a Black telesales worker who finds his sales increase massively when he starts adopting a "white voice".

I thought it was going to be a fairly straightforward but still worth telling indictment of racism, but it just keeps adding layers of craziness, meaning it was nothing like I expected. And a very rare, very original film.

I thought it was brilliantly mad. 9/10.

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Kanye also enjoying 2049

I'm totally reassessing Kanye now i've seen this set up. Gigantic screen, huge empty room, swivel chair on wheels for immersive mobile viewing experience. Watching some scary film, alone, in complete darkness there would be the pinnacle of viewing.

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22 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Ip Man 4. 

You know what you're getting with these, Donnie Yen being a badass. Story is daft, fights are good.

Thought I'd see if there was any footage of the real Ip Man to see how quick he was.


I thought IP Man 4 was absolute pish. The dubbing was absolutely comical.

3 was poor as well.

1 and 2 however are brilliant. Love those films.

Regarding that clip, mind that he had cancer for the last few years of his life.

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War Dog

Imagine if Universal Soldier was set in Sweden, but was trying really hard to pretend it was America. Then imagine shooting kids and pretty much anyone is required in every situation. It's like an ultra cartoony, hyper violent prequel.



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Bill and Ted Face the Music

Not sure how to feel about this tbh. It was absolutely fine, and I enjoyed it, but I still felt a bit disappointed. There was just something missing. Maybe it was the lack of George Carlin and the fact I can't stand Kristen Schaal. The movie-long impression of Keanu Reeves as Ted by the daughter from Atypical was absolutely magnificent though.

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