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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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There Will Be Blood

Make no mistake. This movie is mainly as watchable as it is because of the utterly wonderful Daniel Day Lewis. The story is fine, the climax is fine, everything that happens is fine and there's nothing really wrong with it on the whole. So I'd normally be scoring about a 6 or a 7 here. However, in Paul Dano and Daniel Day Lewis, they found two guys who can carry the movie perfectly. Not quite perfect, so we won't be going for the full whammy. It's not far away.


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Blood Shack (1971)


Ray Dennis Steckler directed this 55 minute pile of crap under the pseudonym Wolfgang Schmidt for a reason! Would you ever want to be associated with an indie horror film that lasts for 55 minutes, isn't gory or violent enough to warrant an 18 rating (hell this even has TWO shower scenes, and STILL couldn't make it up to 18 rating!), has a killer called the Chooper that is just a man in a black t-shirt and trousers with a pair of tights over his head???

Hell the lead role of Carolyn Brandt who inherits a ranch from her late grandfather was player by, would you guess it, Carolyn Brandt. Wow, that's original!

Don't watch this unless you want to see 10 minutes of boring rodeo footage interspersed with 40 minutes of boring conversation about some dude called the Chooper interspersed with 5 minutes of the gormless twat in a really lame costume pretending to be a ghost killing people that could clearly outrun, and outfight him!!

Gets a bonus point for it only lasting 55 minutes and not making me suffer this crap for any longer!

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Mercifully short (75 minutes minus credits), it really is a cross between Godzilla and Blair Witch.

The special effects are ok, the tension at the beginning is gripping but it rapidly goes downhill with one unbelievable scene after another.


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Black Sheep (2006/I)


Just really fucking awful. If you're expecting a comedy-horror, you don't get either. More like a roredy, the back ends of both tbh.

Jonathan King has directed since, there's a reason.

Considering the effects were done by Weta Workshops, that did the LOTR trilogy, the effects were fucking terrible!!!

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The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.


I've never seen cold blooded killers dawdle over shooting folk so much. An extra point for the Nick Cave soundtrack. -2 for it not being Cher.

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True Romance (1993)


A brilliant cast, a brilliant film.

The name of the film would make you think it's gonna be a sappy love story, but it's so much more!

Oh, and Patricia Arquette still is hot covered in blood! :wub:

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Oh yes it is. It was a terrible film, but funny enough in a bad way to be a 7. This was not a children's film!

Shit in the same way that South Park is shit.

Hmm, my 4-year-old loves her Cat in the Hat DVD.

I don't know if that says more about the film, my parenting skills, or Salty's taste in films. :)

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Watched Shaolin Soccer at the weekend. Sort of film that has you smiling despite knowing that what you're smiling at isn't actually all that funny, if that makes any sense.


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Hmm, my 4-year-old loves her Cat in the Hat DVD.

I don't know if that says more about the film, my parenting skills, or Salty's taste in films. :)

It's a shit film.

It's not suitable for kids.

It's not my taste in films, it's my sick sense of humour.

In conclusion, you are a bad parent. :lol:

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It's a shit film.

It's not suitable for kids.

It's not my taste in films, it's my sick sense of humour.

In conclusion, you are a bad parent. :lol:

I kind of knew the answer all along.

Put it this way, I took her to Palmerston the other week.

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Return of the Living Dead III (1993)


Far better than the first one, but not as good as the second one.

After Curt sprays the gas from the barrels on Julie to reanimate her, she takes FAR too long to turn into a full blown zombie!

Although she does become a pretty cool pierced gothic zombie before she's captured by the army and taken back to the base for experiments.

I like when Curt sees Julie eat human flesh for the first time... "Julie, are you eating him? You should stop it. " :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Batman (1989)


Two out of three ain't bad.




Please don't go the whole hog, it really doesn't work Burton.

Should have been the average "decent" film score of 6, but for Jack Nicholson shooting Tracey Walter with such nonchalance it gets an extra mark!

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