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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Rambo 4

More of a comedy than an action film, no plot whatsoever. Consists of Stallone mumbling a few words to some missionaries, some bald mercenary who thinks hes the mutts nuts and then Stallone generally killing people in the most ridiciulous fashion ever. Highlights including Stallone wasting about 8 guys when the mercenaries were scared to attack them, a claymore which was more like an ICBM and Stallone either chopping off heads or wasting people with a machine gun.


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Rambo 4

More of a comedy than an action film, no plot whatsoever. Consists of Stallone mumbling a few words to some missionaries, some bald mercenary who thinks hes the mutts nuts and then Stallone generally killing people in the most ridiciulous fashion ever. Highlights including Stallone wasting about 8 guys when the mercenaries were scared to attack them, a claymore which was more like an ICBM and Stallone either chopping off heads or wasting people with a machine gun.


That he strapped to an unexploded bomb that the Americans had dropped!

Stop getting Rambo wrong!

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Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Its OK. Russell Brand is pretty good in it and I've always thought he was a twat. I get to watch films for a living :D . Will be watching Iron Man on Tuesday will let you know if its any good.

Edited by Feckaye
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Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Its OK. Russel Brand is pretty good in it and I've always thaught he was a twat. I watch films for a living :D . Will be watching Iron Man on Tuesday will let you know if its any good.

I work in the cinema

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That's a tremendous scene. It's the despair in the kid's voice when he says "Don't he ever sleep?"

I also loved when he was telling his kid sister the bedtime story, and the silhouette of Mitchum in his hat appeared on the wall. Sheer menace.

The whole film was maginificent, literally dripping in symbolism from start to finish.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but is Night of the Hunter - a masterpiece I agree - one of the movies they "re-coloured" to make it more popular with modern audiences? It may be my memory playing tricks with me, but I'd swear I have seen colour and monochrome versions.

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Cars (2006)


Probably in my top three animated films of all time. Wonderful wee film, and the clips of Toy Story/A Bug's Life/Monsters Inc and John Ratzenberger taking the piss were a nice wee end credits clip.

Hollow Man (2000)


Nasty, nasty should have been straight to video nasty.

Just bad.

Possibly the worst film ever to be nominated for an Oscar??

I think anyone who knows of my hatred for Kevin Bacon can guess what the four marks are for! :D

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transformers robots in disguise 7/10 much better than hoped for and a bonus point for featuring teddy from hang time

I was shocked to see Teddy from Hang Time as a baddy on US Crime Drama The Shield!

Sure it'll have been mentioned, but No Country For Old Men is outstanding, Javier Bardem is immense. 8.5/10, loses a point and a half because it was half an hour longer than it needed to be (I assume that was to keep true to the book adaptation)

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I was shocked to see Teddy from Hang Time as a baddy on US Crime Drama The Shield!

Sure it'll have been mentioned, but No Country For Old Men is outstanding, Javier Bardem is immense. 8.5/10, loses a point and a half because it was half an hour longer than it needed to be (I assume that was to keep true to the book adaptation)

Saw that recently as well, would have given it a 9/10. Could probably have cut half an hour off it but I don't mind long-ish films.

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What was it nominated for ?

Oh, and yeah, this is probably the worst movie to be nominated for an Oscar.

Best Effects, Visual Effects

Gladiator won it. The Perfect Storm was the other nominee.

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Decided to watch Hollow Man actually, in order to see how I rate it. Salty was kind. This is utterly dire. I actually like Kevin Bacon, but he hasn't half picked some pish movies to be in. This is one of 'em.


Oh, The Woodsman is on tonight. An example of a GOOD Kevin Bacon movie. Watch.

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