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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I didn't see it, but it won't be worse than this.

I wonder if the people in the cinema when I went actually liked it, I would love to hear a positive commentary of this film.

I'm going to see this next weekend. Hopefully its not as bad as you made out but going from the trailers I really dont have high hopes.

But then again I'm the only person on here that really loved Die Hard 4. I thought it was great. The jet fighter scenes were ludicrous but apart from that it was a fucking great action film, for me anyway.

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The problem with Marvel Avengers Assemble was that if you hadn't seen some of the previous films or thought some of the previous films were shit (yeah I'm looking at Thor, Captain America and The Hulk) it was difficult to get involved in the film. That and the ridiculous deus ex machina twist with the Tesseract. Oh and not forgetting that the aliens appear out of nowhere and I didn't have a fucking clue as to who they really were, and I didn't care about how the film ended up: it is totally emotionless really. The dialogue was good though (for comic book superhero standards, but there's not much stiff competition) and the special effects were impressive for the most part.

I watched it again recently and my opinion of it was significantly lowered on a second watch. It's good fun for the most part, and that's probably what it aimed for, but I found myself not really enjoying it as much a second time around.

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You have to suspend belief with superhero films pretty much the whole way through but there was something about The Avengers that just didnt work for me. LIke I said earlier I think it was because the only character I really cared about was Iron Man and to a lesser extent The Hulk. The best bit of them being on the Helicarrier was Downey Jr and Ruffalo's back and forth's. The rest of it was just poor. Correct me if im wrong but Ruffalo can control when he turns into The Hulk but still decides to change and destroy half of the Helicarrier and try to kill Black Widow, why?

I didnt like Hawkeye in this movie at all. I thought Renner's performance was really lacking and the whole mind control being broken with a swift dig to the chops just didnt fly with me. Also he's the best marksman in the world but lets shoot Sammy Jackson in the middle of the chest when he's no doubt wearing a bulletproof vest instead of shooting him between the.....eye.

Oh and speaking of Sammy Jackson, he went into Coulson's locker, got his baseball cards and wiped someones blood on them? Thats just nasty and ruined his cards that he treasured.

And some Russian American chick can outsmart the God of Deception.

Tongue firmly in cheek but all points that made me not enjoy this film. Oh and the bad acting throughout from 90% of the cast. And I personally thought it tried to hard to be "Awesome" if that makes sense, it didnt earn the right to be awesome. It took the idea of a group of superhero's and tried to tell you that it was awesome without you finding out for yourself.

Iron Man 3 looks the tits though.

Edited by 11thHour
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Oh and not forgetting that the aliens appear out of nowhere and I didn't have a fucking clue as to who they really were

They appear through the portal created by the Tesseract. You seem Loki interact with the leader/race throughout the film. Who they are specifically isn't really relevant, they're hired guns.

the whole mind control being broken with a swift dig to the chops just didnt fly with me.

He got knocked unconscious, I don't think it's ridiculous that that broke the mind control.

Banner cannot control Hulk, that's the point.

Yeah, he goes Hulk when he's angry so he can't help it if he gets angry but can make himself get angry if he wants to go Hulk.

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They appear through the portal created by the Tesseract. You seem Loki interact with the leader/race throughout the film. Who they are specifically isn't really relevant, they're hired guns.

He got knocked unconscious, I don't think it's ridiculous that that broke the mind control.

Yeah, he goes Hulk when he's angry so he can't help it if he gets angry but can make himself get angry if he wants to go Hulk.

almost word for word what my replies were going to be,

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He did during the last half hour of the film though, which was ridiculous. He transformed and wrecked anything and everything on the stupid flying boat yet somehow he managed to distinguish between friend and foe and even threw in a fucking abysmal one-liner.

He didn't control the anger, he unleashed it. He also didn't just hit the aliens, he and Thor took down a bunch of the Chitauri (aliens) and then when they were done, he knocked Thor out of the screen. It's down to individual interpretation but Hulk isn't always completely stupid but it's easily explainable that he only attacked the aliens because those were the only people attacking him. The other Avengers, in New York, weren't attacking him so he had no reason to bother fighting them when he's getting shot at by the true foes.

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He didn't control the anger, he unleashed it. He also didn't just hit the aliens, he and Thor took down a bunch of the Chitauri (aliens) and then when they were done, he knocked Thor out of the screen. It's down to individual interpretation but Hulk isn't always completely stupid but it's easily explainable that he only attacked the aliens because those were the only people attacking him. The other Avengers, in New York, weren't attacking him so he had no reason to bother fighting them when he's getting shot at by the true foes.

Why did he try and kill Black Widow then? Or was she just in his way? She wasn't attacking him. There was an attack on the ship that had nothing to do with her.

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A Good Day to Die Hard was a whole load of fun. Jai Courtney came across a bit wooden, but he's intense as f**k, so gets away with it. Bruce Willis was far far far better than he was last time. I'd go 6/10. The car chase was the highlight. Either that or the flying finger.

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He did during the last half hour of the film though, which was ridiculous. He transformed and wrecked anything and everything on the stupid flying boat yet somehow he managed to distinguish between friend and foe and even threw in a fucking abysmal one-liner.

These are all fair comments, if it wasn't a superhero movie where realism goes out the window. But it's a superhero movie. So meh.

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Taking the Avengers as a ride you can switch off to was always going to be the way to enjoy it. I obviously enjoyed far more at the cinema for the action, although you could tell that the plot lagged in some bits.

The thing is with The Avengers is that I still don't think they went all out. Instead they put a little coming together for the first film, against an army without any real supervillains other than Loki. But now, it's set up nicely with Thanos being brought to the table for the sequel.

The Avengers could have easily went all out with a big ass supervillain like him for the first film and then churned out many more sequels below that standard, but instead have been very patient integrating these heros over five years and they haven't even got started yet.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Lincoln - So, I continue to make my way through the Oscar-nominated films. Having had relatively no knowledge about Abraham Lincoln beforehand (apart from the fact that he's a vampire hunter - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1611224/?ref_=sr_1), and having next to no knowledge about politics, I found the first hour or so to be a bit of a struggle.

It is well-filmed, directed and acted. Daniel Day-Lewis and Tommy Lee Jones were particularly impressive. However, the film was very 'wordy', which I usually have no problem with. Yet my ignorance of politics meant that I found the movie a little hard-going to begin with. There were lots of political terms I didn't understand and the dialogue moved so quickly that I became lost.

On the other hand, I knew that, if I wasn't such an ignoramus, I definitely would have appreciated it a lot more. I would have liked to have seen a bit more in relation to Lincoln's actual character. I still don't have much of an idea about what kind of man he really was.

Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed the second half of the film. It was highly interesting and moving in equal measures, and I'm glad I made the effort to see it.

Still, not my favourite of the Oscar-nominated movies. 7/10

This is the same opinion as mine. I have no interest in politics whatsoever but I went to see it because it's Oscar nominated. The dialogue in parts was really good and quite witty and funny but other than that and a great performances from Daniel Day-Lewis I really didn't enjoy this at all. It's really not my sort of film. It's far too... serious.

4/10 or something. I don't know.

There was a guy I recognised in it throughout the whole film and I couldn't figure out where from. It was Daniel Hardman from Suits. I shouted "SUITS!" on the bus home when I remembered. I like when that happens.

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Definitive Spielberg back catalogue stuff, really. Probably the most childish of his kids' films and unfortnately I didn't see it when I was one. It takes a while to get going after setting the background pretty solidly, then Never Never Land and Tinker Bell and Captain Hook come into play, and the Peter Pan story with a twist takes full effect and although it's engaging and easy to follow, it's never really enthralling or exciting to an adult audience.

The actors saved the film for me, to be honest. Dustin Hoffman's pantomime-villain performance as Hook was absolutely perfect, he was a joy to watch in that role, but Julia Roberts stole the show as a adorable and super-energetic but deeply affectionate Tink. Robin Williams has plenty to play with for his role and morphs from lawyer Peter Banning into his true self fantastically.

Despite a sprinkling of fairy dust from Spielberg, the film does have a lot of faults: the screenplay is pretty dodgy at times and things on Never Never Land conclude in an equally dodgy fashion, as do things back in reality. Not Steven's masterpiece but one to show the kids to get them into Spielberg.


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Not for me, I'm afraid. Schindler's List, Jurassic Park, Jaws, E.T., Duel, Catch Me If You Can, The Terminal, War Horse, Raiders and The Last Crusade, to name 10, are all in another category IMO.

Unfortunately, for me this sits with The Lost World, 1941 and Tin Tin. If I'd first seen it 10 years ago it could be a wholly different story.

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Why did he try and kill Black Widow then? Or was she just in his way? She wasn't attacking him. There was an attack on the ship that had nothing to do with her.

I can't recall specifically since I haven't watched it since its release. I'd hazard a guess that he thought she was part of the group attacking him in the helicarrier (ie humans). When in Hulk form, he probably can't distinguish very well. Even in the comics, it's very ambiguous and differs from writer to writer.


Saw Flight yesterday.

I enjoyed it. I agree with Yoda and Albino Rovers in that the religious parts were weird. The romantic parts were pretty unnecessary, tbh. Washington and Cheadle were very good. John Goodman was ace though.

edit: the flight and court room bits were probably the best. The film looked fantastic too.

Probably about a 6/10

Edited by forehead7
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Why did he try and kill Black Widow then? Or was she just in his way? She wasn't attacking him. There was an attack on the ship that had nothing to do with her.

it may have something to do who he is angry with when he turns to the hulk

when he turns in the helicarrier, he is mighty pissed at everyone, especially S.H.I.E.L.D personnel, whereas in New York he turns into the Hulk by being angry at the invading army and a sense to protect his teammates, which would indicate why he saved stark when he fell from the portal

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