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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Les Miserables

Finally gave it a go. Russell Crowe was poor casting considering is monotonous voice and arguable auto-tune, The bridge scene at the end at me in hysterics. I gather that they tried to fit every song into the show, but my god some of it felt dragged out.


Total Recall (2012)

I didn't hate it, even if the feasibilty of 'The Fall' was fucking ludicrous. Couple of references (they were the better ones, still would have liked to have heard 'SEE YOU AT THE PAARTY RICTOR!) to the original made it rather difficult to watch it as a different version. Visuals were ok.


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Compliance - 7/10. Interesting film this, does a good job of looking at the psychology of authority and obedience. It did feel like it was pushing it a bit when it got to its most extreme though, i know it's based on a true story but not sure if it was totally accurate.

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Sunshine (2007)

I've seen a couple of people taking a pop at Sunshine in the years since it's release but I watched it last night and I loved it. The ensemble cast worked well for me. A couple of of characters are a little flat, and the likes of Chris Evans and Michelle Yeoh's characters really benefit from the crew steadily being whittled down. However, each member does at least get one good scene which you can't always guarantee in films with an ensemble cast of 7 or 8. I loved the call backs to Alien with the first fifteen minutes in the mess hall. It was a nice acknowledgement to the effect that the likes of Ridley Scott's film has obviously had in inspiring Boyle with Sunshine.

It's not perfect though. I'm not a fan of using vlogs as a device to introduce characters or spout exposition and the film opens with Cillian Murphy's character filming one which did bug me a little.

My other big criticism is one that has been a typical bone of contention for other viewers, and that is that the film suffers when it essentially becomes a slasher film in the last twenty minutes or so. The introduction of a human threat almost serves to undermine the hard work that Danny Boyle has put into making the sun such an overwhelming, destructive threat. It cheapens the film to suddenly shift focus from an all or nothing battle between humanity and nature, to a simple run-away-from-the-mad-man plotline.

My scienctific knowledge is pretty poor so I missed quite a few scientific innaccuracies and therefore they didn't bother me but I can totally understand if they threw you out of this film a bit.

I did appreciate the way that by having fire constantly present, Boyle demonstrated it's sheer all consuming power, meanwhile also touching on the fact that as a spectacle, it can be quite beautiful. (I'm not an arsonist honest!)

I thought he also expressed the struggles these characters were going through quite well, showing how they were torn between the urge to do the right thing for all life in our solar system, and their own desire to survive.

8/10 - It's not up there with the science fiction films such as Tarkovsky's Solaris or Scott's Alien. It's turn towards slasher horror towards the end of the film does harm it ultimately and probably means it'll never really be able to be truly considered in the same breath as the likes of those films. Which is a shame as Sunshine has a hell of a lot going for it and is well worth a watch imo.

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I love Sunshine, I think it's a great film.

So do I, never really got the criticism of it. Particularly from the scientific point of view, because if ever film in space was true to the laws of physics and stuff then anytime the characters weren't in a spaceship, it'd be a fucking silent film!

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I don't get any logic arguments when it comes to genres like that. The rulebooks go out of the window.

I've never seen Sunshine but in terms of space films, as long as there isn't a blatant disregard to most of the physics (I'm really thinking of basic shit like if they're in space then there's no gravity and whatnot) then it's cool with me. I wouldn't be sitting dissecting every little law of physics that they didn't adhere to though.

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American Psycho

Christian Bale pretty impressive in this film.


Dream House

This was quite a good film. Though I didn't really get why Daniel Craig character was sectioned, so sort of lost me with that.


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Terminator 2

I've seen the first film several times and consider it a classic but I'd never seen any others so my plan for the rainy bank holiday was to sit in and watch them all back to back.

I got as far as T2 before giving it up. This is not an improvement on the original. It's far too cheesy. The shapeshifting badguy cunto wasn't much of a villian. He really wasn't very menacing. You hardly saw him. Arnie's terminator had too much in the way of personality and emotions to be a robot from the future.

Everything I love about the first film was missing. The electronic soundtrack, the shady neon lit streets and the utterly evil antagonist.

I don't hold much hope for the others being any better.

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Terminator 2

I've seen the first film several times and consider it a classic but I'd never seen any others so my plan for the rainy bank holiday was to sit in and watch them all back to back.

I got as far as T2 before giving it up. This is not an improvement on the original. It's far too cheesy. The shapeshifting badguy cunto wasn't much of a villian. He really wasn't very menacing. You hardly saw him. Arnie's terminator had too much in the way of personality and emotions to be a robot from the future.

Everything I love about the first film was missing. The electronic soundtrack, the shady neon lit streets and the utterly evil antagonist.

I don't hold much hope for the others being any better.

This has to be a wind up?

Terminator 2 is fantastic

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So do I, never really got the criticism of it. Particularly from the scientific point of view, because if ever film in space was true to the laws of physics and stuff then anytime the characters weren't in a spaceship, it'd be a fucking silent film!

The criticism of that film isn't the scientific accuracy, that would be ridiculous. It's the fact that it's three quarters of a genuinely great film, and then dissolves into a ridiculous space zombie farce at the end.

It's a 7/10 film which should have been a 9.

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