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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Thor Dark World

Enjoyable enough Sunday night fare. The missus enjoyed it more than me. Terrible main bad guy IMO, very generic. Natalie Portman has been pretty much nothing to do, although Hemsworth does give Thor a degree of credibility I didn't imagine was possible and some of the action scenes are mighty impressive.

Nice to see the States not be the main setting, although actually enjoyed the Asgard scenes more than the Earth bound ones. Marvel do seem to be boiling things nicely towards world domination and the mega movie that Avengers 2 will be.


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Having never seen it, i recorded Heat a few weeks ago... every saturday night without fail, my GF would not want to watch it for some reason...

So on saturday night when she went to bed i watched it myself.

Incredible! Just bloody incredible.

A month or so ago i watched The Road, god what a crock of shit that was!

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Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 )

Didn't quite enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the first Thor movie, but it was a good fun ride nonetheless. I think where this one fell was in the plot, which just wasn't as interesting as other instalments in the current Marvel collection. Where the movie finds it's fun is in pretty much every scene involving Loki and Thor together. Tom Hiddlestone seems to revel in that role. For all of the damage that was done in the Avengers Assemble movie to his mystique, this movie did a lot to rectify that. Where this movie also excels is in the comedy aspect. Lots of good one liners and comic moments which manage to keep things ticking along quite nicely.

It's certainly a fun movie and there's plenty of action and madness to make it a good winter blockbuster.


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Captain Phillips ( 2013 )

This has received a lot of praise, and it's all pretty much deserved. It's a tense movie for sure, even though we know how it all ends. I love the way it builds up the oncoming pirates for a long time, as the ship try and do what they can to avoid what seems like the inevitable ( with the idea of abandoning ship also coming up ) and then when they do take the ship, the resilience and resourcefulness of the crew takes centre stage, and we also find that the head of the pirates is no idiot, and can be quite resourseful himself. This becomes a minor nag later in the movie when they make him into a bit of an idiot. The centre piece of the whole thing is a monster of a performance from Tom Hanks. Probably the best of an already fine career. The post-hostage situation is harrowing stuff thanks to his role. I'm gonna go full whammy on this.


Incidentally, it's worth looking out what kind of a man Phillips really was according to his crew. Really eye opening stuff.

I saw this while on holiday. I was buzzing to see it as I adore anything Tom Hanks is in. I have to say, I was slightly disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it was a good film, but I guess I over hyped it in my own head. I still really enjoyed it though.


I watched world war Z and actually quite enjoyed it. Some of the cgi was a bit piss but the running zombies like a human wave was good. I liked that.

Was also quite good to see how they transformed Glasgow into Philidelphia.

I also watched this recently and I thought it was excellent for what it was. The scene where Pitt infects himself to test out his theory and then walked out amongst them was tense as f**k.


Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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The Perks of being a Wallflower 9/10

I had been hearing some good things about this movie and it had been gathering dust for a while for deciding to take the plunge.

Most of the time when a film gets hyped up I tend to in some way always find myself dissappointed, however this was one of those rare cases that I bought into completely.

The emotional involvement that the film managed to cram into through two hours was executed stupendously, not just for the main character, but for the dysfunctional supporting characters that would come to be Charlie's friends. I loved the sentimentality it generated, putting me through all the motions with laughter, sympathy, and even a bit of adrenaline for one scene.

I've heard that the book is still better, so much that I'm very tempted to go and purchase it to see for myself, which is a feeling I rarely get from a novelised adaptation. An excellent all-round film with a decent soundtrack and it has given me the strong temptation to starting reading again.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Absolutely loved this. Amazingly well shot with fantastic performances all round. Really evoked one of my favourite films when I was growing up "Stand by Me". Don't see films like this made too often anymore, no CGI and little violence until the tense ending, just superb characterisation of real people.

After this, Shotgun Stories and Take Shelter which I also liked, I think the Writer/Director(Jeff Nichols) has a bona fide masterpiece in him at some point, looking forward to seeing his future work.

Hard film to describe so I won't give too much away, just watch it if you get the chance.


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The Way Way Back

Coming of age film about a young lad whos Dad has moved to California leaving him stuck with his Mum (Toni Collette) and her arse boyfriend (Steve Carrell). They head down to Carrell's holiday home and the young lad ends up working at a water park beside Sam Rockwell.

Rockwell's dialogue is fantastic at times and Carrell was convincing as a total tube even though I always imagine him as loveable idiot, Brick Tamland.


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Kennedy assassination film starring tons of famous faces (including Billy Bob Thornton and Zac Efron :wub: ) following characters such as Lee Harvey Oswald's brother, medical staff and the man who shot the famous footage of the event. Decent enough in that it portrays a different side to events. The poor b*****d Oswald family have had a rough 50 years.


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Absolutely loved this. Amazingly well shot with fantastic performances all round. Really evoked one of my favourite films when I was growing up "Stand by Me". Don't see films like this made too often anymore, no CGI and little violence until the tense ending, just superb characterisation of real people.

After this, Shotgun Stories and Take Shelter which I also liked, I think the Writer/Director(Jeff Nichols) has a bona fide masterpiece in him at some point, looking forward to seeing his future work.

Hard film to describe so I won't give too much away, just watch it if you get the chance.


Agreed, Mud was fantastic! Try out Kings of the Summer. Also released this year and another great coming of age film. Stand by Me is my favourite film of all time so always keen to find similar ones

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Short Term 12

Really enjoyed this. It's a pretty intense, emotionally charged film about a care worker trying to overcome her own demons whilst working in a children's psychiatric ward. Brie Larson, who plays the lead character Grace, was excellent. Defintely worth a look. 8/10

Drinking Buddies

It was ok I suppose. Quite a charming film, although from start to finish, not an awful lot actually happened. It was 90 minutes long, but it actually felt like it could've been cut down a bit. Olivia Wilde played her part well and was actually one of the executive producers in the film. The relationship between her and her workmate was excellent, probably the highlight of the film actually. 6/10.

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I agree, just in from seeing it myself. I absolutely loved it, however it is totally in my wheelhouse. I love anything "spacey".

I loved the fact that you couldn't hear anything in space other than the voices, nice attention to detail.

It's also tense as f**k at some point.


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