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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Whilst everyone seems to be talking about the 1st Hunger games, I only watched the first one last night. Have to say I thought it was good, very engaging and kept me amused for the 2 hours it was on. Obviously the main characters have all received the praise that was well deserved. Certainly a solid and well watchable film.

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Just watched DONNIE BRASCO after reading the book. Fantastic film and great acting from Pacino & Depp. 8.5/10

I would guess most have seen it as released in 97, but for those who haven't its about a FBI agent named Joe Pistone who goes undercover in one of the Mafias Five Families under the alias Donnie Brasco. Great watch.

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As crap as the Walter Mitty trailer looked to me, you couldn't argue with the soundtrack from Of Monsters and Men. It is a utter tune.

The soundtrack throughout the whole movie is outstanding. David Bowie, Arcade Fire - it was probably up there with the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack.

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Whilst everyone seems to be talking about the 1st Hunger games, I only watched the first one last night. Have to say I thought it was good, very engaging and kept me amused for the 2 hours it was on. Obviously the main characters have all received the praise that was well deserved. Certainly a solid and well watchable film.

Still a poor mans Battle Royale

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

First Xmas movie of the year I've watched, enjoyable enough romp, seen it plenty of times but still has a few chuckle moments , Chevy Chase is good but Randy Quaid is the show stealer as Eddie the hick trailer park trash cousin.6/10

I normally hate xmas movies with a passion, the only one I can watch and enjoy is the muppet christmas carol

If i am forced to watch Elf again I may kill someone

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I normally hate xmas movies with a passion, the only one I can watch and enjoy is the muppet christmas carol

If i am forced to watch Elf again I may kill someone

Muppets are good, I've never seen Elf believe it or not, Its a Wonderful Life is always a Xmas Eve watch in our house ,and a guilty pleasure would be the Arnie flick Jingle All the Way.

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Watched the first Hunger Games recently, and planning to see the second soon.

A decent film, but it's one that really, really needed to be bumped up an age category or two. A bit more gore and horror would have made it so much better.

Jennifer Lawrence is brilliant though. Can't believe she's only just turned 23. She's an absolute star.

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A decent film, but it's one that really, really needed to be bumped up an age category or two. A bit more gore and horror would have made it so much better.

Totally agree. Thought it was pretty average to be honest. The set up was great, but the games themselves were a damp squib. More gore and violence and it could have been great.

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People literally did walk out of it when it came up what it was :lol:... A good 7 or 8 in the smaller of the 2 screens.


It was a pretty decent film in faitrness. The supporting cast is reasonable, the cut scenes relatively imaginative and funny and Stiller didn't make me want to rip my eyes out as much as normal. Didn't realise he was directing too - I'd say he's a better director than he is an actor.




I've been to see a few things recently, so I'll run through the wee list;


Catching Fire - I thought this was better than the first one, which I also thought was pretty good. Can't agree about the comments earlier that the first 45 minutes were filler - without giving too much away, they will turn out to be essential to the overall story. I loved the cat and mouse between the President and the tributes. Aside from that, Jennifer Lawrence is the obvious stand out, but the supporting cast all do a commendable enough job too. The movie on its own is probably a 7, made a 8 out of 10 by Lawrence.


Parkland - Quite a chaotic watch really, but it was good to see the Kennedy assassination from the points of view of a few people directly affected, but who had nothing to do with the shooting. I'm not sure how historically accurate the film is, but it was reasonably entertaining. 5/10


The Family - I'm not sure what this film was trying to be. A slapstick mob film, a drama, a coming of age story? It kind of verged on each, with some suggestions of extreme violence thrown in for good measure. Not one of De Niro's best to be honest. 3/10 - one of the points is for Dianna Agron :wub:

Looking forward to seeing Parkland. It's meant to be close to 99% accurate and the book it's based on blows a lot of the conspiracy nonsense out of the water.

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WHAT THE f**k I have just noticed there is an oldboy remake out :(

Yup we feared that would be the film that was on during the secret screening

Just checked when it was coming out here (6th of December, ftr) and I see it's got a 4.1/10 on IMDb. :o

I had hoped it might not be too bad. Spike Lee with Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Olsen playing the two main roles (I assume she plays that role).

Lol there is no way they will use that ending, they can't Hollywood would explode if they did!

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