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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Hunger Games - Catching Fire

Disagree with others about the start - it was absolutely necessary for the plot. Lawrence dominated this film with Phillip Seymour Hoffman excellent as Plutarch. Sutherland is a perfect foil - just the hint of menacing without being camp and over the top - you felt in the scenes with his granddaughter he would have happily had the Peacekeepers deal with her too.

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The Hangover Part 3

Wasn't expecting much from this film, I really enjoyed the first one. But the second one was bad. However this one stands in between the first two. The start of the movie with the giraffe is great and so is the end credits. However some of the jokes fall flat and Mr Chow has went from a great character in the first movie to a overused and almost predictable in this one.


The Room

Watched this on Thursday after it being recommended to me by a few people in my lecture class. If you view it as a serous movie then it gets 1/10 as the acting and story is really bad. However if like me you heard it was already bad and watch it for the fun of it then it gets 7/10. As it's so bad it's great.

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Captain Phillips

7/10, all in all a good watchable film but it was too drawn out at the end for me. They could have cut 30 mins off it easily.


5/10, pretty horrible film but seemed quite well made and quite authentic. It seemed very 1970's.

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Gravity 9/10

Great film only let down by George Clooney's cliched character. Felt someone like Sam Rockwell would have been far better in this role. Saw it in 3d and some of the effects are sublime.

'Only God Forgives' 1/10

Even if he did exist he would struggle to pardon this pile of pish. Art House movie at it's worst. Poor plot, wooden performances and stilted dialogue from 'good' actors. Thats £3.49 I wont get back.

Edited by Joe Terrapin
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Mine picked the little mermaid last night thanks to the adverts triggering nostalgia.

Did notice homers why you little and strangle was in this btw. Shocking

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Hannah 8/10

Really like this film,seen it a couple of times now.great acting,bana is usual reliable self.only thing I've knocked points off for is the stupid ending.don't know how to do spoilers so won't say why I think its so stupid.

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Hannah 8/10

Really like this film,seen it a couple of times now.great acting,bana is usual reliable self.only thing I've knocked points off for is the stupid ending.don't know how to do spoilers so won't say why I think its so stupid.

This one ??


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Have not seen it as the local Cineworld only has one 2D showing in the middle of week days - 3D is useless if you are fekking colourblind.

Ash this could explain quite a lot. I never notice I huge amount of difference with 3d films I'm also colourblind.

Good to know, chief, good to know.

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Has anyone watched a film called Shank? If you love shit movies, please watch this. It'll become your instant favourite film.

It's set in London in 2015 and the country has gone to shit. Loads of kid gangsters who rob food on the mean streets have their boss killed and go on a revenge mission despite vowing never to kill anyone.

It's on iplayer if i've sold it to anyone.

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