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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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21 Jump Street

I love this movie. I've seen it so many times since it came out and it's still fucking hilarious. Everyone is just on top form. Tatum and Hill work amazingly together, Ice T and Nick Offerman are quality supports. Brie Larsson and Dave Franco are fantastic as well. Can't forget Rob Riggle as well.

Great story and constant laughs, even when I know they're coming. I can't fucking wait for the next one.

Cube , honky , Cube.

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Astonishing. Brilliantly written and directed as you'd probably expect from Spike Jonze. Great cast, I'd argue it's a better movie than all of the popular choices for best picture.

10/10 (that's two of those I've given out lately!)

I've been undecided about this. I fucking love Joaquin Phoenix, especially in the type of role he seems to have, but it all seemed like it would be very cliche. Might give it a go if its that good though

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The Lego Movie 6.5/10.

It's funny and visually lovely, however it felt like a story I'd seen many times before and the sentimental shite at the end soured it. A lot more enjoyable than I expected after initially seeing the trailer last year.

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Regarding Lego films, I got Lego Batman for the kids and it started off really good.

Only saw 25 mins of it though. Will grade it when I've managed to watch the lot.

Watched The Angel's Share recently and really enjoyed it. Some genuine laugh out loud moments. 7/10.

We're The Millers was fantastic too. Well worth a look if you don't want to watch something you really need to think about. 8/10.

Edited by Andy C
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The Straight Story - 8/10

Film about an elderly man who, when hearing his estranged brother has suffered a stroke, decides to travel hundreds of miles to be with him, on his lawnmower.

I really enjoyed it. As u might expect, it's quite slow, but it's just beautiful.

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Monuments Men. Really love my WWII films, so was looking forward to this. Was expecting a more treasure hunty feel to it before realising it was based on a true story. Some funny bits and one particular touching moment when Bill Murrays character gets a recording of his family played to him.

All in all a half decent film but could've been so much better.


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The Straight Story - 8/10

Film about an elderly man who, when hearing his estranged brother has suffered a stroke, decides to travel hundreds of miles to be with him, on his lawnmower.

I really enjoyed it. As u might expect, it's quite slow, but it's just beautiful.

Brilliant film, just about the most unlynchian Lynch movie I've seen, but still thoroughly enjoyable. Haven't watched it for a few years, but you've reminded me to do so, cheers.



Found this a bit boring tbh, despite several of my friends raving about it. Probably the least enjoyable Danny Boyle film I've seen.

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