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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I thought the second one was pretty poor until Bill's Superman monologue. Personally, I think it's one of the top five Tarantino scenes.

No offence, but I've always thought that was awful, along with the whole Shogun-Assassin-as-bedtime-story thing. The former just seemed like Tarantino dumping his own dialogue into the mouth of a character that would never have said it, and the latter came across as a fantasy of what he'd like to do if he had children.

Then again, I hated the Five Finger Death Punch thing too; seemed like a really anticlimactic end to four hours building up to a final battle between the two characters. Bah, humbug, etc.

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Godzilla (2014)

Before I start I'm going to give a pretty major spoiler away that definitely had a negative impact on my viewing of the film:

Bryan Cranston, the best actor and indeed most interesting character in the film is killed off after about 30 minutes! FFS. Thought it'd be a great film up until that point.

So that was pretty poor tbh. After that it was still better than your average monster spectacle and a lot better than the 1998 adaptation from what I can remember. The film started off with a very good plot but quickly faded into a cliché ridden action film, complete with a Hollywood kiss and dramatic music at the end which was disappointing and unoriginal.

Still, very decent though and Bryan Cranston was by far the bright spot in the film.


Agreed about Bryan Cranston; they had nothing to replace him with. Excellent performance too.

Gareth Edwards' Monsters is probably a better film, IMO, but this Godzilla pissed all over the 1998 film; really surprised that anybody has fond memories of that one, TBH. The amazing disappearing giant lizard, Matthew Broderick, excessive emphasis on annoying characters, the general feel of levity, the Godzilla babies thrown in to appeal to the fans of Jurassic Park's raptors...no, just no. Fair enough if you were a kid when it came out, but I can't believe any adults enjoyed that.

Hopefully the new one will get a sequel, and hopefully it'll provide a more compelling story (as much as they can, anyway). Oh, and why the hell was the Statue of Liberty in the trailer? Just a nod to Cloverfield (of which there were a few in the film itself)?

Anyway...big green lizard :wub:

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BigFatTabbyDave, on 17 May 2014 - 12:26, said:

Agreed about Bryan Cranston; they had nothing to replace him with. Excellent performance too.

Gareth Edwards' Monsters is probably a better film, IMO, but this Godzilla pissed all over the 1998 film; really surprised that anybody has fond memories of that one, TBH. The amazing disappearing giant lizard, Matthew Broderick, excessive emphasis on annoying characters, the general feel of levity, the Godzilla babies thrown in to appeal to the fans of Jurassic Park's raptors...no, just no. Fair enough if you were a kid when it came out, but I can't believe any adults enjoyed that.

Hopefully the new one will get a sequel, and hopefully it'll provide a more compelling story (as much as they can, anyway). Oh, and why the hell was the Statue of Liberty in the trailer? Just a nod to Cloverfield (of which there were a few in the film itself)?

Anyway...big green lizard :wub:

Not seen Monsters but think Cloverfield is probably the best in the big massive monster genre. Gets a bit of an unfair rep because it's in the much maligned 'shaky camera' style but think that's a cracker of a film.

Godzilla annoyed me because it had so much potential at the beginning but just went with the usual tropes and made it an action/adventure with the most boring and bland lead character known to man.

Edited by Ludo *1
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Paranormal Entity - one of the genre of straight-to-video movies with titles almost the same as blockbusters, designed to take money from the short-sighted and careless. Like its inspiration, this is a supernatural found-footage extravaganza, played out by a family who've just lost their father. There's nothing really to discern this from Paranormal Activity, other than it's criminally boring, despite superficially having more action. Really struggled to give a damn about what was happening, and was happy when it finished.

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones - in the vein of the other four films in the series, poltergeisty things start happening in somebody's house, and the being responsible shows a particular interest in one member of the household. Oh, and there's someone who MUST DOCUMENT THIS PEOPLE WILL WANT TO KNOW! The main difference this time is that it's an average Hispanic family in an apartment block, rather than the usual wealthy white folks in the massive mansion.

After the miserable fourth installment, I wasn't expecting much from this, so it came as a nice surprise. Not really a lot of scares to be had, but the story ties in with the main overarching storyline quite nicely, and the characters make for pleasant companions during the running time. Definitely the best since the second film.

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Not seen Monsters but think Cloverfield is probably the best in the big massive monster genre. Gets a bit of an unfair rep because it's in the much maligned 'shaky camera' style but think that's a cracker of a film.

Very, very agree. That was a cracker in the cinema. Better than the new Godzilla film, although it does bring a tear to the eye to see the big green guy again :wub:

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Godzilla (2014)

Before I start I'm going to give a pretty major spoiler away that definitely had a negative impact on my viewing of the film:

Bryan Cranston, the best actor and indeed most interesting character in the film is killed off after about 30 minutes! FFS. Thought it'd be a great film up until that point.

So that was pretty poor tbh. After that it was still better than your average monster spectacle and a lot better than the 1998 adaptation from what I can remember. The film started off with a very good plot but quickly faded into a cliché ridden action film, complete with a Hollywood kiss and dramatic music at the end which was disappointing and unoriginal.

Still, very decent though and Bryan Cranston was by far the bright spot in the film.


I agree about your spoiler.

I was utterly shocked when he died, perhaps that's what they were going for. I did think it was weird that in the opening credits (which were cool as f**k, btw), it had him listed at the end with "and Bryan Cranston".

Pretty much agree with yours, I'd probably rate it a 7 personally.

Cranston's scene where he's in what looks like a supply closet with a one way mirror was fantastic.

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London River 7/10

7/7 thing set in London. A woman estranged from her daughter goes to London after she fails to hear from her daughter after the 7/7 bombing. An African man does likewise to find his son and the two become linked by their children's circumstances. It's a bit contrived in this respect and there's some fairly heavy-handed racial moralising going on but it's quite an affecting and touching film with some interesting cultural and generational aspects to it. Pretty good stab at a post 7/7 film I think. Not sure I've seen any others save Four Lions.

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The Beast 8/10

Has to be seen to be believed! Kind of a porno Benny Hill featuring a very unconvincing Chewbacca-type creature who chases scantily clad birds around the forest with his dick overflowing with spunk! I kid you not! Absolutely hilarious!

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Mistaken for Strangers 7/10

The documentary made by Tom Berninger (brother of Matt Berninger of The National) following said band on tour. It was pretty unusual - for a documentary that follows a band on tour there is very little about the band from a musical perspective. Its more like a simple drama of the tensions between two brothers and how they reconcile one being more talented and successful than the other and all the guilt and resentment that comes with it. Props to the band for allowing some less than flattering portrayals of themselves - for a band that has come from an indie background we see how much thought is put into maintaining their image and how ruthless their management is in keeping them an efficient operation. Wankers!

Very original but could have done with a bit more substance.

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Cold Fish 6.5/10

Loosely based on a couple of Tokyo serial killers, this is a macabre combination of family and social breakdown, powerplays, and gore. Extremely grim but balanced by some very black comedy, and the performances of both the big fish and the little fish; the criminally deceitful entrepreneur and the everyman he aims to manipulate for his own ends. Good stuff.

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The Double 8/10

Latest film from Richard Ayoade. Jesse Eisenberg is a timid jelly manlet adrift in a Kafkaesque world of bewilderment and his one scrap of desire away from his shit job, shit boss, dying senile mother and the world pissing relentlessly into his eyes is a waifish blonde who works in the copy room and lives in a flat conveniently facing his own to enable spying. One night whilst spying on her doing quirky waifish blonde shit he spots someone above her window, who waves, and them tops himself.

From here, stuff gets weird when the double turns up: he looks and sounds and dresses like Eisenberg (and is played by him) but he acts completely the opposite. I won't spoiler anything but it's simultaneously pretty freakish and also territory we've been down before (Fight Club, Vanilla Sky).

The main thing is it's pretty funny and entertaining and dark and some of the small roles/cameos are great (Chris O'Dowd, Chris Morris, J Mascis, Tim Key) and the whole thing is meant to be quite Brechtian and therefore not 'real' so it gets away with taking a lot of chances visually and in storyline. Some minor problems here and there but for a small, low-ish budget Britfilm it does a lot.

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The Beast 8/10

Has to be seen to be believed! Kind of a porno Benny Hill featuring a very unconvincing Chewbacca-type creature who chases scantily clad birds around the forest with his dick overflowing with spunk! I kid you not! Absolutely hilarious!

I haven't seen this in years, but that's a pretty accurate description. Probably quite dull if you know what to expect, so put it on next time the wife invites friends over for dinner and watch the reactions :lol:

Big black hairy spunking animal cocks FTW! :thumsup2

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