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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Transformers: Age of Extinction 7/10

I was led to believe that this was going to be horrible and the last instalment of Transformers was indeed awful. I went to that with my missus and felt guilty for taking her, it was that bad. But when I saw there were dinobots, I was like "If the 6-year old me found out there was live action Transformers film staring the dinobots, in 3D on a massive screen, and I didn't go, he'd kill himself before I got to feel a pair of breasts."

Still I had low expectations, but it started off with a load of CGI dinosaurs, and my inner child went freaking nuts. The goofy humour was less goofy, the plot less forced, and the action scenes bigger and more ridiculous than ever. 25 minutes to get going, and then it's all massive robots and explosions. There was a bit when Optimus Prime rides in to Shanghai city on giant robotic T-Rex that I realised Michael Bay may not be an artist, but he is a craftsman. My inner child loved it, and I was at peace. I went home and had a w**k to celebrate the fact no freaky Back To The Future shit will stop me feeling breasts, but it may have been my inner child doing the wanking, which makes me a peado.

Better than Godzilla.

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The Armstrong Lie 8/10

Should have been LIES plural, amirite! c**t couldn't stop telling lies, looking right into your face and lying, going on the news and lying, lying in court, lying in grand juries, lying to lawyers and UCI officials and the wives of teammates and Oprah Winfrey and the maker of this documentary, the guy just absolutely loves to lie and then shrugs it off and says "everyone else was cheating too, I just cheated the same amount so I'm technically still the best", absolutely deluded oaf of a man. Really good, pretty in-depth, fascinating even.

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The Golden Dream 7/10

Film about some kids from Guatemala who illegally emigrate to the US and encounter bad shit on the way. You can imagine it and it offered nothing in the way of surprises but it was nicely acted with some stunning cinematography.

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Guesthouse Paradiso 10/10

I liked it when everyone in the hotel was vomiting gallons and gallons of green gloopy sick in rivers down the corridor sending Vincent Cassel (Vincent Cassel!!! LOL) crashing through a window and down into the ocean below.

Better than Godzilla.

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The Stairs 10/10

Fucking amazing, really weird look into the family of man charged with the killing of his own wife. So many twists and turns, almost like "The Imposter". Some fascinating scenes, especially when they are testing an expert witness against a focus group.

I was convinced he was going to be let off by the end, was genuinely shocked and upset when he was convicted. Shocking stuff, I reckon he was innocent.

Better than Godzilla.

Edited by Christophe
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The Grand Budapest Hotel

For some reason I couldn't get into Moonrise Kingdom but this is Wes Anderson's best film. I found myself grinning like a lunatic from beginning to end. Ralph Fiennes is fantastic as concierge Gustave H in another of Anderson's brilliantly realised worlds. 9/10

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The Conspiracy ( 2013 )

A found footage style movie as a documentary team talk to a conspiracy theorist, and when he goes missing, they start to try and pull on threads. It's a great example of the genre. The plot itself can get a bit up it's arse, but it remains properly captivating throughout. The characters are all guys who you can get behind in one way or another, and the leads do a magnificent job here, which is a problem with some of the smaller found footage style movies out there. The key to this though is the pacing, and the way the movie just draws you into it.


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Hotel Transylvania

Animated comedy film for the kids with the voices of Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Selena Gomez. Not nearly as good as Finding Nemo, the Toy Story's or Tangled but still a pretty enjoyable watch. Kids seemed to enjoy it too.


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I've not seen it yet, but the idea of transformers and dinosaurs in the same film makes we want to be 10 all over again.

Yes I thought the same but well I'll not spoil it for you, watch it and make your own mind up

It's awful, fucking awful.

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Watched this last night, some hideous acting from her out of Harry Potter. Ray Winstone playing a cockney Middle Eastern, and Noah doesn't seem to mind that two of his kids are English and one American.

Everyone knows the basic story behind Noah, however, this seems to have Rock Monsters and Anthony Hopkins playing an eccentric Methusala will have the god botherers shaking in their pughs.

Not to put too fine a point on it, it's shite.

2/10 ( 2 points for finishing)

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The Dyatlov Pass Incident - might as well get this out of the way first; Gemma Atkinson almost gets her huge fake norks out at one point, but the budget must not have stretched far enough for glamour model knockers.

Found-footage movie about a student expedition to die in peculiar circumstances at the Russian site of the infamous 1959 Dyatlov expedition, where everybody died in peculiar circumstances. No spoiler necessary; the film gives that away within five minutes. Renny Harlin does a decent enough job of building up to the arrival at the site, before the whole thing takes a massive nosedive in the final third, pulling plot devices and antagonists out of its arse like impacted turds, along with a pretty uninspired MacGuffin. The final zoom-in to confirm what's been blatantly obvious for some time just adds insult to injury.

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Hostel 2 - gleefully excessive sequel that could fairly be labelled 'torture porn'. Following a group of young women on their inevitable journey to Slovakian doom, it's not as taut as the original, and spends more time examining the organisation behind the killing. It's all about the execution this time around (ha ha), and your enjoyment will very much depend on your stomach for watching gruesome and very painful, lingering deaths. I thought it was a fun epilogue to the original; not to be taken seriously. Horror fans will no doubt love the cameos - I personally SQUEE'd a bit at the brief appearance of Ruggero Deodato as (what else?) a sadistic cannibal.

Hostel 3 - We're at the inevitable straight-to-video, original-director-no-longer-involved part of the series now. A group of guys head off to Vegas for their friend's stag night, and it's fair to say that some of them won't be returning. The plot starts off by subverting a few things that we've come to expect, and adds a new location-based twist on the killers' rationale, but generally comes off as a pretty unnecessary third installment. It's not without entertainment value, but finishing here before the downhill slide continues would probably be a smart move. Worth a look if you liked the others, but don't expect the earth.

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