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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Agree with the majority of that.

Afflicted's main strength is definitely it's main character. Too many found footage movies just have faceless clichés rather than good characters, but this movie made you care about the main guy's plight. Reminiscent of the recent Paranormal Activity spin off in that respect for me. Ultimately, I've seen much better found footage than this, but I think credit is due for the way this is done.

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The Lives Of Others - 9/10

Watched this on the advice of other posters and i wasnt disappointed. Excellent film, well acted, well written, well directed....

I dont tend to watch that many foreign films but that might change if this is the standard being put out

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The Lives Of Others - 9/10

Watched this on the advice of other posters and i wasnt disappointed. Excellent film, well acted, well written, well directed....

I dont tend to watch that many foreign films but that might change if this is the standard being put out

There's been a few really good films about Germany's murky political past. Downfall and The Baader-Meinhof Complex are well worth checking out.

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The Keep - Nazis stationed at an ancient Carpathian keep find themselves being picked off by a mysterious creature they've unleashed.

This is one of those films with a cast of unknowns that went on to be household names - it looks absolutely stellar from a modern perspective, although Ian McKellen's performance leaves a little to be desired, for once. There's a lot of lovely Eighties neon FX thrown around the place, but possibly the film's biggest weakness is that it's a Michael Mann film - his screenplay is quite predictable and straightforward, and there's an awful lot of Garth Marenghi-style slow-mo in order to pad out the running time. It also has one of his trademark Eighties synth scores, which seems completely out of place in a WWII setting. You get the impression that the film could've been much more interesting with another director.

Saw this film late one night whilst I was eating cheese.

Thought it was brilliant.

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Kurt Cobain Montage of Heck

I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't without its problems. Overlong, glossed over certain things, gets caught up in being too stylised rather than giving insight at times.

Some of the new footage was brilliant, some felt unnecessary.

The rotoscope style animations and the use of loud, live, alternate versions of their music were fucking brilliant.

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Saw this film late one night whilst I was eating cheese.

Thought it was brilliant.

In fairness, I can entirely see how it could be quite an experience whilst under the influence of 'cheese'.

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The Asphyx - a Victorian scientist discovers the existence of an astral being that appears at the point of death, and becomes obsessed with obtaining immortality by trapping the creature.

Surprising how often this film evokes the feel of a turn-of-the-century Ghostbusters. It's a bit staid and old-school cardboard set-like, not unlike an old BBC special but it's still not a bad watch, although the plot would probably feel a tad straightforward to a modern audience.

Open Water 2: Adrift - bunch of dobbers go out at sea on a yacht owned by the head dobber, only to find themselves...ADRIFT!!! :o

Quite unbelievable levels of stupidity on display from the characters in this film, who get themselves into an utterly moronic situation, only to compound said idiocy by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at every possible turn. Which isn't to say that the script is necessarily bad, just that the people portrayed are mind-meltingly dense. The film itself isn't bad, with the tension mainly coming from how they'll f**k up next. I actually enjoyed it more than the original, which was pretty dull and wildly overrated. Not a classic by any stretch of the imagination, but engaging enough if you like to scream disbelievingly at fictional people.

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There's been a few really good films about Germany's murky political past. Downfall and The Baader-Meinhof Complex are well worth checking out.

Indeed. I found Baader-Meinhof particularly interesting as I knew very little about the group, but I remembered hearing about them on the news all the time when I was a wean. Works especially well as the tail in a double-bill with Downfall, considering the former essentially brought about the latter.

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There are some films that are much better under the influence of "cheese". Inception being one of them.

Cape fear is definitely not one.

I'd love to see Altered States in the cinema while aff ma tits on 'cheese'. Woo, just imagine!

Think I'd pass on a screening of my favourite film, The Thing. Pretty certain I'd end up hysterical in the car park outside, frantically trying to set myself on fire. Again.

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Gritty drama set Northern Ireland at the height of the troubles in 1971 and is about a British soldier who becomes detached from his squad and is being hunted by IRA extremists. Jack O'Connell plays the soldier and is pretty decent in it though he doesn't say much throughout the film. Really tense in places with some violence thrown in for good measure.


Imitation Game

Oscar nominated film about the top secret military operation to try and crack the famous Nazi "enigma" code during WW2. Benedict Cumberbatch plays the lead role of Alan Turing who was the mastermind behind the breaking of the code. Was really looking forward to seeing this but it turned out to be a bit of a slow drag.


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Transformers: Age of Extinction - 5/10.

They really need to stop with these.

I gave up with the second one. Can you actually make out what they look like yet? It's like an explosion at a mirror factory.

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Watched Interstellar last night. Blubbed a few times. Agree with this:

I really enjoyed Interstellar, and I'm looking forward to seeing it again. Nolan can bore me sometimes, it's all a bit clever-clever, I absolutely hated Inception, but I just really enjoyed the questions a film like Interstellar makes you ponder. Terrific score as well, and McConaughey is on top form.

Also saw Spongebob the Movie at the cinema yesterday. Some very funny bits but a bit of a poor man's Lego Movie.

Saw John Wick at the cinema on Saturday night. 6.5/10. Perfectly watchable, stylish but just move fluff - nothing life changing. Cute puppy the highlight.

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Watched Interstellar last night. Blubbed a few times. Agree with this:

Also saw Spongebob the Movie at the cinema yesterday. Some very funny bits but a bit of a poor man's Lego Movie.

Saw John Wick at the cinema on Saturday night. 6.5/10. Perfectly watchable, stylish but just move fluff - nothing life changing. Cute puppy the highlight.


I saw this at the weekend, it's basically Taken with Keanu Reeves, still quite enjoyed it though. I also watched Fury and preferred John Wick, it didn't pound you over the head with a 'gritty, bleakness of war schtick' at every opportunity like Fury.

John Wick 7/10

Fury 5/10

Watched Going Clear too, the HBO documentary about Scientology which was great, not many new revelations but a fascinating insight into the crazy antics of this religion and its adherents. 8/10

Edited by Tommy Nooka
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Kung Fu Hustle

Was, and still is probably one of my favourite non-english speaking films ever. It's ridiculous, it's funny and it has lots of Kung-Fu. What's not to like?

Tis indeed a beauty.

Shaolin Soccer is fantastic as well.

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Kung Fu Hustle

Was, and still is probably one of my favourite non-english speaking films ever. It's ridiculous, it's funny and it has lots of Kung-Fu. What's not to like?

Tis indeed a beauty.

Shaolin Soccer is fantastic as well.

These, when in the right mood, are two of my favourite films. More laughs in either than any dozen Hollywood "comedies".

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Kung Fu Hustle

Was, and still is probably one of my favourite non-english speaking films ever. It's ridiculous, it's funny and it has lots of Kung-Fu. What's not to like?

"Who's throwing knife handles?!"

Great film.

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