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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Jurassic World

Fun blockbuster this one. There's all sorts of ridiculousness in it, and the main story with some mega thing is just a bit much, until the movie goes into full flight and I wound up just rolling with it and enjoying the carnage, of which there's plenty.


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Predestination. I got the plot gimmick/twist before the end. Was a good basic idea that in the end didn't quite work for me, became a bit too bizarre, although it held my attention so 6/10.

Loopers, Was somewhat enjoying this until Bruce Willis showed up and ruined it. Amazes me this tired old luvvy still gets hired. I switched off soon after so can only judge the first forty minutes which was quite good, so 5/10.

In Bruges, Watchable/enjoyable nonsense with a nice happy ending. 7/10.

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Jurassic World.

Fantastic spectacle and not much else but they was enough for me tbf. Most enjoyable in 3d with a couple of beers after work. I'm probably slightly easy on it because of sentimental feelings towards JP and did enjoy the numerous nods as well.


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Spy Game

Robert Redford is the seasoned CIA agent on his last day on the job, has 24 hours to save an agent he recruited (Brad Pitt) from the death penaly in China... the story flips from the present situation to how he recruited Pitt and how the relationship between the two men developed, well thought out and well acted,very enjoyable 8/10

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Spy - 9/10

Did not expect much at all but was laughing throughout. I still despise Miranda Hart but she didn't ruin this for me, she was ok. Even Jason Statham was hilarious throughout. Would highly recommend this film to anyone. The scene where she went on the motorcycle had me in tears

Miranda Hart did ruin it a little for me. Not funny and also very unlikeable. Apart from her its very good. Laughed at almost every scene Statham was in

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The Purge; Anarchy

I liked the original and this was a decent sequel, this one is focusing on how the Purge is infact a government tool of the class system in the US,a lot more action based than the last one( a certain Mr Bay was involved in this :rolleyes: ) but a good watch, can see there being a couple more . 7.5/10

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The Room

First time watching this cult film. What's not to enjoy from the over-sized suit jackets and weird character entrances, to the hot sweaty love-making and dramatic confrontational scenes. This movie deserves at least a run through.


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The Room

First time watching this cult film. What's not to enjoy from the over-sized suit jackets and weird character entrances, to the hot sweaty love-making and dramatic confrontational scenes. This movie deserves at least a run through.


Leave your stupid comments in your pocket.

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A Hitchcock triple bill.

Frenzy (1972)

As far as I know this is the only Hitchcock film with an 18 rating. A sex killer is on the loose in London, it's very graphic as Hitchcock gets right inside the mind of a psychopath and he mixes in his usual doses of black humour. There is one wickedly funny scene involving a sack of potatoes and rigor mortis when the killer realises he has to retrieve an incriminating piece of evidence from his latest victim. The Police Chief in charge of the case has a couple of funny, almost surreal, scenes when he is discussing the killings with his wife who is serving him what she thinks is haute cuisine.

Overall I would rate this as the best of his later films.


The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)

This is a remake of his own 1930's film but it's much longer and somewhat suffers from that as it feels padded out and lacks real suspense. The James Stewart and Doris Day combination is a bit fluffy and at times the film plays out like a farce. They are caught up in espionage and an assassination plot that takes them and their young son from Marrakesh to London, The standout scene is the concert performance in the Royal Albert Hall with the assassin waiting for the right moment to make his kill. I also had a laugh at the scene where Stewart finds himself mistakenly in a Taxidermists which turns out really weird.

Not one of his best films but still worth a watch for any Hitchcock fans.


Vertigo (1958)

This is one of my favourite Hitchcock films and stands up to multiple viewings. There are so many themes going on here as James Stewart tries to find out the truth about a friend's wife played by Kim Novak. Like Rear Window we see Stewart as a voyeur becoming obsessed, in this case, with a beautiful woman who seems to be going mad. The mystery keeps you guessing until the big reveal before we see the horrifying ending.

It is a visually stunning film with great location shots in and around San Francisco.

A must see for fans of Hitchcock.


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The Room.

Could give this either a 0/10 or 10/10 for the sheer mental experience of seeing it in a cinema. The crowd interaction makes it part pantomime, part football crowd, part theatre and just plain mental. Oh and the most fun thing....



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The Room.

Could give this either a 0/10 or 10/10 for the sheer mental experience of seeing it in a cinema. The crowd interaction makes it part pantomime, part football crowd, part theatre and just plain mental. Oh and the most fun thing....


It was superb. That's the first time I'd seen it at a cinema, could have done without seeing Tommy's arse on the big screen tbh.

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It was superb. That's the first time I'd seen it at a cinema, could have done without seeing Tommy's arse on the big screen tbh.

I thought that was a highlight personally. Only bested by several hundred people screaming "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA!!" in unison. Fair play to the dudes who turned up in tuxedos.

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I thought that was a highlight personally. Only bested by several hundred people screaming "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA!!" in unison. Fair play to the dudes who turned up in tuxedos.

Aye, everyone screaming the best quotes was excellent. I liked the Mission Impossible chant during the tape bits. :lol:

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A Hitchcock triple bill.

Vertigo (1958)

This is one of my favourite Hitchcock films and stands up to multiple viewings. There are so many themes going on here as James Stewart tries to find out the truth about a friend's wife played by Kim Novak. Like Rear Window we see Stewart as a voyeur becoming obsessed, in this case, with a beautiful woman who seems to be going mad. The mystery keeps you guessing until the big reveal before we see the horrifying ending.

It is a visually stunning film with great location shots in and around San Francisco.

A must see for fans of Hitchcock.


I agree with your analyses but can't pass up an opportunity to intervene and big up Vertigo with an unimpeachable 10/10- possibly the very best film ever made.

Edited by Albino Rover
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I agree with your analyses but can't pass up an opportunity to intervene and big up Vertigo with an unimpeachable 10/10- possibly the very best film ever made.

That was the first time in probably over 20 years since I had watched Vertigo and I had forgotten how good it was. On reflection maybe I should have given it a 10/10, it would certainly be in my top 5 films of all time and I'll be watching it again soon as it's one of those films that you appreciate the more you watch.

I've been working my way through my Hitchcock 14 Film dvd collection and still have Marnie, Topaz, Torn Curtain and Family Plot to watch.

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