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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Hell or High Water spoilers


Two of the scenes that stood of for me where the one where Chris Pine gets stopped when the police have blocked the road, I was desperately hoping he'd make it through and the to and fro between Bridges and Pine in that final scene. For a scene where I thought it was obvious that nothing would happen, there was still some amount of tension. Cracking film.


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Lost in La Mancha 6/10

Saw this documentary about 10 years ago, seemed to recall raving about it, thought I may as well have a rewatch. 

It's about the doomed effort Terry Gilliam puts in trying to make his version of Don Quixote. It's all going well, with an all-star cast and a costumes and sets and a funny script - then after a day or so of filming, the rains come and wreck some locations and destroy a tonne of gear. The the lead, Jean Rochefort, can't ride a horse because of a herniated disc. The investors state that without Rochefort, Gilliam, or Johnny Depp (who seems nice here, not the terrorcunt he appears to have turned into) the whole film cannot proceed. But they do. And when the rains clear, the desert has changed colour so none of the shots match anymore. And they're next to a bombing range. It goes on like this until they have to stop.

Not quite as good as I recalled but solid nonetheless.

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Took the mrs to see the new Bridget Jones film at the cinema last night. Literally 2 hours and 2 minutes of my life i will never get back. Utter, utter garbage but she loved it though. According to her, if you have seen the other films then you would like this one. Not sure how accurate this assessment is since ive avoided the others like the plague

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God knows, im not even going to waste my time checking. My only complaint is that by adding to the box office receipts, my contribution might go towards another sequel :(

ETA - as if i thought that was bad, there was a trailer for the sequel to 50 Shades Of Grey due out around Valentines Day. Can see me going on a long stay holiday around early February!
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Point Break, (remake) 2/10 - utter, utter drivel.

Kung Fu Panda 3 6/10 - carbon copy of the first 2 films. Kids seemed to like it though.

Room - 7/10 - excellent acting all round, especially from the wee boy. Tense at times but the pay off felt flat, (perhaps deliberately so but the film certainly ran out of steam in the final 3rd).


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It Follows 7.5 if you're under 30, 6.75/10 for the codgers

Apart from wanting to yell at the case "Get a fucking baseball bat!" instead of trying to shoot the invisible foe I thought this was pretty good. Made me feel old though - felt very targeted at the yoof market with relentless jump scares and quiet quiet bang stuff. If you've ever been chased in a dream but can't run away it felt a bit like that.  


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Blair Witch

Right. I'll go with the positives first. It does a decent job of progressing a couple of things from the first movie which weren't really explained, and there's a couple of decent scenes in the last section of the movie. Now for the overwhelming number of negatives. There's absolutely no need for such a dramatic and overstated shift into the supernatural when there was absolutely no need for it in the first movie. With days passing at a time and all sorts of shit. No need. There's absolutely no need for adding new scare tricks to the arsenal. Things happen here that there is no need for when you consider that it's a direct sequel to the first movie. Almost every single jump scare is people walking into each other. I don't mind jump scares but when you know exactly when they're coming after about the third one, you know they've fucked up. It's also a movie sorely lacking in self awareness, and the dialogue is fucking horrific at times. Especially the weirdo that joins them. The climax seems to be getting a lot of praise, but it was probably the most tedious section of the whole lot, bar two notable exceptions.

It seems to go out of it's way to shit on what came before at times, and is no better than the Book of Shadows that they seem to be trying to write out of history.


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Went to Carlisle last night to watch a couple.

Blair Witch

Just pish. My opinion on these kind of films is that they've been done to death and nothing original is appearing. This was no different but I thought it deserved a viewing as the original set the way for these kind of films. The only original thing about this one was that they use ear piece cameras which reduced the shaking slightly. The film was just extremely boring. It was pretty much the same as the original: they go hunting for the house, nothing happens, one night it all kicks off, they find the house, the end.

That worked the first time around as we hadn't witnessed it numerous times beforehand. I wouldn't really waste your time with it but if you like 'shaky cam' films I'd certainly recommend The Visit way ahead of this. As I said, I'm not a huge fan of the genre but The Visit was a decent enough watch.


Don't Breathe

Near enough the polar opposite of the first film. It was gripping, original and tense. It didn't faff about for an hour before getting going. We get a brief introduction to the characters and their agenda and we're off. Once in the house and the drama kicks in it really is a gripping watch. The guy is blind but it doesn't stop him getting around the house quickly and sometimes out of nowhere. Plenty of wee twists throughout the film as well and a couple of bigger ones. Certainly recommend this one.

On a side note I actually did a manly scream watching this. I imagine most men will: look out for the turkey baster!


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Oh. The ear cameras. Thanks for reminding me. I get that it's an excuse to be able to film everything and might actually be handy as a way of filming so much in the future with a proper explanation, but there was no need to be wearing them while OUT AT A FUCKING NIGHTCLUB! I mean for f**k sake.

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Oh. The ear cameras. Thanks for reminding me. I get that it's an excuse to be able to film everything and might actually be handy as a way of filming so much in the future with a proper explanation, but there was no need to be wearing them while OUT AT A FUCKING NIGHTCLUB! I mean for f**k sake.

Aye that part was indeed fucking ridiculous! Knew then how things were going to go from there :lol:
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