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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Jackie 6.5/10

Really good film making this, none of the easy melodrama they could have gone for, good performance from Porters, great off kilter soundtrack from woman who did Under The Skin, all round very decent film only downside is it wasn't actually very entertaining

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Arrival 5/10

Amy Adams plays a linguist put in charge of trying to communicate with aliens when a dozen of their ships appear around the globe. Slow, ponderous and tries to be too clever for its own good. A good idea poorly executed especially with quality actors like Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forrest Whittaker in the cast

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You can tell pretty much right off the bat that this has been adapted from a play. There's just something about the way that folk talk that gives these things away almost instantly. Not that this is a problem. It's a fucking great movie. Troy really is a bit of a dick for much of the movie yet you always seem to be able to conjure some sympathy for him, while his family suffer around him due to his mistakes.


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Absolutely love this film. Travelled through to Dunfermline to watch it on the big screen at their Odeon tonight. Still one of the best. Madness to think it's 27 year old.

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Based on a true story of how a Nigerian pathologist discovered how footballers in the NFL get brain damage from the sport from repetitive hits and how the NFL tried to hide it. It's not a bad film and Smith is very good, it shows just how much the NFL means to the US by the outrage his discovery provokes. It never quite answers the questions it raises though and goes a bit flat in parts. I'll go 6.5/10.

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14 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:


Absolutely love this film. Travelled through to Dunfermline to watch it on the big screen at their Odeon tonight. Still one of the best. Madness to think it's 27 year old.

How did that come about? Do they do these kinds of screenings often?

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How did that come about? Do they do these kinds of screenings often?

I've not a clue to be honest. They released a new trailer for it as well as they had remastered it so I imagine there was more showings than just the one in Dunfermline.

Keeping my eye on this type of thing as went to see the original Trainspotting the other week too. (The reason for that one getting a screening being slightly more obvious). I know they sometimes screen older classic horrors near Halloween but not too sure of anything that's being shown anytime soon.
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Goodfellas is one of my favorite movies as well, would have loved to have seen it on the big screen.

"As far back as i could remember, i always wanted to be a gangster.."

On another note, i picked up The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy on dvd for a quid each from Poundland.

Give them both 7/10, decent films.  Always takes me years to get around to watching movies.

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On 1/22/2017 at 22:45, DeeTillEhDeh said:

We clearly watched different films.

It's funny how folk can just take against some films. Your reaction to it is like my reaction to Baz Luhrmann or David O. Russell films. I bought into La La Land as I was a big fan of Whiplash and it's clear how important music is to the director and his music guy (they were in a bad together before dropping out of uni to make films). He plans every shot to the note and it feels like carefully crafted labour of love - a real bit of quality. I totally accept some folk could watch it, see some twats jumping about on cars singing and think "not for me thanks". 

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10 Cloverfield Lane.

I can't decided if I liked this or hated it. John Goodman plays a survivalist type who abducts/rescues a girl who has crashed off the road near his underground bunker. They're locked in the bunker along with some local thicko guy on the premise there has been some kind of enemy attack meaning if they left they would die.

The first hour and a half built the tension slowly in between bits where nothing much happened, as you might expect I suppose. Then for the last fifteen minutes all kinds of crazy unexpected shit starts happening which totally spoiled it for me. I'd have preferred it had continued as it was so i'll give it....5/10.

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Mystery Train - Earlier Jim Jarmusch indie pic, quite quirky, especially the opening story.  3 different vignettes based around a hotel in Memphis.  All stories tie into each other quite cleverly around 2/3 of the way through.  Recommended.

James White - Classic tale of immature guy being forced to grow up due to circumstances in his life he can't control.  The first half of the film was entertaining with the partying/fighting then it gets a bit serious towards the end.  Short film at around 90 mins so worth a watch.

Arrival - Brutal.  Don't watch it.

Manchester By The Sea - Best new film I've watched in a long time.  Casey Affleck really nails that world weary loner persona and the setting of the film draws you into to the ennui of provincial Massachusetts.  An borderline alcoholic Affleck who like a fight when he has a skinful takes custody of his nephew after his brother dies which he's reluctant to do due to reasons that are explained throughout the film.  Great performance from him and the guy that plays his nephew who he ends up having a brotherly relationship with.  Highly recommended although a lot of people definitely won't like it.


Edited by Kool Keith
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T2 Trainspotting

I loved it but I have a lot of emotional attachment to it so my perception of it could be very different to some of the whippersnappers on here. Probably has something for everyone though as there are lots of funny scenes that need no prior knowledge of the characters. There's some scenes of great acting (Renton's updated Choose Life speech in the restaurant of Harvey Nic's), a bit of terror (big nods to Terminator and The Shining as Begbie hunts someone), some really joyful stuff (Radio GaGa scene) but sad too. Missus said she wanted to go straight back in and watch it again and I felt the same as there's so much to take in. Felt like I'd been through the wringer afterwards. 

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