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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Hobbit 7/10

Decent watch, but as KB said, it took quite long to get going.

Expendables 2 0/10

I was made to sit through this cringe-fest on boxing day. Utter, utter dross.

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It looks beautiful at times, but in almost a backwards step, things like CGI which had been almost becoming un-noticable in 24fps, now stand out very obviously.

I think it's perfect that it looks older than LOTR, as it's technically an older film. Hope that makes sense. But I went to watch and got the feeling I was watching an older films than all the LOTR films which was exactly what I wanted, gave it a more historic feeling.

Anyway I really enjoyed the film. I like the fact it took a while to get through things as it gave everyone time to take things in. I especially liked the in-depth version of Erebor being destroyed.

I think they've got a bit hammy with the playing up to Thorin though, he was great and heroic yes but they're over playing that part a bit. My worries about Smaug have yet to be put to bed though, terrified he's going to be shite looking although I'm pleased they portrayed how easily he captured Erabor correctly.

The scenes with Gollum and Bilbo were absolutely fantastic and almost exactly how I'd imagined it. Delighted they put the riddles in there instead of just one or two biggrin.gif

I'm a bit of a LOTR geek though so I reckon that's why I enjoyed it so much. A lot of people might not really understand it and my girlfriend didn't understand who the Necromancer was and why everyone was so scared of him, nor did she realise the significance of Radagast. Be delighted if the other two live up to this one and simply cannot wait until the Battle of Five Armies biggrin.gif

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7 psychopaths

hadnt seen the first film "in brugges" but the missus dragged me along to see this anyway

that said you dont have to know anything about the first film to watch this, quite a weird film that was a really good watch nevertheless, woody harrelson was good in it and christopher walken was actually really funny at parts also

the 4 main characters linked well and it turned out to be a right good watch


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hadnt seen the first film "in brugges" but the missus dragged me along to see this anyway

that said you dont have to know anything about the first film to watch this,

They're not connected in any way, story wise.

It's only dubbed as a follow up because it's the same writer/director collaborating with Colin Farrell.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Doug Liman's action comedy, not the Hitchcock one.

First things first: it takes some getting into! After the first hour this film was looking at a 3 or 4/10. One thing I love, though, is that Pitt and Jolie play off each other as naturally as Cruise and Kidman and that chemistry is absolute gold. The rest of the content is iffy, up until the turning point that brings us into the final act. Thereafter the pace picks up and the plot turns around. I loved the last half hour, and it finishes brilliantly with a wee cheap laugh.

So, yeah...married couple who behind each others' backs are highly trained assassins working for the same agency. Big special effects, gadgets, hi-tech stuff. Was never going to be a classic- started really poorly, but all the ideas came together and by the end I had a smile on my face.


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the dark knight rises. 6/10 i may up my rating after i have rewatched it but it just felt a bit flat there wasn't enough batman for my liking and i thought it went severly down hill after the football stadium scene. It was also an hour too long

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No, don't think he is mate.

Nope, he's called Ray in In Bruges and Marty in Seven Psychopaths.

yeah you are both correct as you know, think my missus got mixed up with the fact both farrell and mcdonagh worked together for the film in bruges

ah well, it was a good film anyway, some right good one liners in it

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That doesn't explain how it was even brought up.

Yeah, I'm not sure why. He says he hasn't seen In Bruges but then says you don't need to have seen In Bruges to enjoy Seven Psychopaths. A bit strange to say that, for all you (51 and Counting) know, having seen In Bruges might've pushed the film to a 10/10.

Of course it doesn't now it's been pointed out that they're not connected apart from the actor and writer/director.

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