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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Don't think I am, but that's never stopped me from enjoying films before. I just didn't think it was that good.

I agree.

I think the Lego Movie is decent, but didn't live up to my expectations, considering all my mates wouldn't stop harping on about how amazing it was.

You're wrong about Finding Nemo though - it's magnificent.

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Groundhog Day

Bill Murray experiences existential ennui when forced to repeat the same day, eventually improving both himself and the community around him.


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To break the cycle, while keeping the Murraymeister theme:

St. Vincent - Gran Torino played lighter and with a few good chuckles. Not Bills best, but a solid seven.

Then, coincidentally, Netflix threw up Meatballs in my recommendations. I remember seeing this at the flicks when it came out. Ah, the 1970s! Classic anti establishment part from Murray in a lightweight summer camp comedy. Not as good as I remember, but worth a watch if you're a fan of Murray or the genre. Six.

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Grim, brutal, macho, raw, [insert other cliche here], war film. It's not flawless and there are several issues (poor character development beyond Pitt and Lerman; the OTT but absolutely epic third act) but I liked this and it's a significantly better film than Saving Private Ryan post-Omaha Beach sequence.

There's a scene when Pitt's (who is decent enough and is pulling off the undercut better than any of your checked shirt wearing drones that populate our streets can) tank unit encounters a Tiger. It's utterly gripping and might be one of my favourite scenes of the year.

As I said, not flawless but I liked it.



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A Most Wanted Man.

Philip Seymour Hoffman's final leading role in a bleak but fast-paced spy thriller based on the John Le Carre novel.

Set in Hamburg, the film features a variety of competing security agencies and how they manipulate a suspected Islamist terrorist.

Hoffman's brilliant, permanently hungover and at times barely acting.

8/10 - a subtly engaging thriller which would appeal to those who loved Tinker, Tailor.

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Leviathan 7.5/10

Russian film about really unhappy people living in a godforsaken shit hole getting depressed and drinking too much. Pretty decent and I can see why people went nuts for the political angle as it was v critical of the corrupt politics of modern day Russia but not quite as good as I'd been led to believe.

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Fury 2/10

I've like Ayer's stuff. End of Watch and Training Day were good, but this is shit. For the last 45 minutes of the movie I would have rather watched a shit.

The final scene where they held out against the SS troops was so laughably ridiculous I had to turn it off.

Unlimited ammo and petrol in the tank, SS soldiers who can't aim and were nothing more than cannon fodder. I fully get that it's Hollywood but in reality that tank would have lasted less than 5 minutes. Schwarzenegger's Commando was more plausible.

I can only assume the end of the battle had Brad Pitt climbing out of the tank flying a massive American flag flying shouting USA, USA, USA.

it's gets 2 for having Michael Pena in it but even he's not that good.

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The Sacrament - journalists follow a man on a journey to visit his estranged sister, who has joined a new-age cult at a jungle hideaway of their own making.

This is a pretty decent found-footage thriller by Ti West, whose House of the Devil won plaudits a few years back, and who seems to have Eli Roth as a mentor. The whole thing is quite well-acted, and has an interesting story. There's just one big elephant in the room, which is

that this is a beat-for-beat dramatisation of the Jonestown Massacre, with very few embellishments indeed. Anyone familiar with what happened in that part of Guyana in 1978 is liable to be a bit disappointed by an otherwise-promising film, due to the fact that they'll know everything that's going to happen. This isn't helped by the existence of some excellent Jonestown documentaries that include footage shot by the residents.

I'm a tad annoyed that I already knew the story, because I think it would've been really quite entertaining. Recommended, with the above caveat.

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The Blues Brothers 6/10

Watched this for the first time ever yesterday, it was OK, not as good/funny as I was expecting though, definitely felt like a load of sketches cobbled together and kind of dragged in places. Liked all the shots of '80s Chicago though and the car chase near the end was good fun.

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Frozen. Not bad but I don't think it lived up to the hype. 6.5/10

Having a three years old grand-daughter, I've seen Frozen a thousand times and have to say it's rather good. The old Snow Queen myth given the Disney treatment with great songs - what's not to like?

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