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Naw bad I'd imagine. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. He looks menacing enough I suppose. If Johnny Curtis can come back and look competent then this fucker sure can.

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I read a while back that HHH thinks McGillicutty/whatever the f**k he's called now could be the face of the company in future.

I'm pretty sure he helped Rock, Brock and possibly 'Taker get back in ring shape before their big returns as well. That's 4 huge names to have in your corner. Add in his lineage and the fact that he's pretty good in the ring and you've got the basis for someone who has a real chance at being a star. If he can develop his promo work and character while working with Heyman and he's got a great chance.

As long as he doesn't get absolutely buried by Triple H before he's even started of course.

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You'd hope Curtis Axel has improved as he was shite in the original NXT, was shite when with The Nexus and has been shite ever since.

A shame that the IC champ is not over in the slightest. In fact in that match it appeared that The Miz was the most over.

This was a better Raw at least. Nothing of note really happened in terms of storyline, save for the new Heyman client, but the matches were all decent and there was no bullshit like a tug of war or dance off. And of course no John Cena, which is always a bonus. I also thought Ryback coming out of the ambulance was quite amusing, as was Y2J laughing in Summer Rae's face.

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I think the new thing in WWE now is to not have a proper ending to the main event.


I will say that I thought that Brock's sledgehammer shot just before the F5 at Extreme Rules looked pretty stiff, but both are good workers so it could simply just be a testament to their skill.

HHH will be on Raw next week to tell us that he's lost his smile.

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Don't see the point of making Curtis Axel the guy to replace Cena for when that time comes as he's only 3 year younger than Cena!

There's no way that Axel will be anywhere near that level. He's simply not good enough on the mic. He'll be lucky to get main event status. He'll do well at midcard, maybe winning MITB or a short World Heavyweight Championship reign later in the year once Ziggler had a good run (but tbh the likes of Barrett, Cesaro and more importantly Daniel Bryan should be ahead of him in the pecking order for that) but to be the head of the company? Nah, maybe if he'd come in and exploded when he first joined the roster but not now.

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Curtis Axel will have improved working with pretty much megastars constantly, so I'm not giving any opinion until I've seen more.

He looked like a different proposition just standing about to me, so I've got a good feeling.

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Don't know a great deal about McGillicutty/Axel as I've rarely seen NXT but I'm not going to complain about them giving a supposedly competent worker a chance. Only time I've really seen him was at a live event where he lost to William Regal, but he was playing a bit of a comedy character there. If they are so high on him, I wish they could've just put him over Triple H. Even by Triple H collapsing outside the ring and Axel getting the countout victory, instead of just leaving it as the match suddenly ending. Would give Axel, as a heel character, something to cling on to. Maybe he'll start to claim the victory as his next week or something.

Overall, I thought Raw was decent in terms of in-ring action. The Big E-Del Rio match wasn't bad, thought Orton vs Swagger was good and the Shield vs Team Hell No & Kofi Kingston was very good. Think we're looking at Kane & Bryan splitting soon, just wondering what direction they'll go in.

I think Randy Orton's being built for a run at one of the titles too, most likely the World Heavyweight Title.

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Not watched raw for 3 weeks and didnt bother with extreme rules as it looked pretty terrible imo.

Biggest thing i can say about wwe just now is they need punk. Team hell no cant keep my attention and i love dbry.

Iv came in and out of wrestling over the years so im the type of person they need to be hooking, but just arent. With aitch in charge i cant see it changing either.

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