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Strange dreams

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1 minute ago, johnnydun said:

Are you saying in the sleep paralysis state that a person connects with the other realm? 

 This is not a dream... not a dream. We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver. We are unable to transmit through conscious neural interference. You are receiving this broadcast as a dream. We are transmitting from the year one, nine, nine, nine. You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the events you are seeing. Our technology has not developed a transmitter strong enough to reach your conscious state of awareness, but this is not a dream. You are seeing what is actually occurring for the purpose of causality violation.

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Sitting in a shed waiting to go for a job interview for a train driver position when two grizzly bears start prowling around tying to get into the shed. Shat myself and phoned my dad.

That would be an interesting episode of Thomas and Friends.
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Had sleep paralysis a few times. Dream that someone is burgling the house, i can hear them coming up the stairs, i wake up to shout at them and the scream won’t come out.


The freakiest one i had was about my grandad who has been dead 25 years, was in my mum and dad’s house, I’m convinced he said that he was coming back for my gran. Long story short, my gran had a stroke 8 weeks later and died. Maybe too big a gap between the two events, but it freaked me out nonetheless


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I had a dream last night that I was on a ship with Kelen Coleman and I was trying to bone her but I couldn’t cum cause her fanny was too slack. She then put an elastic band round my cock in an attempt to get grip but it didn’t work.
The ship then sprung a leak and started sinking.

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For the last 3 weeks I've had these dreams where I am in a strangers house, usually a fair sized house with bedrooms galore. In nearly every dream the house is packed. But all I seem to do is rake through every cupboard I can find to look for prescription drugs. In the majority of the dreams i get caught raking through the drawers and come up with some bullshit excuse. I had a slight problem with opiates in the past ( pills, not heroin). But when I'm awake I have no urge or need to access these drugs, but once I am  asleep I seem to turn into some pill seeking deviant who'd rim some blokes arsehole for a few tranadol or some diffs. Worrying. Also I'll rummage through the cupboards only to find paracetemol and ibuprofen.

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On 20/10/2017 at 21:38, Raidernation said:

I dreamed I saw on a moonlit stair
Spreading his hands on the multitude there
A man who cried for a love gone stale
And ice cold hearts of charity bare.
I watched as fear took the old men's gaze
Hopes of the young in troubled graves
"I see no day," I heard him say
So grey is the face of every mortal.

best song on the album

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Watched Blue Planet last night. Ended up dreaming I was marooned on a pontoon in a harbour surrounded by sharks with Jurgen Klopp shouting from the harbour wall that it was ok to dive in and swim for shore as the sharks had already eaten and I’d be ok. Still didn’t dive in - don’t trust the Germans.
Still smoke in my dreams tho I’ve been off the fags for 20 years now.

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Hired ice skates for a rink in an American mall last night from a fat rapper looking type. 

Went to put them on and realised that they didn't have blades, only two tiny wheels front and back. 

Told rapper that I wanted a proper pair or a refund and he told me I was getting neither so I threatened him and went bitching to my wife about the injustice of it all. 

I usually relate weird dreams to things I've seen/done throughout the day so f**k knows where that one came from. 

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I had a dream last night that I was on a ship with Kelen Coleman and I was trying to bone her but I couldn’t cum cause her fanny was too slack. She then put an elastic band round my cock in an attempt to get grip but it didn’t work.
The ship then sprung a leak and started sinking.



You'll be hearing from her lawyers. Not happy.
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