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Strange dreams

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i was in charge of opening a new set of floating allottments on a lake. Nobody would come on the lake because of the giant amphipods leaping like salmon up the waterfalls that flowed upwards because of all the vulcanism. There were nautilus too, but they didn't jump so well.

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Keep having dreams I'm wearing those kids Heelys shoes and I'm weaving fast as f**k through town centres and it's great fun.

If I'm not dreaming about that it's about meeting and shagging fit women.

Quite frankly I don't want to wake up from them as they're way more exciting than anything that's happening in the real world. 

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Staying in the guest quarter's of a friend's house nearby and going out in the grounds I could see a huge gorilla in the trees. Not quite King Kong size but probably 20ft tall. He winked at me, hopped on the roof and vanished into the trees. His intentions did not seem good. Had to go out and check the fucker wasn't out in the garden. Very realistic. BE A WEAR of 20ft gorilla if you're in or around Juniper Green. 

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Pretty much every dream I can remember is either me losing the ability to move my legs whilst being chased by savage crowds baying for my blood or my teeth being crunched out by own self. Horrid.

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12 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I had the "I'm missing an exam" dream last night. It got moved to a week later, and I was about to do whatever I usually do at the time when I remembered. Also it was in Edinburgh. It's been four and a half years since I sat an exam.

I still get them decades later.

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I dreamt last night that I was drafted into the NFL to play safety but my first game was taking place in a supermarket. I had to tackle people in the aisles while shoppers pushed heir trolleys about.
That was black Friday, that wasn't a dream.
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ive had a very similar dream 3 nights this last week or so. im visiting houses (in a street i used to stay in, in montrose) providing assisted suicide to the people that live in them now. to assist them they lie down and i pour a small bag of gravel down theor throats until they choke.

after that i cremate their bodies in a medieval style burial. the stuff i piled on top of the corpses to make the "oven" top resemble poppy wreaths.

last night i dreamt that myself, my missus and our much older female neighbour all worked at Tesco call centre in dundee and i found out they were having an affair. i lost my shit and stormed off from them but couldnt leave the building until i played in a 5 a side match and won.

half way through the game we had to stop for penalties but penalties with a difference. old packets of fags were lined up on a shelf thing and you had to guess the brand. if you got it correct you could pass into an empty net. madness.

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4 hours ago, ah-dee said:

ive had a very similar dream 3 nights this last week or so. im visiting houses (in a street i used to stay in, in montrose) providing assisted suicide to the people that live in them now. to assist them they lie down and i pour a small bag of gravel down theor throats until they choke.

after that i cremate their bodies in a medieval style burial. the stuff i piled on top of the corpses to make the "oven" top resemble poppy wreaths.

last night i dreamt that myself, my missus and our much older female neighbour all worked at Tesco call centre in dundee and i found out they were having an affair. i lost my shit and stormed off from them but couldnt leave the building until i played in a 5 a side match and won.

half way through the game we had to stop for penalties but penalties with a difference. old packets of fags were lined up on a shelf thing and you had to guess the brand. if you got it correct you could pass into an empty net. madness.

Lucky strike?

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Sometimes I have dreams whereby I'm at school / uni and realise that I haven't been to a particular set of classes all term.

Last night was slightly odd in that I had missed a whole series of Maths classes, but I wasn't studying anything that required Maths, or any taught classes whatsoever for that matter.  I had managed to convince myself that it had just been another one of these class-missing dreams (whilst unknowingly still dreaming), but the problem existed where I had a series of textbooks bought for that particular Maths course and the did I? / didn't I? question was driving me around the bend.   

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 25/10/2012 at 20:34, Raith Against The Machine said:

I had a dream last night that I was applying for a job as an abseiler for the Royal Navy. The interview was taking place on the deck of an aircraft carrier and the interviewer was this burd from Crap Scrubs and one episode of Community.


I'm still waiting to hear back.

I know it was 6 years ago, but did you ever hear back about the job?

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