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Strange dreams

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Last night I dreamt that there was another Trainspotting film, set between the first and second. It was called The Soap Factory. The only main cast members were Sick Boy and Spud. The eponymous factory was a semi-derelict three storey building at the south end of The Bridges which Sick Boy had conned his way into ownership of. He had divided the building into stalls and turned it into a market. His office was a small room by the entrance from which he ran various schemes, often with the unwitting help of Spud.

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2 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

Last night I dreamt that there was another Trainspotting film, set between the first and second. It was called The Soap Factory. The only main cast members were Sick Boy and Spud. The eponymous factory was a semi-derelict three storey building at the south end of The Bridges which Sick Boy had conned his way into ownership of. He had divided the building into stalls and turned it into a market. His office was a small room by the entrance from which he ran various schemes, often with the unwitting help of Spud.

That sounds brilliant tbh

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7 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

That sounds brilliant tbh

I does doesn't it?

Some dreams I have make me wish I was a writer & could turn the ideas from them into actual stories.

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For years I've had dreams where I have tried to run but couldn't. Also had similar dreams where I knew I could fly but could only get a few feet in to the air and couldn't do it. In those dreams, every time, I look the same, and it's me from when I was about 19 or or so.

In fact in most of my dreams I look the same. Sometimes I look like me as I am/was in dreams, but that's not often. Maybe the Matrix had it right!


Anyway, last night I had a dream where I was able to run. It wasn't far and was only for a bit, but in the dream I was absolutely chuffed that I was able to do it, and had the thought of "I can start running again!". I also looked (mostly) like me of today.

The dream was a bit sad too, as it featured folk who used to be friends who didn't invite me to a wedding and who didn't recognise me when they saw me later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty fucking harrowing one last night.

Was a lucid dream so was getting up to all sorts of antics. Then somehow lost my lucid dream 'power'

Polis were onto me by this point & I got shot as I couldn't fly away or whatever.

As I'm lying there dying two hooded figure in masks were kneeling over me.

I could still interact with them somehow & tried to take off their masks to see who they were. There was only other masks underneath.

One says of the other, "He's The Devil."

Devil said to me "I've never really liked you, but something's coming soon."

I then fade out/'die' and woke up.

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22 minutes ago, Slenderman said:

Pretty fucking harrowing one last night.

Was a lucid dream so was getting up to all sorts of antics. Then somehow lost my lucid dream 'power'

Polis were onto me by this point & I got shot as I couldn't fly away or whatever.

As I'm lying there dying two hooded figure in masks were kneeling over me.

I could still interact with them somehow & tried to take off their masks to see who they were. There was only other masks underneath.

One says of the other, "He's The Devil."

Devil said to me "I've never really liked you, but something's coming soon."

I then fade out/'die' and woke up.

Last time I had one of those devil warning dreams my dad dropped dead a few days later. Stay safe etc!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a dream the other night I was watching an episode of The Wire. McNulty was at a crime scene in a car park but he didn't have a car, so he left by riding an elephant. Later on I saw the elephant in a lab being taught the alphabet by a woman in a white coat who had the letters on the wall in a grid and was saying what they were as the elephant pointed at them with its trunk.

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  • 1 month later...

Had a migraine start up while I was asleep last night, so had a couple of odd ones that I actually remember.

For some reason I ended up part of Trump's entourage on election night. He was giving it laldy in public, acting as though he'd already won, smoking fat blunts in hot tubs with strippers, that kind of thing. As soon as cameras and the public weren't around, he shut down completely and wouldn't acknowledge the existence of anybody else, even members of his own family. At some point it became obvious he'd lost bigly and was clearly utterly furious, but still wouldn't talk to anyone. He just left the building and starting roaming around randomly, with us having to follow him in silence. Actually started to feel bad for him, as he was clearly mentally ill. Eventually we ran into Dee Plakas and Donita Sparks from the band L7, so I fucked off with them as I was a big fan back in the day. They were trying to find somewhere safe to stay as society was about to collapse, so I helped them with that. Turned out Trumpy had only registered 15% of the popular vote and lost to some specky uber-nerd who spoke like he was receiving orders from a central computer.

Then I ended up in a Groundhog Day scenario where I had about a dozen objects that I could place around (a shoelace, spinning top, etc) and a few animals (couple of birds, a big dug), then the day would start and I'd randomly be in the body of one of the animals. The day would play out, I'd be told I'd failed, and had to start all over again because...something hadn't happened that was supposed to happen? Thanks for all the helpful advice, brain  :rolleyes:

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Had a dream where I found a frozen bee on the ground, then heard buzzing behind me.
Woke with a start and was checking the pillows. 7 am on a Sunday. No chance going back to sleep after that

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12 hours ago, weirdcal said:

Had a dream where I found a frozen bee on the ground, then heard buzzing behind me.
Woke with a start and was checking the pillows. 7 am on a Sunday. No chance going back to sleep after that

I had a dream about a bee once, nothing like yours. But ended up looking it up and apparently a bee represents anger. So your angry about something or with someone. 

So some web site says.

So chill the f**k out

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Had a dream i was working nightshift in some big industrial place.

I was staying there also and my room was a cave with lights.

So i was given my maintenance routines for the night. And asked to attend a meeting outside.

Where stanley johnston came along to show everyone his new baby. And I didn't want to look at his baby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dreamt that I cut my knob off at some kind of convention. No idea why; didn't hurt and it made sense at the time. Later, it turned out that there was a serial killer cutting about the place, and the only thing the polis knew about him was that he had no knob, so they started inspecting everyone. I panicked and started trying to avoid them and work out what to do, but my pants kept falling off whenever my son was around, which made life more difficult.

Eventually I was one of the last ones not to be searched, so they grabbed me and wheeched off my trousers...only for my willy to have regenerated, even larger and more resplendent than before. The outer layer of skin hadn't quite grown back, and had instead formed a leathery shell that could be peeled open, but you can't have everything.

I'm telling myself this was a metaphor for football being removed from our lives, as I don't much fancy the alternatives.

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Last night I dreamt that I was tipped off that I had to get a pack of cheese and onion crisps for my boss for 9am or I'd be fired.  I rushed out the office desperately trying to find a vendor of cheese and onion crisps.  Eventually I found this huge shop in a mall.  I got my crisps and was waiting in an agonisingly slow moving queue when my alarm went off.

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On 11/06/2020 at 21:57, Ya Bezzer! said:

Last night I dreamt that I was tipped off that I had to get a pack of cheese and onion crisps for my boss for 9am or I'd be fired.  I rushed out the office desperately trying to find a vendor of cheese and onion crisps.  Eventually I found this huge shop in a mall.  I got my crisps and was waiting in an agonisingly slow moving queue when my alarm went off.

Were the crisps in a green packet (normal) or a blue packet (weird walkers cnuts)

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Had a dream last night after watching das boot. Similar to the one above a large facility that was a mixture of sub pens, James Bond style bunker and castle wolfenstein type experiments. I was being shown around as if in an interview but I could speak fluent German.


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