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What I'm going to say below is purely speculation so if I'm wrong then I apologise.

It's been a tough weekend for Dumfries. First we hear of a 15 year old girl who was being bullied, who died just hours after her last day of school. Found in her garden shed and pronounced dead soon after.

Now we have former QoS defender Chris Mitchell at 27. A tweet by Iain Russell points towards mental health problems.

It's bad enough that these two young people have passed away in (apparently) awful circumstances. It's another thing to have youngsters on Yik Yak saying "good, she was a dick". And the people discussing the way they took their life?! Not only is it insensitive towards the victims' families but I have to admit that it has slightly triggered me to consider that their methods are effective and that it's an option for me.

I didn't know either of them well at all but it's hitting home because I resonate with their feelings. My uncle recently did something similar and it feels like it is suddenly happening everywhere I look

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Mitchell only played with us for 6/7 months but seemed a hugely popular figure and was always smiling.

Just goes to show what you portray on the outside isn't always what you feel on the inside.

Edited by C. Muir
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It really is scary to think that no matter how a person is coming across, they could be feeling completely different on the inside. Situations like those just hit home that you shouldn't take anyone for granted.

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I came over to GN to bump this thread in a "if events have affects you" way.

It's hard to reach out when suicidal, horrendous. I know, I've been there several times. But I did and as awful as I've felt at times I'm glad I'm still here. Watching my kids grown,completing my degree through the ou.

I also had someone I know take their life the same way as is in the papers.

Anyway, not much phases me so if anyone needs to drop a stranger a pm just to say they're struggling. Well I'm here.

As is this thread.

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Still not seen a doctor, hopefully going to phone up on Monday for appointment.

Going to my doctor about it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. Waiting room was dreadful just thinking about what to say but that was nothing once in. I must have sat in that chair in the GP's room for a good minute just trying to get some words out and admit the problem. Thinking about it is easy peasy in comparison. Best thing I ever did though.

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Going to my doctor about it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. Waiting room was dreadful just thinking about what to say but that was nothing once in. I must have sat in that chair in the GP's room for a good minute just trying to get some words out and admit the problem. Thinking about it is easy peasy in comparison. Best thing I ever did though.

Just been this morning, a huge weight off my shoulders after a few years of putting it off. I've been prescribed citalopram hydrobromide so will see if it helps or not.


Thanks to everyone for their kind words on here as without it I probably wouldn't have even contacted my GP, appreciate it.

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Just been this morning, a huge weight off my shoulders after a few years of putting it off. I've been prescribed citalopram hydrobromide so will see if it helps or not.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words on here as without it I probably wouldn't have even contacted my GP, appreciate it.

Well done. It's one of the hardest steps to take but you've done it.

The one thing I'll say about going to the doctor for anyone who's putting it off:

The thought is terrifying, summoning the energy and the nerve to do it is really hard. I've been there a few times over the years. When you've finally done it, I can't describe the relief. I felt like I was walking on air. There's still a long way to go but it feels like you've made some progress.

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My gp once told me that mental health is the biggest part of her job. She's seen and heard most things so nothing will shock her. That it's as valid an illness as the person sat with a broken leg.

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My gp once told me that mental health is the biggest part of her job. She's seen and heard most things so nothing will shock her. That it's as valid an illness as the person sat with a broken leg.


Something similar with my GP, when he prescribed me with Citalopram he said there's not a week goes by that he doesn't prescribe this for someone. And when I mentioned in passing the social stigma attached to mental health issues he said that unfortunately some people do look at it in a skewed way but as you say its as valid as if I was sat there with a chest infection.


I will be coming off my Citalopram in the next few weeks as I feel I no longer need them, hopefully I am right and nothing builds back up.

Edited by 11thHour
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Had a first appointment this morning with a physcologist.

I probably spoke more about myself to him in one hour than I have to anyone in my life.

I'd repeat what has been said above ,speak to someone there is help out there.

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I've been doing really well recently. Had a very bad couple of weeks in December and ended up in hospital but they have me on a fairly strict regime of drugs, one, to help with the depression and moods and two, to get me some sleep at night (15+ years of 3 hours a night was killing me (possibly literally!))


I take Escitalopram Gabapentin and rexulti in the mornings and Mirtazapine, Guanfacine and trazodone at night.


Seems to be working for me, now up to 5 hours sleep at night!

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My life is pretty good right now, but there are days where I can be happy as f**k, then there are days when I'm suffering from very low moods. Can this be a common thing??

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I don't know Bobby. My dad suffers with depression, he's suffered since his mid 40's, sometimes the smallest thing can trigger things, and there are times where I can I be the same, for instance if I'm trying to get a job done, either at work or at Home, and I struggle to get it finished, it can play on mind for the rest of the day, sometimes longer. I've found that having sometime to myself can ease me a bit, I've started going for a pint down the local social club a couple of times a week, and sit with a couple of hearts and hibs fans from the village and we all sit and chat about our teams and footy in general. I have a good understanding wife who knows what I've been through and doesn't push me to talk about things and knows that I'll talk when I want to. We've recently spent a good few quid getting the house done up which has been great as the kitchen had not been decorated in the 4 years we've been here.

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