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On 18/12/2020 at 15:17, bernardblack said:

Not sure if it’ll help, but I took a break from social media (apart from here) and found I stopped comparing myself to everyone else...at their best.


I don't use social media (facebook) at all these days. Twitter once a week maybe.

Just don't like myself, mainly because I'm acting like a grumpy c**t to folk who don't deserve it. Nothings even wrong with my life, got a wife, house, dog that goes mental when I get home. Safe job, family who speak to me most days. No idea why this even started.

Just had a shite month where literally every minor thing that could go wrong is going wrong, and its multiple times a day I'm being hit with some other shit, and its completely worn me down. No rest at work or at home due to the time of year. I know it'll pass and this time next year I'll have forgotten about what's gone wrong, but just now I'm just tired of everything, feel completely done with everything and myself. 

I'll probably be fine once I get a few days off at Christmas and start scoffing boxes of after eights all day tbh. I'll just completely switch off from everything for a week or two i think. Concentrate on wife/dog/family for a bit.

Edited by RandomGuy.
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His abhorrent comments started in 2013 and have continued on almost to the day. Where did he apologise, who did he apologise to and when was this apology? 
Dont want to take this off topic, you can Google it quite easily.
I'm not saying he's blameless or right what so ever but if Joshua can get a second chance then so can he.
Anyway my original point was the lack of response to him opening up.
Regardless of what he said he came back from drugs, drink and near suicide to be the world champion again. Its a remarkable story and he got less of a response than some vacuous radio presenter with big jugs.
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was confirmed the day that my girlfriend's cancer is at stage 3. hard to even look at that typing it out but need to just come to terms with it somehow, can't fathom what she's going through and what's still to come with the chemo. She was gutted earlier the day, broke down a bit talking about how her gran is going to do so much running about after her and that it removed any hope that today would be good, or at least better, news, and she's got months of shielding ahead of her and how brutal that's going to be to get through. it's just all so much, one kick after another with no end in sight

everything even looks darker now

Weird as this will sound but typing that out just reminded me of this! finding it quite comforting on a rewatch, and im going to take whatever solace i can get right now.


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1 hour ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

was confirmed the day that my girlfriend's cancer is at stage 3. hard to even look at that typing it out but need to just come to terms with it somehow, can't fathom what she's going through and what's still to come with the chemo. She was gutted earlier the day, broke down a bit talking about how her gran is going to do so much running about after her and that it removed any hope that today would be good, or at least better, news, and she's got months of shielding ahead of her and how brutal that's going to be to get through. it's just all so much, one kick after another with no end in sight

everything even looks darker now

Weird as this will sound but typing that out just reminded me of this! finding it quite comforting on a rewatch, and im going to take whatever solace i can get right now.


So sorry to hear that. I can't begin to imagine what you are both going through, but try to keep searching for the positives. Better days will come.

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14 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

was confirmed the day that my girlfriend's cancer is at stage 3. hard to even look at that typing it out but need to just come to terms with it somehow, can't fathom what she's going through and what's still to come with the chemo. She was gutted earlier the day, broke down a bit talking about how her gran is going to do so much running about after her and that it removed any hope that today would be good, or at least better, news, and she's got months of shielding ahead of her and how brutal that's going to be to get through. it's just all so much, one kick after another with no end in sight

everything even looks darker now

Weird as this will sound but typing that out just reminded me of this! finding it quite comforting on a rewatch, and im going to take whatever solace i can get right now.


So sorry to read that mate. I am a PM away if you want to rant, need any advice or someone to speak too. Same for your girlfriend. 

@Rugster too, he knows that feeling of helplessness more anyone from the partners side of things. 

Talking definitely helps. If you have a local Maggie center they are amazing and have excellent resources.


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32 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

So sorry to read that mate. I am a PM away if you want to rant, need any advice or someone to speak too. Same for your girlfriend. 

@Rugster too, he knows that feeling of helplessness more anyone from the partners side of things. 

Talking definitely helps. If you have a local Maggie center they are amazing and have excellent resources.


Thank you to all for the kind words, appreciate it.

Yeah I've taken her to the Maggie's centre at Gartnavel for a recent appointment, really close by so not bad. Think there's a Beatson right by it and all.  think she doesn't have to go to the Royal Infirmary any more for appointments but not sure.

she's got her claim for UC started and afaik Maggie's have offered to take care of any paperwork she needs, which is good news.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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17 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

was confirmed the day that my girlfriend's cancer is at stage 3. hard to even look at that typing it out but need to just come to terms with it somehow, can't fathom what she's going through and what's still to come with the chemo. She was gutted earlier the day, broke down a bit talking about how her gran is going to do so much running about after her and that it removed any hope that today would be good, or at least better, news, and she's got months of shielding ahead of her and how brutal that's going to be to get through. it's just all so much, one kick after another with no end in sight

everything even looks darker now

Weird as this will sound but typing that out just reminded me of this! finding it quite comforting on a rewatch, and im going to take whatever solace i can get right now.


Fucking hell mate.

So sorry. You'll be melting inside, but you need to be a rock for her.

Cannae imagine what pain you're going through bro.

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I can see Christmas far enough. The first one without my Dad and I was wrapping presents earlier and it hit me hard that I wasnt wrapping ones for him for the first time since I was a small kid. Just feel like I'm existing right now. Every day is the same. This whole covid situation isnt helping my mood and I just see no imminent return of things that were always a distraction from life and problems (attending gigs and sports etc). This thread has been a good place to vent and speak to people going through similar. I'm grateful for that. Hope you can have as good a Christmas as possible. Hopefully 2021 will be better 🤞

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18 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I can see Christmas far enough. The first one without my Dad and I was wrapping presents earlier and it hit me hard that I wasnt wrapping ones for him for the first time since I was a small kid. Just feel like I'm existing right now. Every day is the same. This whole covid situation isnt helping my mood and I just see no imminent return of things that were always a distraction from life and problems (attending gigs and sports etc). This thread has been a good place to vent and speak to people going through similar. I'm grateful for that. Hope you can have as good a Christmas as possible. Hopefully 2021 will be better 🤞

Aye without Covid you'd have people around you at this time and you could share in your nostalgia of your old man, remembering stories and insights that were personal only to you. 

It sounds like a seriously hard time, especially given that it's your first Christmas without him. That's a blow mate, and made infinitely worse by the current situation.

I'm glad you found a bit of a refuge here and I hope you keep in touch with the thread.

Feel free to PM me if you need.

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This might be a rough night.
Yeah, I’m in my own place and not in shitty shared sober living, I have a very nice place.

But I know between now (roughy 6pm here)and before I meet up with family sometime tomorrow afternoon I’m on my own.
I don’t want to interfere with their personal Christmases but it’s unlikely I’ll speak to anyone until then.
It’s my birthday tomorrow.
Self pity is an awful thing.

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8 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

This might be a rough night.
Yeah, I’m in my own place and not in shitty shared sober living, I have a very nice place.

But I know between now (roughy 6pm here)and before I meet up with family sometime tomorrow afternoon I’m on my own.
I don’t want to interfere with their personal Christmases but it’s unlikely I’ll speak to anyone until then.
It’s my birthday tomorrow.
Self pity is an awful thing.

You've done great to get here mate and it's been a testing year so kudos!

I'm trying to figure out the time difference but try and get some sleep and keep as busy as you can until you can meet up with them and enjoy the festivities.

Happy birthday when it comes!

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37 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

This might be a rough night.
Yeah, I’m in my own place and not in shitty shared sober living, I have a very nice place.

But I know between now (roughy 6pm here)and before I meet up with family sometime tomorrow afternoon I’m on my own.
I don’t want to interfere with their personal Christmases but it’s unlikely I’ll speak to anyone until then.
It’s my birthday tomorrow.
Self pity is an awful thing.

It's already your birthday here, so happy birthday.

My plans to see family have all changed last minute after being informed that my eldest 2 need to self isolate after being in contact with someone that has tested positive. Far from ideal, and will make tomorrow tougher than it otherwise would have been. The kids are upset that they'll not be able to go to their grandparents, as we do every year. It could be much worse though.

Merry Christmas to all on here. As ever, I'm open to PMs if anyone needs a chat.

Edited by die hard doonhamer
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Someone gut feeling to call me at the start of the month stopped a catastrophe and bought me time to get into hospital.

If you have the same feeling please call them, nhs 24 or 111. It might just be a call that makes the difference.

This time of year is difficult for many. 

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30 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Someone gut feeling to call me at the start of the month stopped a catastrophe and bought me time to get into hospital.

If you have the same feeling please call them, nhs 24 or 111. It might just be a call that makes the difference.

This time of year is difficult for many. 

Sorry that you've been having a rough time, but great that someone has had the mind to call and check on you. 

You obviously have people who care, never forget that. I hope you receive the help you need, and are on the road to better days soon. 

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Someone gut feeling to call me at the start of the month stopped a catastrophe and bought me time to get into hospital.
If you have the same feeling please call them, nhs 24 or 111. It might just be a call that makes the difference.
This time of year is difficult for many. 

I hope you have a wonderful day, if not you can pm me anytime.
Please don’t feel alone.
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Guest bernardblack

Merry Christmas everyone. It might be a tough day but everyone can get through it.

I don’t post a huge amount in this thread but even reading that other people go through similar things, helps.

All the best x

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