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32 minutes ago, Widge said:

Firstly these things happen. We’re only human and we can’t be perfect all the time. It sounds like you’re doing really really well with your Uni stuff and a small blip shouldn’t derail you. Use it as motivation for the next module or exam, try and turn it into a positive as hard as that is. If it annoys you today, tomorrow that’s also fine, but try not to let it fester and get you down long term as it really does sound like you’re smashing it so far and should rightly be proud of what you’ve achieved so far. 

As for the ex-girlfriend, that is harder. As someone going through the same thing recently it’s the little things that you don’t think will get to you. But again you’re only human, it’s fine to have emotions, if anything what you’ve done I’d healthier than stopping by yourself, there’s nothing to be gained by not being sad about things like that. I don’t know if my advice will help or it’s what you need, everyone is different, but if you’re wanting to chat to someone with no judgement then drop me a PM, happy to chat any time. 

But just remember, nothing you’ve posted is bad, far from it. We all have ups and downs, whether it be hourly, daily or longer term. 

It's not even really a blip, it's still a pass and has the same end product meaning that I passed the module and don't need to do it again. I just find it difficult to turn off the self-critical and perfectionist part of my brain. Most people would be happy with a C in an assignment. A C is a solid result.

There were a lot of things my ex-girlfriend said and did that brightened my day and made me smile. I do miss her.


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4 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

I don't feel very good today.

It's going to sound silly but I have been getting good marks at university for the previous two years but found out I got a C for my last assignment which is my lowest mark yet. It's still a pass but it was a shiter to have broken my streak of Bs and As. It's a minor thing to be bothered about, I know.

I also randomly remembered something my ex-girlfriend used to do and that made me cry.

Stress of Uni & old feelings gettting dredged up isn't good.

Maybe just relax & focus on the studies.

I remember getting so fucking worked up I could barely filet a sea bass for my graded unit.

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3 minutes ago, Venti said:

Stress of Uni & old feelings gettting dredged up isn't good.

Maybe just relax & focus on the studies.

I remember getting so fucking worked up I could barely filet a sea bass for my graded unit.

I doubt I could skin any fish if my life depended on it.

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10 minutes ago, Venti said:

Stress of Uni & old feelings gettting dredged up isn't good.

Maybe just relax & focus on the studies.

I remember getting so fucking worked up I could barely filet a sea bass for my graded unit.

Haha years ago I did professional cookery at college and made an absolute arse of a fillet. 

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3 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

Haha years ago I did professional cookery at college and made an absolute arse of a fillet. 

My point is that you might f12k things up. It's the stress that you could do without.

You're intelligent & will smash it.

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2 minutes ago, Venti said:

My point is that you might f12k things up. It's the stress that you could do without.

You're intelligent & will smash it.

I didn't even f**k anything up. I still passed. I was just getting myself worked up about nothing. I got a lower mark for one assignment than I did in previous assignments. It happens. 

I have a critical voice in my head. I am usually quite good at keeping it quiet, but it has been loud today.

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1 minute ago, Richey Edwards said:

I didn't even f**k anything up. I still passed. I was just getting myself worked up about nothing. I got a lower mark for one assignment than I did in previous assignments. It happens. 

I have a critical voice in my head. I am usually quite good at keeping it quiet, but it has been loud today.

Just DM me if things get on top of you.

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

I have a critical voice in my head. I am usually quite good at keeping it quiet, but it has been loud today.

Might be P-Boovy? In all seriousness, my daughter just had an AP exam today. She smashed the practice, but in this case she was so nervous she couldn’t even comprehend the first five questions. The sixth one made sense, so then at the end she went back to the first five and did them easily. Stress, nerves, worries, they can all play nasty games with confidence and abilities. A C isn’t the end of the world, it’s just a notice something in that module didn’t click quite as well as you hoped. Hopefully you got more than a grade/score, and can look at the stuff you missed and figure what slipped by you…it’ll just make you even better!

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22 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Might be P-Boovy? In all seriousness, my daughter just had an AP exam today. She smashed the practice, but in this case she was so nervous she couldn’t even comprehend the first five questions. The sixth one made sense, so then at the end she went back to the first five and did them easily. Stress, nerves, worries, they can all play nasty games with confidence and abilities. A C isn’t the end of the world, it’s just a notice something in that module didn’t click quite as well as you hoped. Hopefully you got more than a grade/score, and can look at the stuff you missed and figure what slipped by you…it’ll just make you even better!

Yeah I got written feedback for it. Tbh I had a lot of things to do at the same time as that assignment so I was anxious to get it finished and out of the road. If I'd taken more time on each section of it I could have made it better.

I didn't enjoy writing that particular assignment either (and I'm a weirdo who likes writing things), so there's that as well.

It was still a pass, it just was not of the standard I usually get. It could have been worse though, at least I have never failed one yet.

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9 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

Yeah I got written feedback for it. Tbh I had a lot of things to do at the same time as that assignment so I was anxious to get it finished and out of the road. If I'd taken more time on each section of it I could have made it better.

I didn't enjoy writing that particular assignment either (and I'm a weirdo who likes writing things), so there's that as well.

It was still a pass, it just was not of the standard I usually get. It could have been worse though, at least I have never failed one yet.

Please don't sweat the C grade. If it's an assignment you don't enjoy, you will not do as well at it - that's just human nature. Every student I know has that one course, that one assignment, that they just couldn't get into their usual groove about.

Easier said than done but this one is behind you now - just look forward to the future courses and assignments which, hopefully, will be more up your street.

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3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Please don't sweat the C grade. If it's an assignment you don't enjoy, you will not do as well at it - that's just human nature. Every student I know has that one course, that one assignment, that they just couldn't get into their usual groove about.

Easier said than done but this one is behind you now - just look forward to the future courses and assignments which, hopefully, will be more up your street.

I also found out that I got an A in my assessment that I did at the same time as completing the assignment I got a C for. 

At least my sub-par work is still good enough to pass.

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Guest ICTFCwife
2 hours ago, Allan Jacobsen said:

I won't bore anyone with my background.

I'm just really lonely, have felt like this for a few years and I just need a hug.

Apologies for the cringey shite. I hovered over the post button for a couple of hours questioning whether I should post this.

If that’s how you’re feeling then it’s better to speak your mind and let it out. There’s nothing wrong with posting that. A lot of people probably feel that way and don’t have the courage to speak out about it.My advice would be to spend some time with family or close friends. People that care about you. 

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3 hours ago, Allan Jacobsen said:

I won't bore anyone with my background.

I'm just really lonely, have felt like this for a few years and I just need a hug.

Apologies for the cringey shite. I hovered over the post button for a couple of hours questioning whether I should post this.

Feelings are NOT cringey shite, despite what society attempts to teach you. It’s an absolutely valid way to feel, and sometimes there just isn’t anyone around when you need them. However, surely you can reach out to some people in your family or circle of friends/associates to get out and sit down for a quiet meal, or maybe a pint. Play a little billiards, toss a few darts. If your associates are in a different area, there’s always something to be done nearby if you check schedules, there will be a group meeting about something that will welcome any newcomer.

Whatever you do, don’t discount your feelings and consider seeing a counselor about how you feel and why. There’s always people here that will chat.

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4 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Been a tough 6 months living in the 'Land of Smiles'

First the knife incident, which started the ball rolling...

Questions and demons in my head, most of them asking 'is it time'.

I had few meltdowns on here and thanks to this thread helped me. I don't have many others looking out for me.

most of the problems i was facing was work related. As a few may know I work 2 jobs here. 1 as a maintenance/building manager at our local college, more or less herding cats. The second was working with under privileged kids, more or less trying to give them a hand in life, by looking for jobs and placements before they left and fucked their lives.

My 2 sisters arrived on the 21st March for 3 weeks, it was the best 3 weeks I've every had since I've been here. Most importantly my 3 kids loved it. However, during the hours when the kids were in bed we all talked seriously about all our lives and what the f**k was happening.  We are very close nit and never had the conversations face to face for at least 3 and 4 years, because of covid.  

There has been a lot of shite that has happened to us 3 and kept us together, shite that my oldest sister would never speak to with her husband 37 years married.

When they left, there was tears this time, I don't know why....They were staying another week at my holiday home, and I drove away with my 2 kids with a smile on my face. Times are a changing.

I got home after a 7 hour drive. Slept on it. Then called my 2 bosses the next morning and told them to shove it. Thanks, but not for me.

Today, I went for an interview for a new job at the largest hardware/builders merchants in Singburi as a logistics manager.

All went well, I even shaved, put a par of jeans on and wore socks. 

At the end of the interview, the asked if I could do a medical at their local hospital. Sure.

4 hours was tested for

Drugs, Tuberculosis, Alcoholism, Syphilis, Leprosy and Elephantitus.  All clear.

Drove back to hand in the certificate.  Receptionist said'thanks' can you go through to see Mr.....

Can you start Monday 07;00


thanks for reading, my heart is stronger today, i wish you all especially 2 posters I send a PM last Friday, telling them I was struggling. JD and DA. Hugs to you.

Take care, be strong     


Brilliant news, Slips. 

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1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:

Been a tough 6 months living in the 'Land of Smiles'

First the knife incident, which started the ball rolling...

Questions and demons in my head, most of them asking 'is it time'.

I had few meltdowns on here and thanks to this thread helped me. I don't have many others looking out for me.

most of the problems i was facing was work related. As a few may know I work 2 jobs here. 1 as a maintenance/building manager at our local college, more or less herding cats. The second was working with under privileged kids, more or less trying to give them a hand in life, by looking for jobs and placements before they left and fucked their lives.

My 2 sisters arrived on the 21st March for 3 weeks, it was the best 3 weeks I've every had since I've been here. Most importantly my 3 kids loved it. However, during the hours when the kids were in bed we all talked seriously about all our lives and what the f**k was happening.  We are very close nit and never had the conversations face to face for at least 3 and 4 years, because of covid.  

There has been a lot of shite that has happened to us 3 and kept us together, shite that my oldest sister would never speak to with her husband 37 years married.

When they left, there was tears this time, I don't know why....They were staying another week at my holiday home, and I drove away with my 2 kids with a smile on my face. Times are a changing.

I got home after a 7 hour drive. Slept on it. Then called my 2 bosses the next morning and told them to shove it. Thanks, but not for me.

Today, I went for an interview for a new job at the largest hardware/builders merchants in Singburi as a logistics manager.

All went well, I even shaved, put a par of jeans on and wore socks. 

At the end of the interview, the asked if I could do a medical at their local hospital. Sure.

4 hours was tested for

Drugs, Tuberculosis, Alcoholism, Syphilis, Leprosy and Elephantitus.  All clear.

Drove back to hand in the certificate.  Receptionist said'thanks' can you go through to see Mr.....

Can you start Monday 07;00


thanks for reading, my heart is stronger today, i wish you all especially 2 posters I send a PM last Friday, telling them I was struggling. @Jacksgranda and @Derry Alli. Hugs to you.

Take care, be strong     


Nice one Slippery, sink or swim out where we are so keep swimming.  The tides a c**t though! 

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