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I'm the same way just now. I've always had an irregular sleeping pattern (generally 4 or 5am up until 1pm) but lately it's been getting later and later so now I'm falling asleep around 8 and sleeping through till 5 in the evening. Waking up at night isn't helping my mood at all so I just feel like shit constantly.

It may sound daft, but if you're in that position the easiest way to get back to a normal sleeping patter is to stay up an hour longer each night (if lifestyle allows). So stay up until 6am tonight, then 7, then 8. Takes a a few weeks but it will get you back to sleeping at night.

As Rowan says, getting sleep sorted is of huge importance. My worst time was when I went three days straight with absolutely no sleep. I started hallucinating and ended up being sent to the on-call psychiatrist at St Johns. If the doc offer you sleeping pills for the short term, take them. As long as it's only for a few short days or weeks, it does no harm.

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I know we've had our differences on account of your appalling choice of political party, but:

1) agree totally with Rowan - get sleep sorted first. Your body needs it, and it also sounds like you would benefit from being awake and (preferably) outside during daylight hours. See a doctor if you can't get it under control.

2) I have had the same feeling of being a bother to everyone, but like you say, on an intellectual level you know it's not true. All you can really do is hold on to that, and if you're getting that vibe specifically from someone, you cold just ask them. It'll be awk as f**k but you'll feel better when they tell you you're being an idiot.

Good luck!

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I can only reinforce what has been said about sleep.

I'm not only addressing this to Ad Lib however, as anyone who is not getting enough sleep is in danger of their body going completely out of sorts. Like someone who posted not so long ago, the longest I've went without sleep is 3 days, and that was due to excessive energy levels brought about by my bipolar disorder. It's a horrible feeling; sitting in your bed thinking "why the f**k can't I sleep like normal people?". There wasn't much I could do until I eventually just conked out with exhaustion and the following couple of days I felt relatively okay. Thankfully lack of sleep isn't something that plagues me a lot, or I'm sure I'd not be able to cope as well (or as much) as I do.

Sleep is obviously very important, so anyone suffering from a severe lack of it should consult their doctor immediately. Don't let the lost hours build up.

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It may sound daft, but if you're in that position the easiest way to get back to a normal sleeping patter is to stay up an hour longer each night (if lifestyle allows). So stay up until 6am tonight, then 7, then 8. Takes a a few weeks but it will get you back to sleeping at night.

As Rowan says, getting sleep sorted is of huge importance. My worst time was when I went three days straight with absolutely no sleep. I started hallucinating and ended up being sent to the on-call psychiatrist at St Johns. If the doc offer you sleeping pills for the short term, take them. As long as it's only for a few short days or weeks, it does no harm.

Normally I would be willing to try this but I've an exam next Monday and it's imperative I settle into some sort of routine. Woke up at 7pm tonight and have no idea how to resolve it. The problem is I lack the motivation to get up for any reason.

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Something has happened personal.

Don't know what to do :(

I won't ask, it's not my business and you'd have shared it if you wanted to, but I'm guessing you need to take some action by what you say.

Something we're taught to do at uni is reflect and we do it whether something has made us feel awful or great. You can do it by writing things down if you prefer to do it that way. It helps break things down into pieces and figure out exactly what made you feel the way you did and process it into something useful. You can try and pick out any positives if there are any. Start by writing what happened, in as much or little detail as you want initially and you can fill in bits later if you need to. Write how things made you feel, what was good, what was bad, Pick out the bits that are the most important to you. Then you can decide whether your actions were appropriate and why they were or weren't. If you haven't acted yet, then that might be a good time to weigh up your options. Give yourself time to process what's happened and you'll have a clearer view on it.

Of course, if none of that applies to the situation or it's too early to try it, my apologies and I hope you're feeling better soon. Try not to let it keep you up all night.

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I won't ask, it's not my business and you'd have shared it if you wanted to, but I'm guessing you need to take some action by what you say.

Something we're taught to do at uni is reflect and we do it whether something has made us feel awful or great. You can do it by writing things down if you prefer to do it that way. It helps break things down into pieces and figure out exactly what made you feel the way you did and process it into something useful. You can try and pick out any positives if there are any. Start by writing what happened, in as much or little detail as you want initially and you can fill in bits later if you need to. Write how things made you feel, what was good, what was bad, Pick out the bits that are the most important to you. Then you can decide whether your actions were appropriate and why they were or weren't. If you haven't acted yet, then that might be a good time to weigh up your options. Give yourself time to process what's happened and you'll have a clearer view on it.

Of course, if none of that applies to the situation or it's too early to try it, my apologies and I hope you're feeling better soon. Try not to let it keep you up all night.

Cheers pal. I've spoken to Paranoid from here through PM about my situation :(

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As long as you're talking to somebody, that's great. I'm sure it'll be helpful for you.

Cheers for the reply. :)

I know some posters don't like me on here but it's good when those posters take their time out on a public forum to speak to you about your problems :)

Edited by Isaiah Osbourne
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Cheers for the reply. :)

I know some posters don't like me on here but it's good when those posters take their time out on a public forum to speak to you about your problems :)

I think actively disliking people on here is really counterproductive to your enjoyment of it. Apart from that wunfellaff guy of course but he was a proper roaster. ;)

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If you're halfway up the top 50 posters list, people must like you. ;)

Although that threads concept is a complete abomination, IO shouldn't pay attention to anything disparaging that is said about him on that thread. He's a great poster, and most probably a great person also.

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Reading posts like this in the last few mins has cheered me up a bit.

Like i said some posters hate me on here. Totally understand i'm not their cup of tea but it doesn't really bother me. But also some of those posters have taken their own time out in the past speaking to me which i appreciate a lot :)

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Reading posts like this in the last few mins has cheered me up a bit.

Like i said some posters hate me on here. Totally understand i'm not their cup of tea but it doesn't really bother me. But also some of those posters have taken their own time out in the past speaking to me which i appreciate a lot :)

Hibs c**t! ;)

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