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I have to go through therapy first, and all my time off is unpaid

I don't want to offend you (this time) but you've not been fit to work since you started posting on here. You have alluded to seemingly significant health problems and psychiatric issues for obvious reasons. I sympathise, but you have never worked any where long enough over there to build up any protection or support from employers. You start one week and collapse in a heap the next. Why would they keep you on? This might sound harsh but it's based on your posts. Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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I don't want to offend you (this time) but you've not been fit to work since you started posting on here. You have alluded to seemingly significant health problems and psychiatric issues for obvious reasons. I sympathise, but you have never worked any where long enough over there to build up any protection or support from employers. You start one week and collapse in a heap the next. Why would they keep you on? This might sound harsh but it's based on your posts.

Because he has a right to work and to not hire him because of his problems is discriminatory. Protection and support from an employer should begin on your first day. Also 'collapse in a heap' is a very poor phrase, and a pretty unfair and unflattering one that does across as being a bit dickish (although I don't think you meant it to be).

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Went to a counsellor today (uni lets staff use the service too). Was feeling pretty positive about it as I was hoping it would put on the right path to recovery.

I wrote loads of stuff out last night and spent a good 10 minutes reading it to the counsellor.

I was then told that as the uni can only offer someone a total of 6 appointments and that I'd most likely need a longer term thing that I should go to my GP.

Was pretty gutting. Now I need to register with one and wait however many months it'll take for something to happen.

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Because he has a right to work and to not hire him because of his problems is discriminatory. Protection and support from an employer should begin on your first day. Also 'collapse in a heap' is a very poor phrase, and a pretty unfair and unflattering one that does across as being a bit dickish (although I don't think you meant it to be).

He has described suffering from collapse. Like it or not, if you are employed as a temp or on a period of probation, you won't be kept on if youhave a poor sick record. You also have limited protection in the first er before full employment rights kick in. It'll probably be more stringent in America.You should also disclose any medical history. It might seem unfair, but someone else might have needed the job and was knocked back in favour of someone who wasn't fit to do it in the first place.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Started feeling really down again. In the 7 months I have had my degree I have had the magnificent total of 1 interview after applying for shitloads of positions so starting to believe my degree isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Got made to apply to Amazon by the job centre and got a temp nightshift job there. Feet are covered in blisters from the boots they supply (been to doctor's, have been given cream now).

Feeling physically and mentally drained and seriously looking forward to getting paid off.

Got to the stage where I am actually feigning illness so they send me home.

Edited by GordieBoy80
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Started feeling really down again. In the 7 months I have had my degree I have had the magnificent total of 1 interview after applying for shitloads of positions so starting to believe my degree isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Got made to apply to Amazon by the job centre and got a temp nightshift job there. Feet are covered in blisters from the boots they supply (been to doctor's, have been given cream now).

Feeling physically and mentally drained and seriously looking forward to getting paid off.

Got to the stage where I am actually feigning illness so they send me home.

That's rough mate, I know a few folk from my year are in a similar situation, but don't lose faith, your degree is worth something. I know I had mentioned to you a while back about potential openings in my work, but as far nothing has come up. I will let you know if I hear anything.

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Started feeling really down again. In the 7 months I have had my degree I have had the magnificent total of 1 interview after applying for shitloads of positions so starting to believe my degree isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Got made to apply to Amazon by the job centre and got a temp nightshift job there. Feet are covered in blisters from the boots they supply (been to doctor's, have been given cream now).

Feeling physically and mentally drained and seriously looking forward to getting paid off.

Got to the stage where I am actually feigning illness so they send me home.

Keep at it; most employers rate attendance and consistent employment over virtually everything else. It might not seem like it, but it'll make a difference when you do start getting interviews in your field.

Also, get some insoles for your boots to help with the blisters. Your feet will adjust over time, as will the rest of you :P

Presumably you're in the warehouse - keep your spirits up by regaling us with tales of WTFery ;)

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Went to a counsellor today (uni lets staff use the service too). Was feeling pretty positive about it as I was hoping it would put on the right path to recovery.

I wrote loads of stuff out last night and spent a good 10 minutes reading it to the counsellor.

I was then told that as the uni can only offer someone a total of 6 appointments and that I'd most likely need a longer term thing that I should go to my GP.

Was pretty gutting. Now I need to register with one and wait however many months it'll take for something to happen.

I'd imagine that depression among the student body is more common than the average. Your counsellor might have some suggestions about organisations that can help until you get to the top of the waiting list. There are some really good voluntary counselling groups out there; my wife's involved in one in the Forth Valley.

Universities really ought to make signing up with a local GP part of the matriculation process. I seem to remember that Edinburgh Uni were going to do just that about a decade ago. There's a lot of students end up running around like headless chickens when they have a broken condom get sick and don't have their parents to take them to the doctor anymore.

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I'm not a student. Today was my first and last counselling appointment so I don't have a counsellor. Will have to register with a GP and take it from there.

In my experience, unis do encourage students to register with a GP.

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'The Fear' you get after a heavy night's drinking is often discussed in General Nonsense.

To those who haven't suffered from it, one of the things it causes, at least for me, is bouts of 'The Fear' for no particular reason. Often it can last day (and it's easier for some to just sleep during these times, something I've done before) or just hours (you can hear a song and your mood can flip, you read or see or hear something funny and a pressure lifts from you, or you have a nap and wake up feeling better).

You can be having a good day, deluding yourself that you're much better, then something happens and by your reaction, which is way out of proportion and ascribes all sorts of wild things to people and totally blows things up.

Case in point; today I was sort of 'scolded' by someome at work for something that wasn't my fault. I was pretty furious and was thinking that the guy hated me, thought I was a piece of shit and worthless and was going to get me fired. All from a 10 second exchange.

I was really angry for the rest of the day (forunately only 30 minutes) and after I left I was thinking that I wasn't ever going back, how much I hate the pishy job and really started mentally having a go at myself. I calmed down a bit but plan to call in sick tomorrow. I was thinking I shouldn't as there's shit I have to do, but then I realised I was worrying about a job I'll (hopefully) be leaving in 2/3 months and which I don't like or really care about. I was playing over scenarios in my head where I went in and got in a huge argument with management that ended in me quitting there and then.

In writing this, whilst walking home, I've calmed down more so unsure about what I'll do tomorrow.

All this from a silly wee thing where the guy was simply a bit annoyed for a few seconds and has most likely already forgotten it. He most likely doesn't hate me and most likely doesn't have any real opinion of me. It annoys me more that I got in such a state over nothing.

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Having been TT for over 2 years I recently fell back into old habits, big time, the nasty spiral of drinking because I was depressed which makes me depressed because I was drinking, etc.

I am now in outpatient rehab 5 days a week for Alcohol dependency and depression. Clean for 10 days so far.

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Having been TT for over 2 years I recently fell back into old habits, big time, the nasty spiral of drinking because I was depressed which makes me depressed because I was drinking, etc.

I am now in outpatient rehab 5 days a week for Alcohol dependency and depression. Clean for 10 days so far.

Well done, mate! :thumsup2

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Bit random but currently reading Meitations by Marcus Aurelius. It's all about stoicism, a mindset one should strive for basically choosing to do things that are rational and not based on emotion, try and control your emotion in the face of adversity, interpreting other people's emotions/minset etc..etc... Very enlightening although slighly muddy (it's a translation of random musings that Aurelius jotted down at the time),

Two books that really changed my perspective were Down and Out by George Orwell and Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl.

What about you?

Edited by JogaBonito
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Bit random but currently reading Meitations by Marcus Aurelius. It's all about stoicism, a mindset one should strive for basically choosing to do things that are rational and not based on emotion, try and control your emotion in the face of adversity, interpreting other people's emotions/minset etc..etc... Very enlightening although slighly muddy (it's a translation of random musings that Aurelius jotted down at the time),

Two books that really changed my perspective were Down and Out by George Orwell and Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl.

What about you?

'Meditations' is good. So is a lot of philosophy. Schopenhauer and Chateaubriand for example.

My little bible is 'Reveries of the Solitary Walker' by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Rousseau was a paranoiac and depressive and, for me, a fascinating character who lived an amazing life and who had....eh....some mental problems. The Reveries are really about trying to cope with being a paranoiac and depressive and extract little joys from life.

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I'm starting a meditation class in January so I'll check out those books above. I can be quite an angry person, my emotions definitely cloud my decisions which in turn I feel are making me depressed, or at least having an effect on my depression. Like the sounds of the Aurelis book and, like Ya Bezzer, people like Rousseau fascinate me.

It's funny, thinking back even just a few years, I'd have branded stuff like meditation and a lot of philosophy as bollocks but that and physics is just about all I read about now.

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