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Paul Gascgoine


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All well and good, but doesn't really address whether Warren Buffett is more famous than Phil Ivey.

To be fair you are liable to see a buffet all year round whereas Ivy tends to be restricted to the festive period.

For that alone I will go with Buffett.

Actually watched the video a few minutes ago and cannot believe the state he is in. Some greed by the people behind the scenes to put the poor b*****d on the stage in that nick.

Don't know how many more times he can go through rehab etc before he reaches the end.

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To be fair you are liable to see a buffet all year round whereas Ivy tends to be restricted to the festive period.

For that alone I will go with Buffett.

Actually watched the video a few minutes ago and cannot believe the state he is in. Some greed by the people behind the scenes to put the poor b*****d on the stage in that nick.

Don't know how many more times he can go through rehab etc before he reaches the end.

I'm glad somebody has mentioned it. As much as it was uncomfortable watching Gascoigne in that vid, it was equally so watching his "advisor". I don't think the sneer left the guys face the whole time - if he was genuinely that concerned for him he'd have had him off the stage far sooner, if indeed on it at all.

If he gets himself surrounded by the right people it may still be too late for him to be sorted out, but he'd at least then have a fighting chance. I'm not sure he has that just now.

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just watched the vid , first thought is the people who "advise"Gasgcoine need to take a long hard look at themselves , this show should never have been allowed to go ahead and certainly should have been stopped early on after it had started, the sad truth about Gazza is that yes he has his demons like we all have but he is vulnerable and whenever there are people like him there will be people who will exploit him for whatever needs they can. Can't help thinking there is a part of this in the charity appearence vid. <_<

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Caught a bit of PFA Chief Exec Gordon Taylor on Talksport this afternoon and he said that every time Gascoigne is in a clinic for treatment he always checks himself out before the treatments finished and obviously against professional advice. Taylor added that the PFA try to speak to Gascgoine every week.

What amazed me about the piece was that it was the longest I'd ever heard Taylor speak without talking about himself.

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Just watched the video in the original post, f*cking hell. That is just awful, how people can put him on stage in that condition is beyond me. He's clearly beyond being drunk and having a laugh.

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Right, so you are honestly claiming that, on the basis on that picture, Balotelli is not a top level athlete? And you are calling me an idiot?

You think someone significantly more successful than you is a "waster" - by extension all alcoholics are wasters and worse than you including Eric Clapton and Ernest Hemingway. That says it all.

And by no measure is that okay, it's utterly contemptible, but it doesn't make him a "waster".

Who in the hell looks up to Gascgoine, exactly? You can try and spin this all you want, calling Gascgoine a "loser" and a "waster" is ridiculous.

He's a loser and an absolute waster. Was he a loser and a waster when playing football? No. He has however, been an absolute waster outside of the game. A wife beating, drug aidled, alcoholic who's had all the help in the world available to him and threw it away every time. A waster.

Now he's wasted his life and will be lucky to see out the year by the looks of him. A sad, sad state to get yourself in.

All the money and footballing honours in the world won't give his family back what he's thrown away by making half arsed attempts at rehab. Alcoholism is a disease which has stolen a husband from his wife and a father from his kids. He's had plenty of chances that alcoholics across the world would kill for and he's threw them away.

That, in my eyes, is a waster.

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You can sit there and say that the clubs, ex teammates, friends should be helping him, but at the same time he's gotta want the help, he always gets sober and then suffers a relapse, it is a shame to see him suffering like this, and this video isn't going to help matters, hell see it. And start drinking more to forget about it, when he should look at it and realise what he's done to himself, granted retirement is something that ruins some footballers who have no idea what to do once it's over, but this is just beyond that now

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Read the full thread earlier, and watched the video!

Gazza - was (was) an great footballer, here there and everywhere, a world talent, this talent was greased on our fields on scottish football, no matter what you think or say, he was the real deal. As some say he never found his full potential, many in life (ask yourself) this is the story.

He now is a broken man, and needs help. No question, however how did this happen and still happening, the hanger on are still there, look at the video (500 people), sat and watch this sad event, with the rest of his hangers, f**k me please, everyone seen it. The man need help!

I would say he wasted his life.

Supra - Never been out the house & seen the stars, good luck in the future, you will need it.

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Gascoigne wasn't that great a player. That's why he only played for mediocre clubs.

I think the reasons for his clubs were as much to do with injury as well as the obvious. His skill, for a British player, was obscene.

I've not read this thread apart from the first post.

Gazza is a fucking idiot. End of story. He's had his whole life to sort himself out and hasn't.

It's getting beyond a joke now.

At what stage has alcoholism ever been a joke? He's never been able to sort himself out. That doesn't make him an idiot, it makes him ill. It' genuinely tragic.

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Gascgoine is not still hugely successful. Nobody has said that.

But let's not detract from the overall point, Gascgoine is not a loser. He is an incredibly successful football player. So calling him a loser, when you have achieved significantly less than him, is hilarious.


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he's right, gazza is a successful football player, however he is now retired from football and has wasted his life from his retirement day hence he isnt successful anymore

He also said that Gazza wasn't a waster. What would you call someone who wastes his life post retirement?

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Everyone keeps blaming the people he used to drink with but:

1) At the time, I think the disease of alcoholism was much less understood by the public than now; there's no evidence that these people were consciously enabling him

2) We don't know how many of them have actively tried to help him

3) You can't help an alcoholic who doesn't want to recover

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Unfortunately I met Gascoigne several times away from the pitch and have no hesitation in calling the man a kunt.

I still wouldnt wish what hes going through on my worst enemy.

The truth is Gascoigne needs the adulation he thrives on it, when he is sober he doesnt get it because he has no talent other than football. When he gets blitzed the world rallies round and everyone cares. Hes in a catch 22 situation.

Sympathy? A little, but more like apathy. The newspapers have had his obituary ready for years now.

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Everyone keeps blaming the people he used to drink with but:

1) At the time, I think the disease of alcoholism was much less understood by the public than now; there's no evidence that these people were consciously enabling him

2) We don't know how many of them have actively tried to help him

3) You can't help an alcoholic who doesn't want to recover

Good points. Alcoholics can tend to gravitate around people who drink or places where drink is available. Chris Evans has got together with Ronnie Irani and other associates to send him to the US for treatment. Evans has had his own issue with alcohol and has not socialised with Gasgoigne for many years.

Many people have offered him help but it is ultimately down to Gasgoigne to help himself. Certainly in respect to his addiction issues.

There could be an argument that he requires sectioning again, as he is harming himself. However like detox that is a short term measure and will reach for the bottle again in due course.

A sad situation to be in, but one which affects many people of all walks of life.

Billy Abercrombie found himself days from death from liver and kidney failure but has managed to turn things around for now.

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