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Reasons to be Cheerful

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Guest Moomintroll
My love for this man knows no limits, an utterly beautiful specimen.

Much as i applaud this particular Stephen for his desire to return to the club where he first established himself to give something back ( yes Naismith im looking at you), I must take issue with the words " an utterly beautiful specimen". Fake news, sad.
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Much as i applaud this particular Stephen for his desire to return to the club where he first established himself to give something back ( yes Naismith im looking at you), I must take issue with the words " an utterly beautiful specimen". Fake news, sad.

He’s doing his best with very little hair he has left, in fairness.
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Fully expected to not get a beer after work today, dreaded nightmare, jumped into the motor after work today, classical music on my normal talk channel, switched to music channel, same classical shite. This means one thing- one of the royal family has died. Turns out the mother of Sheikh Khalifa has died & there are 3 days of mourning. It’s normal for this to result in no alcohol, however....IMG_3293.jpg

Not exactly a pint of T, but I’m still fucking delighted.

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Managed to “borrow” a 3 plate buffet breakfast from the Premier Inn earlier (RRP £8.99).  

In the past couple of weeks we have had ashtrays, beer towels, a box of crisps and now this! And you have the nerve to try to have a dig at me!!


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I had the meat sweats after 9  and could not eat the chicken hearts.

I tried them when I was in Brazil (funnily enough), they’re fucking rank. Not just the taste, but the texture also. When you bite into them, you can feel the hollow parts of the arteries.
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3 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:



I tried them when I was in Brazil (funnily enough), they’re fucking rank. Not just the taste, but the texture also. When you bite into them, you can feel the hollow parts of the arteries.


You could have washed it down with Vena cava

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7 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

The vending machine at work broke today. It meant you could buy something, hold the door open and spin the carousel round to help yourself to the rest. Two free cans of Irn Bru, a Galaxy, Kit Kat, and Aero were mine. Seems I'm quite the fat, thieving c**t.

There’s nothing more satisfying than putting 50p into a vending machine for a packet of crisps and watching as the packet at the front gets stuck so the coil keeps turning thus releasing a second, free, packet.

Edited by IainMorton
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The vending machine at work broke today. It meant you could buy something, hold the door open and spin the carousel round to help yourself to the rest. Two free cans of Irn Bru, a Galaxy, Kit Kat, and Aero were mine. Seems I'm quite the fat, thieving c**t.

One of the vending machines at my work never used to be able to cope with £2 coins. Would put one in and come away with about 3 cans of irn bru and £4 in change.
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