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The Top 50 Worst Posters In P&B History

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Stick to the facts and less of the deflection please.

Until you put or shut up on that claim, this discussion is going no further. And I am much, much better than you at turning arguments on their head, so I'd drop the hysterics right now.

Oh please, compared to me, you couldn't turn milk.

I know you read more of this forum than me, so if you want to claim that it never happened and turn a blind aye to the sexist comments, then fine. No skin off my back.

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Are you going to back up your 'sexist' slur with some evidence?

If you had read the post 2 above this one I have quoted of yours you would know that the thread has been deleted and XBL can't retrieve any posts from it.

She was being ripped into because of her gender and her weight, a bit stupid to be posting a picture of herself but the wee anti-bigot group outed themselves as being bullies IMO.

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Unless I've missed a banning, I'm pretty sure he's posting as 'Jobber'.

You're correct. His MTJ account got banned, then he briefly came back as 'Target Darts' before being banned for having a go at Jagfox, lichtie23 and the like again.

I'm not surprised VT is sticking the boot in.

That Kara made him look like a prize banger.

This never happened, despite the revisionism which has gone on.

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Oh please, compared to me, you couldn't turn milk.

I know you read more of this forum than me, so if you want to claim that it never happened and turn a blind aye to the sexist comments, then fine. No skin off my back.

'I have no evidence for my assertions, so lets sweep them under the carpet and pretend it didn't happen' type post IMO.

If you had read the post 2 above this one I have quoted of yours you would know that the thread has been deleted and XBL can't retrieve any posts from it.

She was being ripped into because of her gender and her weight, a bit stupid to be posting a picture of herself but the wee anti-bigot group outed themselves as being bullies IMO.

1. In what parallel universe does the name 'KKKara' refer to either a poster's weight or gender?

2. In what ways did mockery of KKKara's Moomin features receive disproportionate or strictly gender abusive comments, by comparison to say, JamboMikey's self-posted pictures? Was JamboMikey the victim of P&B's sexist environment, or does it only apply when you think there's a high horse worth mounting?

Btw those questions are aimed at the general audience, as I very much doubt you have the capacity to handle more than one idea at the same time.

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There are certain, predominantly young, posters who are so sexist that they are unaware of their sexism. The confuse equally immature ladettes with grown up females. I don't really blame the ladette culture either, societal pressures these days can be harsh.

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To be fair (and I'm in no way defending Kara's posts here, and I do agree she was a piss poor attention seeker of a poster) I did see several "she's apparently got cracking tits" "X/10" "Iron my shirt" type comments. This may have all been a bit 'back in the day' and I really can't be arsed trawling through threads from 2008/9ish to find some incriminating evidence but I can't have been the only one who saw this stuff.

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Stick to the facts and less of the deflection please.

You claim that KKKara was a target for abuse because of her gender. I've asked you to provide evidence of abuse given to said poster, because of or relating to gender.

Until you put or shut up on that claim, this discussion is going no further. And I am much, much better than you at turning arguments on their head, so I'd drop the hysterics right now.


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Correct. The whole Moomin thing made him look more like a slightly insecure misogynist than a prize banger.

The Moomin thing wasn't vT, was it? I thought that was Hearts fans as a collective and it spread.

Calling her a Moomin in itself wasn't sexist; she does look like a Moomin, and that in itself was no different from the stick JamboMikey and SweeperDee have taken after their pictures being on here. Others did quickly chuck a hefty amount of sexism in on top of that though, turning it into 'yeah but I'd still give her one, nice tits' etc, but again that was entirely separate from calling her KKKara.

The sexism was in response to her picture and was entirely different from challenging her defence of Leigh Griffith's blatant racism. The sexism should obviously be condemned, but why those calling her KKKara are getting lumped in with the sexists I don't know. The two aren't related.

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The result of a very brief search yielded this. I'll let you make your own minds up.

^^^ Prostitute IMO (in my opinion)

Was that you before and after the works christmas night out laugh.gif

I'd still do you if it was though ph34r.gif

Typical woman imho (in my humble opinion)

If that was you Kara I'd be your Santa.
I'd only come once a year for you but I would fill up your stockings.ph34r.gif

Okay, I can categorically state now that Kara is definitely female and very much real. She's just sent me a picture of her John McVeigh is a tit.

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