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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Easy to get annoyed at them, but like all humans they just like to feel like they're part of a special wee club and are more important than other people. Putting on a fluorescent orange sash and banging a big drum is how they get their kicks, just leave them to it.

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Easy to get annoyed at them, but like all humans they just like to feel like they're part of a special wee club and are more important than other people. Putting on a fluorescent orange sash and banging a big drum is how they get their kicks, just leave them to it.

Strange how history works though


The controversial painting which shows the Pope blessing William of Orange

Mystery surrounds the fate of a painting by the minor Dutch master Pieter Van der Meulen (see above), which portrays William of Orange and his generals being blessed by Pope Innocent XI before the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. As Peter Berresford Ellis reveals in the Irish Democrat, the picture reveals "one of the great myths of history" - how Orange propaganda turned the Williamite conquest of Ireland into a war between Catholic and Protestant. In 1934, a former RUC Inspector and "extreme right-wing bigot", Unionist MP John Nixon (1880 - 1949) led a gang of Loyalists into Stormont where they slashed the painting with a knife and threw crimson paint over the image of the Pope. The painting was taken down and sent away for restoration. It was never seen again, and today is estimated to worth over £500,000. (1)

As Berresford notes, "pandering to popular ignorance was always a policy of Loyalism": the fact that William of Orange was funded by the Pope who funded his victories at the Boyne and the Battle of Aughrim. And when news of the Boyne victory reached the Pope and leaders of his allies in the League of Augsberg, prayers and songs were sung in his honour in the Catholic cathedrals of the countries, and as the painting shows, the Pope gave his blessing to William of Orange.

The background of the struggle in Europe was between Louis XIV of France and his ambitions to dominate Europe - supported by the Stuart King, James II. Their opponents set up a grand alliance at Augsberg which became known as the League of Augsberg. among their members was William of Orange and Pope Innocent XI, as temporal head of the papal states as well as head of universal church.

The painting hung in the Orange parliament unnoticed until March 8th 1933, when as a Unionist MP, Nixon rose in Stormont to demand from the Prime Minister Lord Craigcavon why was there a picture of William of Orange hanging in what he called a "protestant parliament for a protestant people ?". His immediate reply is not recorded, but when he did a year later, Craigavon said first:

"I am an orangeman first and a protestant and a member of parliament afterwards . . . All l boast is that we have a protestant parliament and a protestant state".

He added that the portrait was not his responsibility, it was that of the Speaker of the House, no adequate reply was forthcoming. Seven weeks later Nixon and his gang attacked the painting. No action was taken against Nixon, and the matter was quietly forgotten. As Berresford observes, one wonders where the picture has disappeared to?

In June 1998, a senior Orangeman, the Rev Brian Kenaway, a member of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, asked that the British government give back the controversial painting to help promote King Billy as "an icon for both protestants and Cathiolics can admire". He claims, remarkably, that King Billy's legacy was not meant to spell "protestant domination over Catholics" - it just sowed the seeds for miltary conflict between Britain and Ireland for the next 300 years ! (2).

1 Irish Democrat, August/September 1997.

2 The Observer, 12th June, 1998.

© 1998

Edited by captain kirk
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I see Pope JP got made a saint along with some other dead pope. Typical that they try to steal the thunder of the walk.

Pope JP II honoured Jimmy Savile with a Papal knighthood in the same year as QE II honoured him with a knighthood. Birds of a feather flock together. :wacko:

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3 - Very few of your 'brothers' will be 'celebrating' for the reasons you mention - for them, it's all about getting it up Roman Catholics, because, for their own biggoted reasons, they hate them.

They aren't my brothers and I haven't been a member of The Orange Order for over 30 years. I do, though, support their celebration of, probably, the most significant event in modern British history. Sad if, for some, it's a GIRUY against Catholics - I deprecate bigotry.

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They aren't my brothers and I haven't been a member of The Orange Order for over 30 years. I do, though, support their celebration of, probably, the most significant event in modern British history. Sad if, for some, it's a GIRUY against Catholics - I deprecate bigotry.

For Scotland, some could easily say that TBOTB was significant in the sense that it led to the so-called nobles of 1707 in Scotland betrayng the will of the people of Scotland, with that event leading to the people of Scotland being ruled from an utterly corrupt Westminster parliament in London.

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They aren't my brothers and I haven't been a member of The Orange Order for over 30 years. I do, though, support their celebration of, probably, the most significant event in modern British history. Sad if, for some, it's a GIRUY against Catholics - I deprecate bigotry.

:lol: "for some"

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All I will hear at work tomorrow is:

druttt dut dut dut dut dut dut dut,



weeeeed deeeeed ddeeeee deeeed,


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Easy to get annoyed at them, but like all humans they just like to feel like they're part of a special wee club and are more important than other people. Putting on a fluorescent orange sash and banging a big drum is how they get their kicks, just leave them to it.

Aye, if only they left us to it.

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They aren't my brothers and I haven't been a member of The Orange Order for over 30 years.

And yet you feel that you're some kind of expert on the whys and wherefores of the Orange Lodges of Scotland. That seems odd and, frankly, unbelievable.

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p***ks got me up at 7:45 this morning.

Who the f**k rubber stamps this shit?

ETA - I'm going to find out which councillors ok'd this then get a shot of an ice cream van and sit it outside their houses at 7:30am for the next few Saturdays and see how those c***s like it.

Edited by Dee Man
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Fairly quite here so far. Just heard a couple of " booms " in the distance, probably the c*nts warming up.

It really is pretty ridiculous though that thousands of normal people can have their day disrupted just because of these throwbacks.

As someone said they could hire the Secc for the day, or give them Glasgow Green for the day and they can march around in circles to their hearts content.

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Fairly quite here so far. Just heard a couple of " booms " in the distance, probably the c*nts warming up.

It really is pretty ridiculous though that thousands of normal people can have their day disrupted just because of these throwbacks.

As someone said they could hire the Secc for the day, or give them Glasgow Green for the day and they can march around in circles to their hearts content.

It's their right to walk the queens highway though. For that reason I thought somewhere like Eurocentral was ideal. Miles of road, mostly empty at the weekend.

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