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Worst Town In Scotland

I'm Brian

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Invergowrie is closer to the ferry than Carnoustie.

I'm still not sure what my job was with Angus council but it basically involved needing to know data about each of the towns and wards.

My last shit Angus fact of the night.

The Brechin high school catchment area is bigger than Luxembourg.

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Been looking at unemployment and economic inactivity figures at work today. North and East Ayrshire would comfortably win the contest if 'biggest shithole' was based around the stats alone. 10% unemployed in Notth Ayrshire. Goodness me.

Inverclyde and the city of Glasgow and city of Dundee would run not far behind.

Actually not a bad indicator reading that back.

Edited by Paco
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If you seriously think that the City of Glasgow is a worse place to live than Fife, the bin of Scotland, sure it is. We'll be here sniggering, then openly pointing and laughing at you.



It's a dump. A brutal, soggy, windswept, post-industrial dump.

The fact the denizens refer to it as "The Kingdom" is a sweet-tasting treat. Imagine ruling the place and crying out "a horse, a horse, my Kingdom for a horse". You'd be fortunate to get a 3-legged mule with colic in exchange for the hole.

The only nice bits are those on the coast, and they're only lovely as long as you don't mind the North Sea flaying the skin from your cheeks as you admire the view.

Also, the only rich part is St Andrews, and if it isn't bad enough that you can see and smell Dundee from around there, the town is inhabited by asshole golfers, home-counties goons that let mummy and daddy down by not getting into oxbridge, and furious locals who can't afford to buy anymore.

I like the name given to there though. "The East Neuk". It sounds like an invite to atomically bomb the place off the map, which I hope is why the government expectantly located Leuchars nearby. Sadly the Russians let us down and didn't vapourise the whole region.

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Has Greenock seen any improvments with being a cruise ship destination?

Just wondering as I think Dundee are hoping to emulate that as part of the waterfront project.

Nah, the only actual new building anywhere near the waterfront is the new theatre, which looks like a horrific 60s concrete monstrosity from the outside. Which is fitting, as it's beside the police station which actually is a 60s concrete monstrosity. Other than that, it's just superficial stuff like a really tacky sculpture of a nymph in front of a sign saying Greenock. There are some great parts of Greenock but everyone's first thought when they come off a cruise ship and see their immediate surroundings has to be to get out of here and make it to Glasgow as quickly as possible.

Think I said this earlier in the thread when it was first doing the rounds, but typical West of Scotland towns that have some absolute shitehole areas like Greenock, Paisley or Kilmarnock definitely aren't candidates for this. Aye, the very worst parts of these towns really are terrible, but they're too big to be complete shiteholes - you'll find some nice areas in all towns that size. This thread is for places that only have Junior teams and populations under 20000 like New Cumnock or Blackburn, with no nice areas or other redeeming features.

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The worst areas in Scotland for me are in West Dumbartonshire.

Clydebank, Dalmuir, Old Kilpatrick, Dumbarton, Renton and Alexandria are all desperate places. Particularly Renton and Alexandria. The neds up there are on a different scale to elsewhere.

Such a collection of depressing post-industrial wastelands. I actually feel sorry for the people that will likely never leave the area and the limited opportunities they have in life.

Sadly there are vast swathes of Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Fife that are the same.

Scottish Labour's legacy really.

Edited by Hammer Jag
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^^^ idiot found

It's always cute though to get the input of a moron who has a hard-on for Norn Ireland; the failed statelet that even residents of Fife get to roll their eyes in disgust at.

Belfast is by a country mile the worst dump I've ever visited, and I've been to both Sofia and Cowdenbeath.

Just let that sink in.

Edited by vikingTON
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It's a dump. A brutal, soggy, windswept, post-industrial dump.

The fact the denizens refer to it as "The Kingdom" is a sweet-tasting treat. Imagine ruling the place and crying out "a horse, a horse, my Kingdom for a horse". You'd be fortunate to get a 3-legged mule with colic in exchange for the hole.

The only nice bits are those on the coast, and they're only lovely as long as you don't mind the North Sea flaying the skin from your cheeks as you admire the view.

Also, the only rich part is St Andrews, and if it isn't bad enough that you can see and smell Dundee from around there, the town is inhabited by asshole golfers, home-counties goons that let mummy and daddy down by not getting into oxbridge, and furious locals who can't afford to buy anymore.

I like the name given to there though. "The East Neuk". It sounds like an invite to atomically bomb the place off the map, which I hope is why the government expectantly located Leuchars nearby. Sadly the Russians let us down and didn't vapourise the whole region.

You obviously didn't see our advert.

Fife is great.

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