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The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.

Don't forget to mention the massive advantages of the state broadcaster and MSM fully backing the Yes campaign.....

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The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.

And No have all three major 'national' parties and their support networks, a media machine that largely favours the status quo and 300 years of historical inertia. These are all 'massive' advantages as well.

... and no one is saying the media is the reason yes will lose, the stories of this week were all on the face of it 'newsworthy' even if I personally found the reporting style sensationalist and simplistic (but that goes for most reporting). Fact is though that having thrown everything from the IMF and banks moving to increased food prices, and the Yes vote didn't melt away as clearly was hoped for. It's still too close to call, and all the polls have basically converged to a statistical tie, with yes ahving gained about 20 points over the last couple of years.

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I was in Dortmund for match at weekend. Needless to say most were Yes. However I did come across 2 individuals that were No. However both said that although they were No... they were not going to vote. Ie they didnt agree but would not vote against country.. got me thinking... yes supporters are more likely to vote

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The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.

Not the brightest bulb in the pack.

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The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.


Not sure if serious

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The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.

At least 40% of the country wants wants independence with perhaps a swing vote of about 10 - 15% that could go either way. Talking about "a lack of popularity" just makes you look foolish.

Anyone can see the historical wave that is heading towards Scottish independence; the referendum of '79 that was won but failed on a technicality, the overwhelming vote for a Scottish parliament under Blair, the rise of the SNP as a major political force that governs under a system custom designed to keep them out, and now a referendum on independence that, with a week to go, could go either way.

At the very least Scotland will gain further powers from Westminister further adding to the momentum of, as you call it, succession.

If there is a minority in Scotland it's clearly hardcore no voters.

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I was in Dortmund for match at weekend. Needless to say most were Yes. However I did come across 2 individuals that were No. However both said that although they were No... they were not going to vote. Ie they didnt agree but would not vote against country.. got me thinking... yes supporters are more likely to vote

Again, I can't believe all these people have registered to vote are doing it to maintain the status quo

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The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.

It's sitting at 49% yes now you cretinous troll!
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