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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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8/10 to start the week,  A funny old game, I was certain about the French geography and got it wrong, I have no idea what the Diva question is even asking and got it right.

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8/10 to start the week,  A funny old game, I was certain about the French geography and got it wrong, I have no idea what the Diva question is even asking and got it right.

Horse that won the top horse race in Australia 3 years in a row.

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He puts all his efforts in defence & couldn't score in a barrel of dogs. Fats Sam's on a Friday
Anyway Swarley, how's life in the high leagues?

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First the cup. Started a new job today, sorry for the lack of write-up etc. Teams in bold qualify. Teams in italics in a play-off...

  • Eck the Arab (NS) vs Peasy23 (7) vs The_Kincardine (8) - Kincardine again flukes his way through with a relatively poor score.
  • MSU (9) vs Ross.(8) vs Jagfox99 (9)
  • Alang1993 (13) vs pleslie99 (11) vs WILLIEA (9) - The current champions falls at the first hurdle
  • SlipperyP (10) vs BigBo10 (8) vs Leeds Saint (10)
  • Tynieness (10) vs Swarley (9) vs Dyl (7) - Swarley declared himself "moist" at the prospect of his first threesome before the match.
  • Jacksgranda (8) vs Helpma (11) vs Dee_62 (8)

As well as a fine score in his first season, Helpma also provided a summary of his exploits: 

- First half, the boys stuck to the game plan, were passing the ball well and showing clinical finishing in front of goal and scoring 5 points in a row.  Then starting humping high balls to our midget forward and looking like the haddies they undoubtedly are.  5/7.

Second half,  the nerves were settled with a couple of easy chances and even Coco Chanel leading me astray (oh, how many times that has happened!) wasn't enough to derail the lads.  6/7 thanks to a couple of educated guesses in the dying minutes.

  • Eednud (9) vs Dee Man (4)
  • Supermik (9) vs Gman_1985 (9)
  • Scotfree (9) vs Madwullie (10)
  • gkneil (9) vs Audaces Fortuna Juvat (11)
  • Blackislekillie (NS) vs irvine_buddie (8)
  • Deej (10) vs Welshbairn (9)
  • Frankie S (11) vs Die Hard Doonhamer (7)
  • Cardinal Richelieu (10) vs Livi Lion (9)
  • Arabdownunder (9) vs WhiteRoseKillie (12)
  • Bully Wee Villa (10) vs Cowden0 (12)

So - a tiebreak question for the teams in italics. Please send me a PM with your answer before Wednesday lunchtime. 

I've been inspired by DHD's question so I'll go for a similar one ...... how many years / months / days passed between Uri Gagarin's first trip into space, and Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon?

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