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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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6 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Right. That's yer league tables oot. 


Frankie S leads the way at the moment, but pleslie99 might have something to say about that when he gets his score in.


Blackislekillie is vying for his first SWL winners medal, but since The_Kincardine is only one point behind, it could be he who is picking up the silverware. I'm an absolute stick-on for relegation. What a life. 


And in the BHL, madwullie leads SlipperyP on capitalisation rules but there's still all to play for. 

Might not get the cup draw done till tomorrow.

The bottom league massively out-performing the middle league here. I would be 2 places higher with the same points total if I was in the 2nd Division and our top 3 have all got more points than the top of the league in theirs. Also, all our scores are in on time while the Cardinal has to deal with waiting on the results of 6 unprofessional outfits in the middle league.

There's clearly far more entertainment in our division so I think it's time to form a breakaway league with our own sponsors and TV deals guys. Possibly get some Scandinavian, Belgian and Dutch quiz leagues to join us in a Mid-Atlantic Super League.

EGM called for tomorrow.

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Apologies! You're still 2 points clear at the top!
And now for the cup draw!!!! 8 teams in the pot (sorry Irvine Buddie but you missed the deadline by several days!)
  • Eednud vs Help_ma
  • Deej vs Alang1993
  • Audaces Fortuna Juvet vs Frankie S
  • White Rose Killie vs Leeds Saint
The quiz will be posted tomorrow evening and the ties are to be played on the weekend of 20th May 2017. 

Ooooooo a Yorkshire derby, the bookies are quoting WRK at 1/5. That's value [emoji22] [emoji22]
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15 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Have you been in touch with The Australian again, except this time to supply them with an amusing choice of answer for one of the questions? Anyone else notice it?


Not guilty m'lud and didn't even notice it.  My eyes glazed over when I saw a list of Meerkat names so probably guessed the 2nd or 3rd which is what I normally do for a 'pure' guess.  Still, shows what a global brand we are ;)

My 6 for yesterday's not been added.  Plus a 7 for today.

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The traditional end of week fade out is surprisingly absent here.  A stunning(ish) 7/10 for me, I tried to talk myself out of the right answers for 6 and 7 but thankfully I told myself to get tae ... and stuck with my gut feeling. Strong leadership, that's what we need at this stage in the season.

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