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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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14 hours ago, The Captain said:

Let the church bells peal , the Captain has rejoined the land of moderately disappointing broadband speeds courtesy of those scamps at sky. 24 days later I'm back. No more mooching off the library and to celebrate my return I've chipped in with a fortunate 5 for Monday and a sluggish 6 for Tuesday... For those that covet mid table obscurity I've got your number..:whistle

Submitted a 5 and a 6 earlier.. Puts me amongst the honourable ranks of the also rans.

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Right, well,  shockerooni here and I'm sure it's totally unrelated to the number of people using their phones during the pub quiz tonight and surprisingly scoring 9 or 10 out of 10 for a round, but we didn't actually win it this week.  Although I maybe gave too much of my personal peccadilloes away by suggesting that the title won by Mary Stavin, Cindy Breakspeare and Priyanka Chopra was Rear of the Year (PM me for the correct answer, it's a holiday weekend.  Or just google it).  And while I admit I got the definition of onomastics wrong, I think I can be excused for being a complete w****r in this occasion since I applied the rules of logic in what seems a reasonable way. And at least I got the answer to the band that released the Arrival LP right.  Can;t believe nobody else knew that classic....


Oh, sorry, what was that?  The Australian quiz, you ask?  Well, if we must ....

q1  which one sounds most likely to never have had a girlfriend?
q2 it doesnt matter because they're all clearly made up names
q3 why did this never come up in the ludge discussions after the regular meeting?
q4 Umm, excuse me, iggy pop anyone?  bloody kids today ...
q5  Well one of those countries doesn't exist, two of the options are ludicrous and one seems quite silly
q6 Capa wot?
q7 Hey, I have a hard enough time actually watching these things never mind figuring out who directed the f***ers.  I spent 10 minutes today arguing that ET was released in 1982, how much can a man take??  OK,true i also argued that Gremlins was released in 1982, but I never claimed movies was my specialist subject.  And those eejits wouldn;t believe me last week when I told them The Godfather was released in 1972.  Teamwork is overrated IMO.
q8  Oh do f**k off, do I look like a rock botherer?  I follow a real science.....
q9 well I'm pretty sure that at least one of these is totally made up, so I'm guessing by her name if the number of vowels suggests how far she can run.
q10 Well it really depends how much they've pissed off their neighbouring regional power, doesn't it?


And by the winning combination of the power of logic, one Mohito, one Peroni, three Jagermeisters and a couple of Kronenbergs .... we reach  a score of 4/10.  Hmm,  I'm sure this wasn't in the first draft of the plan ....  Still, it made the Cardinal wade all through this just to reach the score, which is probably of overall benefit to mankind.

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