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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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6 minutes ago, Eednud said:

All the best in your new job. Might be a good idea to put the league reconstruction on hold until you get settled in at your new desk.

 Cheers Eednud. No need to put the reconstruction on hold... at the end of the day, I can always update the leagues at, er, the end of the day. I've just got used to the idea of getting paid to do it!

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Maybe you should mention the league to yer new work Cardy, maybe negotiate a sponsorship deal of sorts lol. Paid trip to champions league final or something for winner over a 6 month league or something. Then again being more realistic maybe the challenge cup final would be a more likely prize value [emoji23][emoji23]

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1 hour ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

New job starts on Monday. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to access P+B or Microsoft Excel, or indeed whether they'll mind me updating the league table and performing cup drawers on the company dollar I should really have asked that at the interview!

Another question. Why the hell am I working today if it's a bank holiday?  And even though it's my last day, they wouldn't let me bring in games. For shame. 


Your Eminence...should we expect a name change next week?  Have you been promoted to Pope, downsized to Archbishop or Bishop, or is this just a sideways move?  However it pans out, good luck in your new robe err..role.

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5 minutes ago, dee_62 said:

Your Eminence...should we expect a name change next week?  Have you been promoted to Pope, downsized to Archbishop or Bishop, or is this just a sideways move?  However it pans out, good luck in your new robe err..role.

Thank you Dee... tis the reason why I took out a platinum subscription ... so that I can change my username at will! Having said that... unlike a bishop, my move is sideways - not diagonal, so I will keep my name for the time being. 

Reminds me of my favourite piece of nominative determinism .. Cardinal Jaime Sin

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4 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Good luck with new job! (If you have something lined up...).

I thought today was a Bank Holiday in Scotland so was surprised to see an updated table anyway!

When did St Andrews day ever become a bank holiday in Scotland?  Questions should be asked.  Next thing you'll know there will be calls for a National Day like the upstart, johnny-come-lately countries such as France, Germany, Sweden and The US have.

Ignore.  I started a topic in the politics thread instead.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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First day of Summer edition and a pleasing 7/10 as thought it would be much less as only knew 3 (celebrity (Oz style), triangle & Milk. Guessed AFL, novel, PM & cricket). After no Aussie questions yesterday there are 4 to welcome in our summer. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=5663&sectionId=1

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