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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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2 dead certs (author and song) 2 educated guesses (flag and element) and a stab in the dark (sports team nickname) sees me end the week with a distinctly average 5/10.
I'll only make the top league if my luck changes - never won a lucky draw in my puff!
Goodbye to the top performers, it could be a while before I clash with you again!

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12 hours ago, Eednud said:

OK here it is. The last quiz before the sky falls or was it a new pyramid scheme? There's a distinct Oceania leaning today with 1 pacific Island, 1 NZ and 3 Aussie and a Southern hemisphere question as well. Just remember this though before coming the raw prawn and going off like a big girl's blouse, it is an Australian quiz for Australian people. After all that I'm happy to report 8/10 to farewell the league as we know it. Didn't know NZ or gowf. Guessed Palau. element and song, knew the rest. Good luck and thanks to His Eminence the Card, for all his great work as keeper of the table. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=5673&sectionId=1

5/10, knew 1 (author) half sure of country.

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And on day 5, we have a new league leader! Arabdownunder is currently top of the heap (on goal difference from WRK).. Can't award any trophies yet though, since Frankie S and alang1993 still have to post their score. Down at the bottom, Jacksgranda just needs to score one point (or Jagfox99 has to get a somewhat unlikely minus one point) to avoid bottom spot. 

I shall make the draw for the league / cup around 5pm. That'll give anyone who's not posted a full week of scores to go into the hat for the top league. I was thinking of doing the draw live on P+B chat. If that doesn't secure hundreds of platinum memberships for Div, then nothing will!

  Trophy Cabinet M Tu W Th F TOTAL
Arabdownunder   5 7 9 9 7 37
WhiteRoseKillie 6x© 2x② 6 9 8 6 8 37
Edmund 4x② 8 7 6 7 8 36
eckthearab 5x② 7 8 8 6 6 35
TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsDayman 1x② 6 7 8 6 7 34
The_Kincardine   7 5 7 5 6 30
Frankie S   7 7 9 6   29
Cardinal Richelieu   5 5 8 4 7 29
WILLIEA   4 6 7 5 6 28
welshbairn   7 7 5 4 5 28
Peasy23   4 5 5 7 7 28
alang1993 3x© 7 6 7 7   27
Bully Wee Villa 1x© 5 5 7 5 5 27
Blackislekillie   5 5 6 5 6 27
Ross.   5 6 5 4 5 25
BigBo10   4 4 6 6 4 24
Swarley   5 4 4 4 7 24
Leeds Saint 1x© 2x② 4 9 6 4   23
die hard doonhamer   3 3 5 6 6 23
G_Man1985   3 5 5 4 5 22
Marr1   7 6 6 2   21
Dee_62   4 6 4 2 5 21
Supermik   2 4 4 5 5 20
Jagfox99   5 2 7 5   19
SlipperyP   5 1 4 4 4 18
Jacksgranda   4 2 6 5   17
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